Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1007 Happy Day

After receiving the admission letter from Hogwarts, each little wizard will purchase the supplies and books needed for the new school year according to the list in the appendix, and the new students have specifically indicated that they want to buy a wand.

When Maggie was visiting the Dursleys, she had asked where Harry was studying, and Fernon had lied that he was at Stonewall Public School.

It was a school for troubled teenagers. In fact, it was not much better than a prison. There were fenced windows, locked gates, and the "teachers" inside didn't understand the psychology of minors. Instead, they believed that these children were sent here Come to receive the "lesson".

There is no playground in the school but there is a confinement room. A group of unsupervised, neglected and bad-behavior teenagers are mixed together, often skipping classes and wandering on the street.

At the beginning of the 20th century, out of the consideration of "national parental rights", the juvenile courts took education, probation, and rescue as the guidelines, sent those problematic juveniles to reformatory schools, and asked the school supervisor to perform the duty of discipline on behalf of those incompetent parents.

It was inevitable that these boys who skipped classes would be caught and given corporal punishment. It got better in the 1950s. They could not be punished physically, but they could be put in confinement. Reducing the amount of bread and milk was also one of the means of punishment.

Felix said that he knew that the little wizards who were on vacation had magical powers. The problem was that little wizards had traces of control behavior during the holidays. Once they used magic, the Ministry of Magic would find out immediately. Harry even almost resisted because of using the Patronus Charm. Dementors are expelled.

Jan Felix's nationality is not British. He was supposed to go to a Russian magic school, but he was awakened in England.

His name can be sensed in the Hogwarts book that records gifted children all over the UK, and the owl also sent him the admission letter.

Felix didn't know this rule when he didn't go to a magic school. Also because he didn't have traces, he wouldn't be controlled when using magic. He thought that other little wizards were the same as him and could use magic outside of school.

But rather than thinking that he was lying, Pomona was more willing to believe that he saw a magic toy played by the students on vacation, although logically speaking, this kid was good enough to go to Stonewall Middle School to learn a lesson.

After waiting for him to finish eating the cake, Pomona took him to Diagon Alley and bought everything he wanted, and even bought a Hogwarts school robe at Madam Malkin's robe shop. After that, he was the same as an ordinary magic school student, except that he didn't buy a wand.

Credence became more destructive after acquiring the wand, and he became a very powerful subordinate of Grindelwald.

Be careful with this kid, he's no ordinary kid.

But when she saw him wearing the new robe and looking happy like an ordinary boy, Pomona's heart softened again.

After shopping in Diagon Alley, she took him to a haircut, bought clothes worn by rich kids, and changed him from inside to outside. At least on the outside, he was a kid from a rich family. .

They were all shopping all afternoon, and the time passed quickly. After shopping in Diagon Alley, Pomona went to the Leaky Cauldron to pick up the things Neville had prepared for her. Hannah saw an extra The wizard kid looked weird, because ordinary students should be in boarding schools at this time, but she didn't say anything about it.

It was just that when Pomona left, she said "be careful".

The condemned prisoner still had a feast before he died. Thinking about it this way, spending the afternoon made her feel better. What's more, these Muggle clothes are necessary, and it is the least likely to be suspected by pretending to be a family of three.

By the time they returned to the South Kensington apartment, Lucius had left and Severus was busy in his laboratory.

Pomona asked Klicer to tidy up the guest room prepared by Klicer, and he took the gifts back to his room to continue admiring them. Pomona prepared a sumptuous dinner with Klicer’s help. .

Today's main course is Grilled London Loin Steak.

There is no such piece of meat on the cow. This dish actually uses the bottom of the beef ham, the ham and the flank steak. The reason why this dish is called this is because of the way it is sliced. The knife cuts against the muscle fibers so as not to damage the chewiness of the meat.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Kerry was at the front of the house-elves with a meat cleaver, and he was proficient at cutting meat with a knife, while Pomona roasted mushrooms and served them with sauce.

She also prepared roast turkey, seafood salad, sausage, kidney pie, mashed potatoes, onion soup, roast potatoes, garlic bread and marmalade pudding, Italian ice cream.

After eating seafood for a while, the dishes are indeed a bit greasy now, no wonder Furong complains.

The food at Hogwarts was like this, with a lot of meat. Although Hufflepuff advocated the protection of magical animals, he was not a vegetarian. The poultry he raised were not peacocks for viewing, but of course they were for eating.

After this meal, they will go to Italy tomorrow to continue their investigation, and they don't know when the next time they will be able to eat such a big meal.

So she deliberately made some more and kept them in her bag. When she was hungry, she could take them out and heat them up to eat.

Moreover, she ordered a lot of pig blood from the butcher, and she will pick it up tomorrow morning. Vampires don't just drink human blood, animal blood can also be used. Maybe it can be used to save lives at critical moments.

Soon it was getting dark and the day was over.

Felix had a great time with strangers even on the first day, but he didn't even know their real names, just as Pomona wondered if he was lying.

"Do you like this kid?" Severus asked after closing the door after returning to his room.

Klitsch was guarding Felix's door, and she had given it the task of keeping an eye on the kid.

"No." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Pomona said exhaustedly, "I still wonder if he was ordered to attack Diagon Alley."

"Like a little snake." Severus sat beside her and put a mint in his mouth. "Which house do you think he'll be sorted into?"

"If he's not a Muggleborn, he must be a Slytherin."

"But Slytherin doesn't accept Muggleborn students." Severus smiled strangely. "I guess he will say that he is half-blood when he introduces himself."

"Maybe Ravenclaw," she said whimsically.

"Doesn't Hufflepuff accept all kinds of students?"

"I don't know." Pomona shook her head. "I just don't want him in my academy."

"You can accept Neville Longbottom to your house party."

"He wanted to be in Hufflepuff, but the Sorting Hat must have put him in Gryffindor."

It was strange that a boy from the Outer Court appeared in Hufflepuff's lounge, a group of yellow robes mixed with a red.

But Neville was just as normal in the Hufflepuff lounge as he was in the red Gryffindor lounge.

"You know, Slytherins have parties too." Severus scratched her palm with his finger, and she pulled it back because it was too itchy.

"I know, Slughorn's Slug Club." She moved aside, trying to keep a safe distance from him.

"Not that party." He looked at her maliciously. "Draco is spoiled, but there are many girls who like it. Polly Chapman once invited him to join him, but he refused."

"Platinum Malfoys are both handsome and beautiful," said Pomona uneasily.

Not only Malfoy, but the Black family is also beautiful and handsome. It is difficult for such a family combination to produce ugly children.

"If I invite you to a party, will you come?"

"Isn't that a party inside your academy?"

"It's a party inside the academy, but as long as you're pure blood, you can join."

"I'm a hybrid!" She pointed to her hair. "Human and Veela hybrid!"

"I know." He said glibly, "So far, no male hybrid Veela has appeared. You were born to hunt human males."

"Don't say that!" She frowned in displeasure. "I don't want to do that."

"Vela is born with the ability to make men obsessed with it, why don't you use it?"

"I don't like it." She clutched her collar uncomfortably, "Don't lean in!"

He obediently complied, and even stood up.

"How about dancing with me?" he asked, holding out his hand to her.

"What are you doing again..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was pulled up.

"Dancing with a veela will bring bad luck." She said in a dying struggle.

"I didn't see anything wrong with the kid dancing with Fleur." Severus led her to dance slowly. "Besides, I think it's worth it."

"Did the one downstairs play the piano today?" Pomona asked, hoping to have some musical accompaniment while dancing.

"The new neighbors thought it was too loud, so she stopped playing."

Pomona felt that it was a pity that such a beautiful piano sound had stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Severus began humming softly, his breath tinged with peppermint, reminding her of the Christmas party the year of the Triwizard Tournament.

She stared into his dark eyes as if obsessed, and watched his face get closer and closer until the soft lips that seemed to be as sharp as a blade were on hers.

In fact, according to the classification, mixed-race Veela should be regarded as half-orcs, but they can accept vampires like Xueni, and it seems that they can also accept mixed-race Veela.

If a pure-blood noble turned into a werewolf, Bella would describe it as a stinking scavenger, too.

Slytherins are not intolerant, as long as they think they are in the same group, they will be very defensive.

They love to abuse magic but not love, and perhaps that is why their love is so deep, and requires an equally deep understanding to feel it.

Albus locked up Grindelwald, who understood him perfectly.

It's no wonder that he always misses the old lunatic so much that he has no mood to pay attention to Tom Riddle, who is also full of bad deeds at a young age.

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