Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1003 “Love Crime”

There are two things in this world that should not be turned back, one is fear and the other is love, no matter which one is entangled, it will make people feel painful, and moving forward is a relatively easy way to live.

This is the way of life chosen by the vast majority of people in this world.

British wizards actually have godfathers. Pure blood attributes this custom to tradition, or it may be a means for wizards to hide among Muggles.

Other Muggle-born wizards didn't feel this kind of weirdness at all, and they had forgotten about the witch hunting in the Middle Ages.

Pomona was originally prejudiced against the church. This trip to Europe gave her a lot of insight. At least the church tried to distinguish who was falsely accused like Kepler's mother.

It's as difficult as distinguishing a Remus Lupine-like from a Fenrir-like from a werewolf.

Remus left Tonks for her own good, but the silly girl insisted on waiting for him. After giving birth, Remus was still worried that Teddy would be said to have a werewolf father.

Pomona stood between 11 and 13 Grimmauld Place, and 12, which was supposed to be here, disappeared, as if it had never existed, but she knew it was there, and someone might even be passing by Looking out of the window.

Black's old house was now protected by the Fidelity Charm, she could no longer go in like before, and besides, Severus wanted her to stay away from this old house.

The reason why she appeared here was entirely to give Teddy a gift.

Harry didn't have a birthday present at Petunia's house, not even a birthday cake. Teddy at least had Harry as his godfather, and Andromeda, who had a much better way of "getting away from everything" than Harry.

When the Great War was over, it was such a relief to "get away from it all" and live in seclusion in the wilderness, and if Minerva asked Pomona that question now, she would surely agree with Albus.

Harry had also run away from home before, and if he was considered a troubled boy who ran away from home, then Minerva's worries had come true.

With no parents, no godparents, no aunts, uncles, or even teachers to guide him, Harry has to take on the responsibility of the Director of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Magic. Perhaps the only person he can trust is Arthur Weasley.

It is irresponsible to entrust such a heavy responsibility to a young man. Harry's dream is to become an Auror, but the wizards hope that he can become the Minister of Magic.

Kingsley is not Fudge who is incompetent, he just encountered a group of disobedient "bad dogs". To deal with these people, black wizards need ruthless means, only in this way can they be deterred.

The mysterious man came back. At the beginning, no one believed it. It is common sense that people cannot be resurrected after death, and even magic cannot do it.

But he came back, since he can come back once, why can't he come back twice or three times?

The only thing that can determine whether he really came back is the Dark Mark. As long as these marked people are "useful", the Ministry of Magic will not kill them all, and the discrimination against people with the Dark Mark can stop, Germany Laco's life will not be gloomy forever, and the werewolf is still difficult to turn over.

Giving Teddy Lupine a gift when she knew it felt hypocritical, but Pomona really didn't know what to do.

No matter how far away from everything, there will be a day when Harry will return to the wizarding world, Pomona will return from hermitage, and Teddy will hear the words "your father is a werewolf" one day.

Hufflepuff had been discriminated against for many years, and it was not easy for Cedric to become the light of the academy. As a result, he died at a young age.

He's a pureblood, Tom Riddle, did you know his blood when you did it?

Can a person tell from his appearance whether he is a pureblood or a Muggleborn?

"There's a saying," said Voldemort in her head, "When you've come to the end of the light, into the unknown darkness, you'll either find yourself on a stable footing, or you'll learn to fly. "

"I'm tired, Tom," she said wearily. "What are you going to do to let us go?"

"Let's go back in time and follow Harry Potter." Voldemort said, "When he loses the Resurrection Stone, you will hide it."

Pomona was wide awake.

"What do you want to do?"

"Experiment, whether using the resurrection stone can bring people back to life." Voldemort sighed, "My original body should still be there."


"You want to say that no one wants me to come back to life?" Voldemort said as if prophetic.

"I'd rather..."

"I don't think Severus will agree." Voldemort cut her off. "The editor, I forgot his name, is a dissenter. He really wants to resurrect his wife Pandora, so he studies the Deathly Hallows." , if you die, he will find a way to revive you, and he will do it if you don't."

"He wouldn't do that."

"He will, he's good at acting, but I know he's not pretending this time. He's not like an old fool, he can't live off a Pensieve and memories, I'm in control of his 'life' and this time he doesn't You can't betray me anymore." A gust of wind blew up, like a gentle hand stroking her cheek, "You hid really deep, but I still found you."

She was shaking all over, almost screaming.

Then the spell Silencio came to her mind.

This spell is not to make people walk silently, but to make people speechless. Students in the fifth grade must learn it. Feliwei will let the students practice on bullfrogs in class.

During the tryst, she was able to yell not because he cast a spell on the outside, but because he silenced her so no one could hear her.

If she hadn't gone to him that night, as he said, it would be too late to leave now, but she would have chosen to stay and be a fool like Tonks.

"In a world full of violence, a kind person is not a mutant. Regardless of gender, this person knows how to maximize our evolutionary potential. Lily can't do what you can." Voldemort said calmly, "You changed him." life."

"I'm not as good as you think..."

"You told him to become stronger so that no one can bully him, but Lily condemned him and abandoned him. When you mention black magic, you only think of evil and disgust, but you use it reasonably..."

"Stop talking." She covered her ears, hoping that this would silence the voice in her head.

"Guess, will werewolves believe in rumors?" Voldemort sighed in admiration, "Look at what kind of good students the White Wizard has taught."

"That's not what he taught me."

She remembered the Werewolf Rehabilitation Program, which was what Albus hoped to keep going.

"I want to make the world a better place," she said, shaking, this feeling of having a voice in her head sucks.

"I know, you are different from Ginny." Voldemort said with a sneer, "You are just worried that you will hallucinate and become crazy."

"Isn't that something everyone with a voice in their head should worry about?"

"Do you know what Ginny is thinking?"

"how could I know?"

"When she found a voice in her head, she didn't discuss it with me calmly like you, but tried every means to drive me away."

Only then did Pomona remember that Voldemort wasn't completely possessed when he controlled Ginny, and Ginny had a diary beside her.

"There's no such thing," said Voldemort coldly. "Severus searched you all over."

Her face was instantly red and hot.

"Just like the movie said, I gave you a reason you couldn't refuse, and I gave you time to think about it, but I don't accept a negative answer, don't let the matter get to that point, Hufflepuff's courtyard is not to let the contradiction Upgrade?"

If her death could prevent more tragedies, she would have gone, but she looked at the Muggle apartment in front of her, which was no different from Black's old house, and Severus had been drinking a lot.

She didn't want him to rot like a drunk.

Perhaps, his death like that is the best ending...

"I will resurrect him." Voldemort said slowly, "Even without you, I can possess someone else, and then let him watch you die. This is his punishment for betraying me."

The sweetheart who said to pay attention to the resurrection stone in the comments, you guessed it, it's such a fat thing

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