Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1004 Fathers' distress

The ghosts who lived here at Rashomon ran away because they were afraid of the cruelty of people.


Orvieto is not far from Rome, Xavi should have arrived.

Joseph took his blackberry to look for the signal everywhere, but he searched all over the monastery, only the signal near the greenhouse was a little better. As a result, unexpectedly, he met the former exorcist Father Stein.

He was picking up eggs in the chicken shed next to the greenhouse, and when he saw Joseph appear, he greeted him symbolically, and then continued to work on his own business as if he didn't exist.

"I've heard of you." Joseph pursed his lips and said stiffly.

"I've heard about you too." Stein said without turning his head while picking eggs, "How did you sleep last night?"

"It's not bad." Joseph said insincerely. In fact, he didn't sleep very well, and there was even a faint shadow under his eyes.

"You didn't feel anything unusual?"

"What's abnormal?"

"I kept feeling like someone was walking up and down the hallway and the door opened three times the first night I was here."

Joseph was silent

"I can only tell them that my bladder will be very tense when I am in a strange environment. You know, it is normal for people to go to the toilet several times at night when they are old."

"I got up twice, and every time I opened the door, there was no one outside." Joseph said in a deep voice, "I thought someone went to the bathroom at night."

Father Stein stared at Joseph, as if trying to discern whether he was telling the truth.

"In 1987, there was a German girl named Anna who had been taking care of her father who was seriously ill. One day, when she had finished her care and was in a trance, she seemed to see a black snake crawling across the hospital bed to bite. Her father, she tried to drive it away, but found that her right arm could not move, and when she saw her hand, her fingers had turned into little black snakes, she was terrified, all she could do was She prayed, but the scriptures that appeared in her mind were all in English, and she lost the ability to speak German. Some people said that she was possessed, but she insisted on seeing a doctor. After receiving hypnosis, she saw the illusion again. Cured, the doctor said that she suffered from conversion hysteria, which is caused by psychological trauma or repressed desires manifested as physical disease symptoms through the conversion mechanism, have you heard of this disease?"

"Yes." Joseph said indifferently, "They even told you this?"

"I'm discussing Anna's case with you." Stein put down the egg, "I've been thinking about what drove Anna to have a 'fake disease', and it reminds me of the snake that tried to bite her father, maybe this is the reason. "

"She doesn't want to take care of her seriously ill father?"

"She's a good girl, but she's under so much pressure, she's so tired she's in a trance."

Joseph snorted.

"when are you leaving?"

"After the investigation is over..."

Stein showed the same weird expression as Sean.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm the same as you. I left after investigating the case 400 years ago, but I'm an old guy. It's actually pretty good to retire here."

"I'm different from you." Joseph said calmly, "What do you think is that wandering around in the monastery in the middle of the night?"

"A ghost, but I don't know if he was Guillam or Harzer, the former may have died of a curse, the latter of a trial when the Church..."

"I know, in order to prevent the situation from becoming more chaotic." Joseph stopped Stein from continuing, "Because I feel that I have been wronged, so Halzer became an evil spirit?"

"Or worse, here is being targeted by demons, there is a convent in Romania..."

"I know." Joseph interrupted Stein again solemnly, "Father Gordon has been there."

"Women are more sensitive than us in psychic, but unfortunately, there will be no nuns to help us, I think this time we have to rely on ourselves." Stein patted the ashes on his hands, "You want to see the prisoner The Viscount's room?"

"What's the name of this monastery?" Joseph asked.

"It used to be called the Prince's Monastery. Now, it's just a strange monastery. It would be great if it could be set on fire to solve all the problems."

"What happened to Viscount Wilkes?"

"Five years after the trial ended, he also died, allegedly in an accident."

"Someone killed him?"

"He confessed almost all the local nobles in one breath, and almost burned them to death in an infamous way." Stein said with a smile, "In order to protect him, the bishop locked him in the monastery."

"This monastery?"

"Of course not. Within a few years after the incident, the Prince's Monastery was moved to the current place as a whole. There has been no incident for four hundred years."

"until today."

"I heard that there is still a custom in the local area. On the Sunday before Easter, the locals will wear white robes and masks with long noses, and hit passersby's heads with inflated pig bladders."

"Do you think this has something to do with the incident that year?"

"I don't know." Stein said calmly, "I really hope to go back to Bavaria four hundred years ago and see what happened back then."


Mills turned on the phone, but he still hadn't heard back from Joseph, so he put the phone back in his pocket.

What Isabella Taylor had said made him very uneasy, and he didn't really want to go back to the hotel until he figured out the situation.

Los Angeles does not have as many skyscrapers as New York. The main tall buildings are in the city center, and it is not difficult to rent a motel in the suburbs.

You don't have to worry about being thrown to your death on flat ground, but the hotel has a swimming pool, which Mills didn't expect.

He couldn't help but took out his phone again, but there was still no new mail, then he threw it on the table and lay on the bed in a daze.

Now the doctor should be dissecting Angela Warren's body. He suspected that Angela would become a cat and leopard like the "snake girl" in that circus poster.

That weird circus has performed not only in France, but also in New York, and it's a street show.

If someone really turns into a snake, the media will never miss it. Mills can't find other words to describe it except weird.

Compared with this, he would rather deal with armed robbers.

"Russian..." Mills murmured, "Does the FBI suspect that he is a Russian spy?"

The idea was so nonsensical that he almost laughed at himself.

Theoretically, Angela's father should come from Detroit to see her, but it is said that the guy just had a heart bypass operation and he is also in the hospital, which is why Angela went to Detroit to find him.

When he gets out of the hospital, Angela will be buried in the ground. It's not a good idea to bury his daughter. Anyway, it's like this for Mills himself, especially when the news of his new fatherhood comes from the murderer of his wife. when you get it.

"I don't believe in that stuff," Mills says, as he lays on the therapist's couch, "but it makes me feel a lot easier to blame someone else."

Half of these words are true.

Mills picked up the cigarette on the nightstand, lit it deftly, and lay down on the bed to smoke it.

As for the unfinished pack of nicotine gum, it should have been buried in a dump somewhere.

At this moment, he felt a kind of relaxation that he had not seen for a long time. It was really comfortable to be a mortal.


"I can't believe it!" Hermione Granger fiercely broke it up with a knife and fork as if she had a grudge against the pork chop.

"What's the matter with you?" Pomona held a cup of tea, leaning on the back of the booth and drinking it slowly.

"Ron!" growled the Gryffindor lioness.

"How did he mess with you again?"

Hermione hung her head in frustration like a deflated balloon.

"Every time I come home from get off work and clean up the room, he is lying on the sofa reading comics and eating snacks."

Pomona recalled.

This is one of the rare advantages of Severus, which may be derived from the potions professor's habit for many years. After the experiment, the laboratory table and utensils should be cleaned up. That way, no matter how you clean it up, it will be a mess.

"He doesn't coax me when I'm angry, and he snores loudly when he sleeps!"

Pomona was taken aback.

Severus actually coaxed her after making her angry, why did she only discover the invaluable advantages now?

When girls are together, they can't help complaining about their boyfriends. Most of the men are like Ron, they don't take it seriously at all, or they think it's okay to buy a bouquet of roses and apologize.

No wonder Severus Snape was considered a "love saint".

"He's a child himself, how can he be a father in the future?" Hermione frowned worriedly.

Alarm bells were ringing in Pomona's heart.

"you are pregnant?"

"No, I'm just thinking about whether I want to have a baby in the last two years." Hermione stroked her fluffy hair. "Molly said that I should go to work after having a baby. I thought..."

"Are you staying at Harry's house now to hide from Ron?"

"No, why do you think so?"

Pomona didn't know what to say.

She stood outside Grimmauld Place for a while, Hermione saw her from the window, and then came out to meet her for lunch.

Pomona asked her to pass on Teddy's gift by the way, but this ordinary meal seemed to provoke a serious topic.

Can a young man who doesn't like tidying up his room and reads comics like a child change his lifestyle and become a qualified father?

Although the child is not popcorn, it will appear with a "bang", but when I heard for the first time that I was becoming a father, my mood...

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked immediately when she saw Pomona's expression turned gloomy.

"Nothing." She said perfunctorily.

Before she could tell him the news of her pregnancy, the baby was gone. Although she got the news from the doctor, it felt really bad.

At this moment, she raised her head and looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows. There was a man dressed in black and as pale as a vampire standing next to a red telephone box, but when a double-decker bus passed by, he disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Hermione followed her gaze.

"It's nothing." Pomona stood up. "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Looks like a loyal dog," Voldemort sneered in her head.

Pomona ignored him.

She ran to the opposite side of the street, where the man was standing just now, and she didn't notice the alley just now because the phone booth blocked it.

She walked in along it. Unlike the lively and tidy streets, the road in the alleys is full of potholes, and there is no one there. The oily fumes from cooking dishes are discharged in the alleys along the flue. It looks like a layer of fog.

Enduring the choking smell of smoke, she continued to walk for about a minute or two when two figures, one tall and one short, appeared in front of her.

She knew the tall one, and the short one looked like a child, but his eyes were particularly fierce, and he looked like a wolf cub that hadn't grown up.

"Introduce, this is Felix Young."

"It's Jan Felix," the boy corrected Severus. "Our custom is to put the last name before the given name."

"As you heard." Severus looked up at Pomona "What do you think?"

"What do I think?"

"He's the silent one who attacked Diagon Alley..." He suddenly paused and looked behind Pomona.

"What's the matter?" She turned her head subconsciously, and a gust of wind moved the oily smoke suspended in the air, as if someone was standing there just now.

She had forgotten how much Audio-Technica loves to eavesdrop.

Just when she was about to take out her wand and appear in human form, a puff of black smoke rose up, rushing towards her like a tsunami, and quickly drowned her.

When the black torrent rolled over and flew into the sky, the alley returned to the dead silence of the past, as if nothing had happened.

The Stavelot witch persecution is not as famous as Salem and the town is nowhere to be found now, the town of the same name is now in the Netherlands

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