Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1023 Transformation Vessel

When Draco was a kid, he used to think that house-elves were bred in Malfoy Manor.

It was common knowledge in the wizarding world that house-elves only lived in old manors and castles and whatnot, the grown-ups said so, and Draco thought so, as did many young wizards.

It is the nature of children to love to imitate. Some people often compare children to adults’ mirrors. Some mirrors are just mirrors. They have no thoughts, but only reflect what people do. own thoughts.

Many Slytherin children have also heard and seen that they discriminate against Muggles and Muggle-born wizards, and it is ingrained in them to think so, just like their parents.

Others are like Draco, he has no idea at all, if someone says to him, "Hey, you can live in peace with Muggles, because there are too many of them, and you can't win with a small number of wizards", he will judge the situation very well. Give up the concept of discrimination against Muggles, and live in peace with them on the surface.

Draco was a spoiled little bastard but not a big bad, at least he wasn't as stubborn as his father and godfather.

Who could have imagined it? The Snape who always followed the school rules to arrest people, put them in confinement and deduct points, also played truant when he was young.

He left in such a hurry that he left his luggage unpacked, including the old Potions textbook that recorded his research while studying, which the house-elf had left in the cellar.

For the young Snape, following Voldemort could realize his ambition, and Voldemort was really a learned teacher.

If it wasn't for his guidance, Pomona and the others wouldn't have progressed so fast.

The drunk actually had a name, his name was Lyle Mayer, and his dead brother was named Luke Mayer.

He has been investigating the tiankeng for decades, and he has explored everything by himself. He has taken many detours and encountered many dead ends, but until now he does not know who the wizard who built this place is, and what is his purpose for building this maze .

He believes that the tiankeng is a "trap" that attracts other people who come to hunt for treasures like him when they hear of treasures, and become food for "pets".

"Don't touch what doesn't belong to you."

This sentence is easy to say but difficult to do. The traps for trapping animals are often filled with their favorite food.

The truffle grove, which has been posted to prohibit people from entering, even if it is marked as private property, there are still Muggles who will not be tempted to jump over the railing and steal a truffle or two from the forest.

"Do you like this house, Kritch?" Pomona asked the house-elf of the Blake family, looking at the log cabin standing in the truffle field.

It had a visibly disgusted expression.

"I'd rather live in a pigsty," said Klicher in a dull voice. "This house certainly doesn't even have a restaurant."

"Dining room?"

"The house is like a human body, the walls are the bones, the pipelines are the blood vessels, and the restaurant is the heart of the house. Klicer presents food to the host in the restaurant, just like sending fresh and nutritious blood to the house. An honor."

"Whoa," Pomona exclaimed. "Is that what you thought?"

"No, my mother told me." Kerry said, "The mission of the house elves is to make the whole house tidy, healthy, full of life and suitable for people to live in. Hogwarts is the same. After the four founders came back Before that, the castle was abandoned for many years, but because of the maintenance of the house elves, it can continue to be used soon, the auditorium is also the restaurant, there is the heart of Hogwarts, and the castle is also alive."

"I hear there are castes among house-elves," Pomona asked.

"Oh, you mean those house-elfs who have been in Hogwarts for generations and later alien elves." Kerry said with a twist of his lips, "Robby who serves you is a Hogwarts ancestor. offspring of elves and outlanders."

"Is he outcast like Dobby?"

"Let's go." Klicer was about to speak when Severus said, and Klicer immediately followed with his short legs.

"Why do the house-elves listen to you, I'm the one who treats them better!" She shouted, waving her fists, but Severus ignored her, so she had to follow suit.

Severus directly raised his wand and broke in. The cabin was still messy and needed a house-elf to sort it out. Kerry followed Severus to the "study" without knowing it. The drunk stood up from the sofa tremblingly, looked at him in horror.

"Have you been drinking?" Severus asked villainously.

"No...no, I'm sober, you see." The drunk pointed to his nose, and Pomona didn't understand what this gesture had to do with being "sober".

Severus pointed his wand at a low table, which transformed into two chairs, the only clean furniture in the dirty, messy cabin, and he sat down condescendingly, as if That's the king's throne.

"Tell me you know, don't make trouble for yourself."

Didn't you use Legilimency on him?

When this sentence came to her lips, Pomona swallowed it again. She pretended she didn't know anything and sat on another chair.

"Yes, sir, I'll tell you everything I know, oh, let me see, where to begin..."

Severus raised his wand, pointing it at the drunk.

"Don't play tricks, Mr. Meyer."

"I... I'm just holding a book."

"which one?"

"The top one."

Severus pointed his wand at it, and the book floated up and came to the two of them. There was a striking mark on the unfolded page, a triangle, a circle and a straight line, which were clearly the name of the Deathly Hallows. The symbol, but this symbol is more complicated. The triangle is composed of two triangles forming a circle, and there is a sword in the middle of the line representing the Elder Wand, piercing an egg.

"It looks familiar, doesn't it?" The drunk took out a necklace from his neck and pointed the necklace at the two of them "Deathly Hallows."

Severus looked at him impassively.

"My brother believes that Gellert Grindelwald was looking for the Deathly Hallows, the Invisibility Cloak, the Resurrection Stone, and the Elder Wand. His purpose was to create an army of Inferi and use them to kill Muggles. However, in the ancient books, This symbol represents another meaning. The triangle outside is not an invisibility cloak, but a universe that converges toward a unified point. The egg represents chaos, and the sword piercing it is Mercury’s. In this way, the original substance can be obtained. There is a genie hidden in the primordial matter, and this genie is called the 'Holy Spirit'."

"You came here after Grindelwald?" Severus asked.

The drunk man was confused, he seemed to be trying to express himself, but he couldn't find the words.

"Alchemists have two sides. One is to focus on chemistry and experiments, and the other is to look for the Holy Spirit." Voldemort in her mind said, "Finding it can complete various transformations of matter. In a sense, the Philosopher's Stone It’s just a person, and what’s imprisoned inside is the Holy Spirit.”

"The holy spirit?" Pomona pointed to the sky.

"Grindelwald has been here, did he take anything?" Severus asked.

"Yes, yes, he took one thing with him." The drunk nodded repeatedly.

"What is it?"

"A skull, look, this place." The drunk turned his head and pointed his finger at his neck. "This place is called the occipital bone. This is the container where the alchemist and the imprisoned elf are connected. Sometimes we Will dream the future, have you ever dreamed?"

"Go on," Severus said grimly.

"To convert the dreams we see into others, we need a converter. In fact, there is some kind of mysterious substance in each of us. Some people think it is a kind of medicine. The wizards of Palodo have studied Use it to treat people, and Grindelwald uses this substance to show his "dream" in front of everyone. He is not only a dark wizard, but also a prophet. He can see what we can't see. s future……"

"But he didn't mention using Inferi to eradicate all Muggles on Earth." Pomona said coldly.

She really couldn't believe that Dumbledore had ever shared the same goals with such an ambitious lunatic.

"How did he get into the maze?" Severus asked.

"The maze? He didn't enter the maze." The drunk said unexpectedly.

"Where did he get that skeleton?" Severus asked.

"This is the purpose of my brother and I coming here. If there was indeed a big war in this place, I believe there will be no shortage of skeletons here."

Severus leaned closer to Pomona and whispered in Pomona's ear, "That skeleton may belong to Mungnes, whose grave Grindelwald dug up."

"Mengnes didn't put his own body in the labyrinth?"

"It was you who said, what was the purpose of Mungnes in building that labyrinth?"

"The order of the Kingdom of Heaven," said Voldemort suddenly.

"What?" Pomona asked.

"I read in that book that seven pieces of metal were found, and each piece was named after a planet, and each piece of metal had to be affixed with the characteristics of the planet in that constellation, the size and size of each piece of metal. About as thick as a Galleon, but not more than a quarter of an ounce of Mercury in each coin, and nothing on the back, put them in the order they are in heaven, and put them in the cauldron , At this time, the crucible will be very dark, after adding seven kinds of blessed stones, a fire will emerge from the crucible, and the hearth will be brighter than the sun at this time."

"So we just need to put the seven pieces of metal in the maze in the order of the kingdom of heaven?"

"The question is which seven metals, which seven constellations, and which seven planets." Voldemort said. "How many stars are there in the sky?"

"Merlin's beard." She murmured, "No wonder no one has solved this mystery for so many years."

"Even including Gellert Grindelwald." Voldemort smiled contemptuously. "Maybe he doesn't even know this mystery, at best he is just a liar who is good at deceiving people."

Pomona declined to comment.

Grindelwald also called Voldemort a "boy", and mortals should not intervene in the contest between the old devils.

Sixty-six of Hufflepuff's rules, learn to read people's faces, even if only a little.

Don't get close to some dangers. After all, people can only live once. It would be too bad to lose their lives like Quirrell.

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