Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1008 The Long Road

Mills met an "acquaintance" downstairs in Anthony's studio.

It wasn't that the two of them knew each other, but that they had been frequently seen in the media recently. Although she had been disguised, he still recognized her.

When Reagan was young, he worked as a young actor in Hollywood. During this period, he spent time with more than 50 Hollywood actresses, including Marilyn Monroe, Joan Blondell and Lana Turner.

But these things happened before he was elected president, and the gossip heroine in front of him had a scandal with a member of Congress, but neither party admitted it, and even said that it was fake news fabricated by the media.

Mills looked at her back, then looked up at the window of Anthony's office, as if he understood something.

He took the elevator up in silence, greeted Anthony's personal assistant, and entered the consultation room. There was still a strong smell of perfume in it, which was the same scent that the actress used just now.

"How did you sleep last night, doctor?" Mills took out another piece of nicotine gum and chewed it in his mouth.

"Not bad." Anthony said while sorting out the files.

"You didn't stay up late?"

"Why do I stay up late?"

"You know, Angela Warren's body..."

"I didn't dissect her." Anthony said flatly, as if saying that the weather was nice today, "I buried another girl."

"What?" Mills' eyes widened in surprise.

"I brought up some DNA samples from her and got a private lab to test them, but I didn't dissect her." Anthony looked up at Mills. Medieval doctors."

"Okay, what's the result?"

"In general, she is no different from normal people, but she has six breasts, which may be a rare atavistic phenomenon." Dr. Anthony said conservatively, "or her deformation is not complete."

"Because she turned into a cat?"

"Mammals have sperm, cats have three to four pairs, and humans only have one pair. She is not the only one who has this atavistic phenomenon. It is still uncertain that she has really become a cat leopard."

Mills spread his hands.

"How's the Mandala investigation going?" Anthony asked.

"Not bad." Mills said perfunctorily. "I met a woman, and she said that I was haunted by ghosts."

"Then what do you think?"

"I slept so well yesterday that I didn't even have a dream."

"I mean the woman, what do you think?"

"What else? I don't know her."

"You know, I'm going to keep it a secret for you, and you can tell me how you really feel."

"You're going to talk about Freud again." Mills rolled his eyes. "But I'm really not in that mood. I'm a human, not an animal!"

"Then why did you come to see me today?"

"How is your investigation going? By the way, come to your place for breakfast. Do you have anything to eat here?"

Anthony stared at Mills for a moment.

"You want to eat in the consulting room?"

"You can read minds?"

Anthony shook his head, put the portfolio in the desk drawer, and then went to his living area.

While he was leaving, Mills immediately ran to the desk and flipped through the file just now. It was indeed a record of psychological treatment. He read it quickly at a glance, and he heard Anthony's footsteps after a while. He immediately restored the file to its original state, and then Admire the room as if nothing happened.

"Scrambled eggs with sausages and freshly squeezed juice." Anthony put the food on the desk.

"You didn't cook dark dishes this time?" Mills said in surprise.

"I used blood sausage."

"I take it back, you are an evil cook!"

"The British call this blood sausage black pudding, try it, it's delicious."

Mills looked at the food on the white porcelain plate, which made people's index finger move.

"No, thanks." Mills shook his head.

"Is it because you don't want to, or is this the Lord's commandment?"

"I don't like these dishes you cook, do you mean it?"

Anthony smiled.

"Are you messing with me?"

"I think it's a joke."

"But I don't find it funny."

"you can tell me."

"I told you, can you cook normal dishes?"

"As I said before, cruelty is a gift from humans. Do you know how French foie gras is made?"

"You find it funny because you torture me?"

"Just like the Seven Deadly Sins Killer and other serial killers, the process of torture brings them joy, so they enjoy it." Anthony took the fork and ate the plate of scrambled eggs by himself "They will not stop, only Death and prison will stop them."

"You want to join the FBI?"

"I'm more of a consultant, I'm not for organizational life."

Mills hesitated, stared at Anthony and asked, "Doctor, if there was a shortcut and a winding road in front of you, which one would you choose?"

Anthony stares at Mills, too.

"Shortcuts will get you to your goal quickly, but they will cost you something. The tortuous road is difficult, but you will get what you want in the end. Which one will you choose?"


Joseph lay on the bed in the monastery, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

The Prince's Monastery is deep in the mountains, and there is really no entertainment. It seems that there is no other choice except to get up early.

But he sat up anyway, went to the desk, lit a candle, and began to read the notes Baducci had given him.

Richard's case is impressive, but it can only seduce people who don't know it. In the eyes of people who know it, it can be easily seen through.

Demons do exist, and they are not the kind he encountered before. Next time he goes to Albania, if he is still like this, in Baducci's words, he will definitely die.

Montenegro is already a neighboring country of Albania, he does not have much time, and he must improve his strength as soon as possible in a short period of time.

Although fate is always unkind to him, time will not stop because of his bad luck.

The most important thing in life is not ability, but opportunity, but if opportunity comes, lack of ability, opportunity will slip away.

In Baducci's notes, the shape of the pillars built by "Simon the Pillar" was described. It is said that Simon in Syria lived on the top of the pillars for thirty years until his death. He built several pillars, one Longer than one, his last pillar was sixty feet high, with a capital of only four feet square, and there were many capital-capped saints in Syria from the fifth to the twelfth centuries.

This kind of monasticism was common in the Middle Ages, but Joseph didn't really want to practice it this way.

The reason why the monastery is called a monastery is precisely because of Antony of Thebes. At that time, many people followed him. A large group of people lived in a big house and gradually evolved into a monastery. In the monastery, each monk has his own small room, just like Like where Joseph lives now.

"Anyway, no one saw it." Joseph muttered, and began to pose according to the pose in the notes...

Monasticism was very popular in the Middle Ages, and the Benedictines coordinated the gap between the monastery and the church, and the use of clocks contributed a lot

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