Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1024 Look at the face

In Muggle movies, monsters called zombies often appear, but they are not caused by black magic, but by viruses.

Shooting zombies feels like it should be fun, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people pretending to be zombies.

However, you can't aim at the heart like a living person when you hit a zombie, but you have to aim at the head. I don't know if it will work or not.

Unlike ancient times, modern cities have towering walls, and with cannons and more powerful weapons, cities built with hard work are easily destroyed.

And as long as the roads that deliver vegetables, eggs, meat, and grain from the countryside to the city are cut off, residents in the city will soon face food shortages.

The dead soldiers will soon be summoned by the dark wizard, and the former comrades-in-arms will become enemies, which is also a heavy pressure on the frontline soldiers. If Grindelwald really intends to use Inferi to take over the world, then he does have hope.

Albus had enough reasons to hate Muggles. At first Pomona thought that he chose to betray Grindelwald because he was afraid of the population of Muggles. With the Deathly Hallows, he created an army of ghouls, and the victory was determined by the number. Not necessarily anymore.

Pomona tried to put himself in his shoes, young Albus was brilliant, and he didn't want to be tied down by taking care of his sister and brother.

He wanted revenge, for Arianna, and for his father, the three Muggle kids who had ruined his family.

Albus was so pissed off, a side of him that seldom showed since his hair and beard had turned gray.

However, after the Goblet of Fire final, he finds Mad-Eye's room, his blue eyes breathing fire at the time.

Albus Dumbledore is a world-renowned fire mage, and fire is so hot and difficult to control, unless something goes through.

Arianna's death made him understand the pain of losing a loved one, killing is not a child's play, it will create chaos, sadness, regret and hatred and other consequences.

Just like Albus once said to Draco, "You are not the kind of person who can kill", and Albus is not the kind of person who takes pleasure in killing, and killing is the kind of food led by Voldemort and Bella. The delight of the dead.

The old wand that caused countless killings in the hands of the dark wizard is known for its ruthlessness, and Albus also has a ruthless side, but the old wand in his hand is used to protect people.

What Grindelwald shows is the scene of war. It is long and painful, but many people think it is cool and exciting when it comes to war.

Like the Spanish War of Succession, there are many wars in history that involved a large number of civilians. The civilian men temporarily recruited by the army to reinforce France are different from the noble knights. They fight for food, not for the glory of the king.

They had a warm home and enough food for the winter, but because the warring Germany and France prevented each other from collecting food, they were burned to the ground. For this reason, they had to flee to the Alps and live in tents with air leakage. , obtained food by hunting.

Whether the French or the Germans win, it doesn't matter to these civilians, it's just another person collecting taxes. Soldiers with this mentality cannot win battles.

Only when this matter is directly related to their own interests, these armed civilians will take it seriously.

A black mist suddenly appeared in front of Pomona's eyes. When the mist cleared, a huge stone gate appeared. It was made of granite common in the Alps, and there was a lion's head on the lintel.

The walls on both sides of the stone gate are also made of granite. This kind of stone is hard and dense, high in strength, resistant to weathering, corrosion, and wear, but it is not heat-resistant. There are marks left by fire and shells on the wall. The spider web-shaped pit under it seems that someone is trying to destroy it.

"Hurry up!" A voice urged, and then pushed open the stone door with both hands, and there was a rustling whisper from inside the door, which sounded like a Parseltongue.

The footsteps of the two people echoed in the dark labyrinth. After walking a few steps, they found the human faces on the wall. They looked lifelike, their skin seemed soft, and their eyes were slightly closed, as if they would open at any time.

"Be careful!" The same voice screamed, and then a black figure descended from the sky. After a period of chaos, she heard more screams and the crisp sound of bones being bitten off.

A person with a backpack was crushed to the ground by a monster, blood flowed everywhere, and the human face masks on the walls began to emit black smoke, as if they had come to life all of a sudden.

"Help me! Lyle!" shouted the man attacked by the monster.

But when he heard the voice calling for help, Lyle ran away, and he left the maze along the original path.

He ran so fast that his mouth was filled with the smell of blood, and he couldn't tell whether the smell was contained in the air or produced by his own alveoli.

At this moment, a black mist enveloped the world again, and the air was no longer filled with blood, but filled with the scent of evening primrose and mint.

Pomona opened her eyes, and Severus, who was standing opposite her, opened his eyes and looked at her.

The two of them had just used the mind-receiving spell, which was a way of sharing memories when there was no Pensieve.

"How does it feel?" Severus asked.

"Great," she said sarcastically.

Grindelwald intends to use Yin corpses, and Voldemort intends to use dementors to kill Muggles. Muggles cannot see the existence of dementors, and despair will spread rapidly, forming a hotbed of emotions for the birth of dementors.

This is more hidden than the Inferi. The Inferi are at least "solid", while the Dementors are invisible. How can you use cannonballs to aim at invisible targets?

"Do you think Dumbledore is the kind of person who can't kill?" Severus asked, "Same as Draco?"

"I don't think so." Pomona looked into his eyes. "Why did you beg him not to kill you when he came down to you?"

Severus didn't speak anymore, he stared at her for a long time, then turned and walked to the door of the tent, pulling on his cloak.

"It will take time to solve the mystery of this maze, but the werewolf is preparing to expose the entire magical world through the broadcast of football games these days. The era we live in is different from Grindelwald." Pomona left after he left It was said before that "the pictures on Muggle TV are as moving as our photos."

"I know."

"What's your plan?" Pomona asked. "Tell me, maybe I can help."

"You have done enough, you continue to deal with things here, and you don't have to worry about other things."

"The main star of Leo is named Regulus, and this star is the star of kings, which means the heart of the lion." Voldemort's voice sounded in her mind again, "but in the Middle Ages, it was once considered to be the incarnation of fallen angels, It is one of the fifteen magic stars and the guardian of the southern passage."

She didn't listen to what Voldemort had to say at all.

She watched Severus Apparate away, not knowing where he had gone, she could only guess that he might have to go back to England again.

"After you get the resurrection stone, do you want to form an army of infernal corpses, Tom?"

"You once asked me what I was interested in. Now, I am more interested in solving the puzzles of this maze." Tom Riddle said, "Have you noticed that there is a familiar face on that wall."

"I didn't notice."

"Across from the Gryffindor lounge, there is a portrait in which several people are studying a skeleton, and one of them is him."

"How do you remember this?"

"I don't know, it jumped out just like that." Tom said with emotion, "It's like hitting Newton's apple."

"Then what does that mean?"

"I think these faces are Mungnes's collection, and they are all people who failed the challenge." Tom said after a moment of silence, "If we fail the challenge, the faces will remain on the wall and become one of the guardians of the maze." one."

"What?" Pomona couldn't help covering her face.

"Those are the faces of losers. Why do you think hunters like to hang antlers on the wall so much?" Tom snorted coldly, and then said, "Okay, don't think about those, I need your full attention!"

"Leo's lucky metal is gold, is it that simple?" she said in disbelief.

"Leo symbolizes power, and energy is sobriety. How many people do you think can stay sober in the face of power?" Tom said again, "And Leo people have strong self-esteem, and it is also a kind of showing off to humiliate the loser's mask at the entrance. .”

Pomona really doesn't understand men sometimes.

Is face really that important?

"Besides, the ultimate goal of alchemy is to refine gold. I need more information. Let's go and have a look!"

"No!" Pomona wailed, "I'm going to die alone!"

"Coward!" said Voldemort, furiously.

A coward is a coward, she said frankly.

"I'm going to build a house near here, I can't live in tents all the time."

Voldemort ignored her.

"Or find a comfortable cave." No one paid any attention to her, and she could talk to herself, "It will be very comfortable to live in if you arrange it well."

She finished speaking self-sufficiently, put on the witch hat, hummed a song, called the bodyguard Felix, and together they looked for a new residence on the mountain.

Originally, she planned to build a log cabin, but she didn't plan to do that after seeing Meyer's place.

That place is too dirty to live in. Only animals would want to live in a place like that.

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