"Albus said it would be better for the boy to grow up away from all of this," Minerva said in the Three Broomsticks, drinking Canyon Springs water. "But I don't think that's necessarily a good idea."

"Petunia is Lily's sister, and they are related to Harry." Pomona said listlessly, taking a long gulp of butterbeer.

"They are the worst Muggles I have ever seen. I don't think Harry will be treated well in their family. Growing up in such a bad environment, what if he becomes a problem boy in the future."

Pomona ignored Minerva.

Although Petunia is jealous of Lily, she is generally a good girl. Could it be that she can still abuse Harry Potter, her own nephew?

"You should trust Albus."

"I wish I could, but you know what a problem children can be when they grow up in an environment that lacks kindness." Minerva drank the wine in her glass in one gulp and asked the landlady to refill herself.

Pomona can't remember which book it's in, but it goes something like this, good intentions may be trivial, but they have amazing power to change us, more powerful than any technology.

"We're living in an ice age," Pomona murmured.

This kind of cold does not refer to the temperature, but the indifference between people, which began almost in the industrial revolution and has continued until now, making the world today fragmented and shallow.

"What?" Minerva didn't seem to hear clearly.

"Nothing." Pomona took a sip of her butterbeer, not wanting to dwell on the subject.

Minerva would be serious when she got serious, and the two of them came out today for fun, and she didn't want to spoil the fun.

"Would you get drunk with this non-alcoholic drink?" Minerva complained. "Which house do you think Harry will enter in the future?"

"It's definitely not my house." Pomona smiled resolutely. "I guess it's probably Gryffindor."

"Because his parents were both Gryffindors?"

"Part of it." Pomona took another sip of her wine, "and also because Gryffindor is the best house in Hogwarts."

"Oh." Minerva was a little flattered, "You don't need to compliment me."

"This is not a compliment, but a fact." Pomona said with a sweet smile without blinking her eyes.

Hufflepuff is known to be the least aggressive of the good old folks, bottom of Quidditch, house cups and final exams, Slytherin became notorious after Voldemort and so many Death Eaters, And Ravenclaw would be wise not to compete with the house the headmaster attended.

So Gryffindor isn't the best house, which one is?

The door of the bar was opened again, and the doorbell made a crisp and pleasant sound, and the noisy voice behind the two suddenly became quiet.

Pomona and Minerva involuntarily looked towards the door. The person who came was completely dark, with snow still falling on his shoulders. His black eyes quickly scanned the people in the bar, and finally landed on the two of them.

Pomona still remembers the scene of taking the newborn Snotlite to Broomstick 38 to celebrate his birthday. At that time, he and Lily each had a glass of butterbeer. It was the first time for both of them to drink this kind of wizard drink. There are white mustaches on the lips.

How cute they both looked then.

It was difficult for her to connect the intimidating wizard in front of her with the "innocent and lovely" Slytherin freshman.

She turned away involuntarily and took a long gulp of her drink.

The butter beer with ginger juice is delicious, but the ginger juice has settled down, and the spicy taste made her almost choke herself to death after drinking it in one sip.

Coughing was nothing in a noisy bar, but it became the only sound at this quiet moment, or the only sound, she could hear a footstep getting closer to her.

"I heard that he has been eating at Hogsmeade recently. You haven't reconciled yet?" Minerva asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"I don't want to talk about that," Pomona said tearfully, her lungs coughing up.

Just as Pomona finished speaking, the youngest headmaster in the history of Hogwarts recently squeezed out her mentor. The 22-year-old Severus Snape was sitting next to her, and everyone around her was staring at him. Looking at him, those eyes looked like the Dark Mark was on his forehead.

"What would you like?" asked the beautiful Mrs. Rostamo.

"No, thank you." He turned his eyes to the two of them calmly, "I have a task."

"What mission?" asked a drinker, "Getting information for your master?"

Severus ignored him, and the man stood up angrily, feeling neglected.

"Principal Dumbledore made it very clear at the trial that Professor Snape is serving us, and he is still working at Hogwarts. His mission was also given by Albus Dumbledore, the chief mage of the Wizengamot !" Minerva stared at the standing drinker with a straight face. "Do you have any questions, Mr. Brian Cooper?"

The good thing about teaching at Hogwarts is that all the younger wizards in the Three Broomsticks are students of Minerva McGonagall.

Brian Cooper sat back in his seat resentfully as if he had been called in class, and soon the tavern resumed its noise.

"What did Albus ask you to do?" Pomona asked Severus, turning her face.

He pursed his lips and smirked, dragged his tone, and said slowly, "White Wizard asked me to watch over you, don't get drunk and find your way back to school."

"You should call him Headmaster," Minerva corrected.

"I think the name 'White Wizard' is more suitable for him. There are many principals in this world, but he is the only one who is qualified to be called the White Wizard."

"He invented butterbeer, too," Madame Rostamo said now. "He's such an old fellow with a sweet tooth."

Pomona glanced at her glass. It was precisely because she knew that Minerva wanted to drink two more glasses that she didn't drink any alcoholic beverages. It was not completely safe to go back through the path through the Forbidden Forest, but it was not possible to drink two more drinks. Everyone is drunk.

Then, unexpectedly, she met Severus' eyes.

She quickly turned her eyes to look elsewhere, hiding her unease by appearing to be drinking.

Then she realized that her hands were shaking.

What's wrong with you, is it necessary to be so nervous when you see the snot-nosed man?

She glared at her hand angrily, put the wine glass on the bar with a "bang" angrily, and asked the proprietress to give herself another glass of butter beer.

In the end, she didn't know where to make him laugh.

"Why don't you have some grown-up drinks?"

"What does it have to do with you!" She arched her back like a cat whose hair has exploded.

She would never let him see her drunk, and a good girl shouldn't get drunk in public, especially in front of strange men.

It's only been a few years, and the snot-nosed man has become unknown to her.

She couldn't help but think of what McKinnon said, what did she see in him?

Who the hell would be interested in an ugly bastard with a hooked nose and greasy hair and a morose, awkward personality.


The doorbell rang again behind her, and Pomona, who was sitting in her old seat at the bar, turned her head away. The people who came in were Neville Longbottom and Hannah Albert. Hannah didn't seem very happy, see In Pomona, she was not the same as she was when she was a child, happily calling for the dean.

She left without saying goodbye for almost a month. Of course she was angry, but Pomona was in a hurry when she left, and she didn't have so much time to say hello to the people she knew.

Instead of butterbeer, she gave them both a glass of mead, since they were both adults now.

"Professor, you..."

"I have a task for you." Pomona interrupted Neville and said, "Sit down."

Neville didn't say anything, and sat down where Severus had been before, and Hannah took the seat furthest away from her.

Pomona cast a blind ear on the surroundings, and then said, "Do you still remember what Harry said about the Horcrux?"

"Yes." Neville nodded solemnly.

"What about you, Hannah?"

"Haven't all the Horcruxes been destroyed?" Hannah frowned.

"In addition, Harry only has seven Horcruxes. If the mysterious person knew that Harry was a Horcrux, he would not have killed Harry with the Avada Kedavra, because he did not know that Harry was a Horcrux. He only made six Horcruxes in his memory, and when he came back, he used the murder of Cedric Diggory to make another Horcrux."

Neville looked normal after hearing it, but Hannah turned pale with fright, as if it was the first time she heard about it.

Pomona recalled, she didn't tell Hannah about it, but Neville and Justin both knew, didn't they tell her?

To maintain Quirrell's health, he drank the blood of the unicorn in the Forbidden Forest, and then killed the male unicorn Cedric, which sounds like a coincidence.

"Your evidence..."

"I don't need evidence. You just need to spread the rumor, and the mysterious man will come back, so that the elves and werewolves won't dare to mess around like this again." Pomona interrupted Hannah again.

It's nothing more than a repeat of what happened in the Shrieking House, but this time the people who spread the rumors have changed.

"You could go to the Leaky Cauldron, why should you have an appointment with the Three Broomsticks?" Hannah asked.

"Neville has to go back to school later, and I need you to bring some things here." Pomona handed Neville a list, "Give it to Hannah, and I will arrive at the Leaky Cauldron later. Pick it up from the bar."

"What use are you for?" Neville asked, taking the parchment.

"Just do it," Pomona said and stood up.

"Who do you think we are, your subordinates?" Hannah muttered angrily.

"I thought you were members of the DA," Pomona said indifferently, "and I don't have time to gossip like you silly girls."

Hannah was livid with anger.

Pomona didn't bother to pay her any attention.

"I know, Harry said that the headmaster also often left the school and disappeared for a while." Just as she was about to leave, Neville suddenly said, "Shall I speak to Professor McGonagall?"

"You judge for yourself, and pay attention to the movements of werewolves these days. They are trying to expose the entire magical world." Pomona looked at Hannah and said, "Did you hear that?"

"Understood." Hannah pursed her lips.

"You must remember that Albus is the hero who defeated Grindelwald and prevented Grindelwald from exposing the entire wizarding world. You must inherit this."

Hannah retched like she was going to throw up.

Neville looked at Pomona strangely.

"I heard from Harry that Albus and Grindelwald seem to be friends."

"They used to be friends, but they became enemies because of different positions. This is a very brave act." Pomona said nonsense without blinking. "Do you remember what the principal said to you at the year-end dinner of the first grade?"

"There are many types of courage. We need superhuman courage to deal with our enemies, but we also need a lot of courage to stand our ground in front of our friends."

"He gave you ten points for that, Neville, and it was those ten points that turned Gryffindor into victory, won Slytherin, and won the House Cup."

Neville was not in any way overjoyed, or flattered.

"Headmaster Dumbledore did this for Harry, because he wanted him to have happy memories before he died."

"Who told you that?"

"If it were me, I would do the same." Neville said blankly, "We are not children anymore, Professor."

Pomona didn't know what to say.

"Be careful, though I don't know what you're going to use these things for." Neville said, looking at the things on the list.

Hannah leaned over to look at the list with Neville.

"Don't forget your mission," Pomona said, and pulled down the hood of her cloak, leaving invisible.

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