Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1006 Tough Questions

Walburga once said that Kritch was the best house-elf, but Jan Felix had never eaten anything good, and he devoured even simple cream cakes.

His childish face covered with cream is very cute, but his gray-blue eyes are not as clear as those of ordinary 13-year-old children, and a thick darkness fills his eyes. Pomona doesn't know that is silence It was caused by other reasons.

Men will do everything possible to get rid of the fate of poverty, and women will be like Irene Prince and Molly Weasley, willing to suffer because of love, and follow their husbands to places like Spider's End Alley and The Burrow Life.

On the Hogwarts Express, lunch was all sweets sold on the trolley, so Pomona didn't stop him from eating sweets for lunch.

But for dinner, she planned to prepare more, just like the start-of-term banquet, but unfortunately the Sorting Hat was not here, and she really wanted to know which house this Muggleborn would be sorted into.

"Aren't you afraid of snakes?" she asked sitting opposite him.

"I've seen something scarier than a snake." Felix said without raising his head, "Besides, there must be something scarier than a snake where you are taking me. You don't need to bring a coward as a burden."

Pomona's ladylike kindness reappears.

"When I was ten years old, I suddenly realized that I didn't have to touch things, they could fly in the air. I just wanted to eat cereal that day, but I couldn't reach it, and then it flew into my hand. My mother was terrified. Now, she said don't make a big splash, or the immigration people will kick us out." Felix continued, "If you want to ask me why I am a 'freak', this is why .”

"I wasn't going to ask."

"You will definitely ask." Felix stared at Pomona "The wizard said that I used the flying spell and the floating spell, and my strength is even better than some wizards, and I can still go to the magic school in the future ?"

"I don't know, Mr. Young, I'll ask the principal."

"I just entered school two years late...Is it because of money?"

Pomona didn't know how to answer.

"Why did you attack Diagon Alley?" She thought for a long time, only thinking of this excuse.

Felix said nothing.

"Someone instructed you to do that?"

"No one, I think it's very unfair, why can other people go to the magic school?"


"I heard children my age say at the door of the bar that after the holidays, they will go to the best wizarding school in Europe. They have magical powers just like me."

Pomona just remembered that when Felix attacked Diagon Alley, it was the Christmas holiday, and many students would go to the Weasley's trick shop in Diagon Alley to buy some magic toys. She thought it was someone colluding with werewolves Create chaos.

"I was furious and then...then I lost control."

"Was that the first time you used that power?" Pomona asked.


"Is anyone hurt?"


"Your power is very powerful, even for adults it is dangerous, there are minors in school, even children younger than you, before I find you and won't hurt others, I think I Not sure if you can go to Hogwarts, have you heard of Queen Maeve?"

Felix shook his head.

"Before Hogwarts was founded, she was in charge of training young wizards. The two of us can teach you."

"What can you teach me?"

Pomona took a piece of paper, folded it into a bird, and blew on it, and it flew around the kitchen as if alive.

Felix stared at it intently, looking like a thirteen-year-old now.

"You know what kind of creature Obscurity is classified as?" asked the Voldemort in her head.

"I know." Pomona thought silently in her heart, "It is a non-existent creature."

Non-existent creatures are a category of magical beings that transcend life and death and are able to fly without physical assistance, such as boggarts, dementors, and poltergeists.

Peeves in Hogwarts was originally regarded as a poltergeist, but the poltergeists never really lived. They often breed in buildings or move in from other places. Peeves used to be The living person, who later becomes a ghost, gradually has a physical body, so he can no longer belong to the "non-existent" creature.

Obscurity can also fly, and usually it would disappear together after the death of the Obscure, but Newt Scamander successfully separated Obscurity from a host after its death and preserved it in a magical energy field. Since then, Moran can be understood as a non-existent creature that is neither born nor dead, similar to a dementor.

This has not become popularized knowledge printed in books, or any academic papers, which is one of the research topics in the exploration stage like time travel.

Boggarts can also fly, but using a magic circle can trap it, which is very suitable for children to practice and overcome their fears.

This time, there are blood-sucking bugbears at the bottom of the sinkhole they are going to.

When the Chamber of Secrets incident occurred in 1992, a large number of roosters died, and Hagrid believed that it was the work of foxes or vampires.

A vampire is also a non-existent creature between a bugbear and a dementor.

Both boggarts and dementors feed on human emotions, while vampires feed on blood.

Boggarts have no fixed form, both dementors and vampires, it looks like a piece of black cloth, at first glance it looks similar to dementors, but vampires do not cause hypothermia, and are not effective against vampires They need to be guarded by the gods, and they can be driven away with simple spells, such as locking the tongue and sealing the throat. The key is that there are a lot of vampires in the tiankeng, and there are not only vampires in it.

Boggarts are very interesting for wizarding children, but not so for Muggles. Lupine's mother Hope was attacked by Boggarts, but fortunately Lupine's father Lyall rescued him.

Ghouls are not a threat to wizards enough. They usually eat insects such as moths in wizarding families, but Muggles will be attacked when they encounter one. On the European train, Pomona encountered a color-changing corpse. Ghost, it almost attacked a wizard's Muggle mother.

The red hat is also very easy to deal with. Muggles are also dangerous if they touch it, even the guardian of the gods. If the number of dementors exceeds the power that the patron saint can defend, the patron saint will also be eaten by the dementors. Summon the patron saint The wizards in the house were also doomed, and a single vampire wasn't that big of a deal, as Pomona and Severus couldn't be sure they would be able to deal with them in groups.

It is impossible for non-existent creatures to be truly destroyed, and they can come back to continue attacking after being driven away.

And when the wizard's magic power will be exhausted, vampires like boggarts like dark places. It is said that there is only a little light at the bottom of the sinkhole even in the daytime, which means that the maze of masks is likely to be vampires Perhaps only Moran, who may also be "non-existent", can deal with them.

Muggles once sent troops inside to kill the hybrid offspring of the five-legged monster and the leopard, and perhaps wizards also assisted in it. The place is actually an ancient battlefield, but few people know about it.

This army is not necessarily a regular army, it may be mercenaries. After all, in the Middle Ages, the Alps were full of mercenaries, and Sforza, the Duke of Milan and Da Vinci's patron, was one of them.

This unrecorded battle may only leave legends, and the final result is that the castle was burned, and the person who set the fire left an engraving on the wall saying "the devil is dead" before leaving, because the ancient wizard set Not only is the broomstick forbidden, but even non-existent creatures cannot fly out of the tiankeng, and Death Eaters probably cannot fly with the flying technique.

"When you come to the end of the light, step into the unknown darkness, there are two situations, either you can't find a stable foothold, or you learn to fly." Voldemort said with a sigh, "He needs training, my queen."

Pomona ignored him.

She kept thinking about those human skin masks.

There are too few clues, and the people of Palo do not intend to cooperate. Maybe we can go to the nearby Muggle village to see.

Muggle towns still have inns where they can live. It’s not the Middle Ages now. They shouldn’t be assassinated in the inn like the eldest of the three brothers in the fairy tale who holds the Elder Wand.

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