Hardcore crisis

Chapter 75 Survivors

"Is it... a person?"

The gray dots moving on the screen clearly have the size of a human after being enlarged.

"It's really a human being, but is there only one person?"

Lu Yuan stood up, grabbed AA-12 and rushed out, "Sonny, let's go!"

Sonny followed closely behind, acting as Lu Yuan's reconnaissance and protection measure, and quickly rushed into the forest and moved in the direction of the target.

Under the cover of darkness, it is not that easy to walk in the forest. Fortunately, Lu Yuan wears a night vision goggle, so it is not inconvenient to move. As for Sonny, let alone it, day and night are different for him. The language doesn't make much difference.

"in front of."

Sonny paused slightly, opened his eyes, scanned his surroundings, pointed in the direction of two o'clock and said.


In fact, he was not far away from the man. Lu Yuan could vaguely hear the noise coming from the forest, and he didn't dare to be careless. The shotgun in his hand was ready to be fired at any time.


The sound of branches breaking suddenly came out. Lu Yuan hesitated, turned around and said softly: "Sonny..."

With a gesture, Sonny nodded, instantly jumped out and hid in the darkness.

I continued walking forward for about ten steps, and sure enough, under a big tree in front of me, there was a man leaning on the trunk, panting violently. After taking a few breaths, he screamed in pain and fell to the ground unable to stand up.

Approaching cautiously, not hearing any warning from Sonny, Lu Yuan felt relieved, walked to the man's side, and took off his night vision goggles.

"...so much blood was shed."

They all came close to this person, but this person didn't notice Lu Yuan's approach. He seemed to have lost consciousness while lying on the ground and fell into a coma.

Lu Yuan turned on the small flashlight, and after just one glance, he knew that the man's wound came from his chest. The blood stained his red clothes was flowing out continuously, as if he had been eaten by something. His chest was bloody and bloody, and he couldn't bear to see it. See.

"Did the inner nest teeth attack?"

After checking the wound, Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the man only suffered a projectile attack from the inner teeth. If the alien had bitten him, his heart and the flesh and blood inside would not have been saved, and he would have died on the spot.

But even now, if such an injury is not treated, I am afraid that he will die from excessive bleeding in a short time.

"Quick, call the police..."

Just as he was about to carry the man on his back and take him to the camp, the man suddenly woke up and grabbed Lu Yuan's right hand in confusion. He coughed up blood and said with difficulty: "They, they are all dead. Call the police… call the police.”

This person seems to be called Lao Cai? This is what the fat man called this person in the morning. In other words, more than a dozen people died at the mouth of the alien?

Thinking of the strength of that group of young people, Lu Yuan didn't have much hope.

Let alone resisting the aliens, it is impossible to outrun the aliens just by escaping. Such a group of people is simply a delicious feast delivered to the doorsteps of aliens. How many of them will be planted with alien eggs?

"time is limited."

Calculating carefully, it has been 21 hours since the alien appeared last night. The search throughout the night and the search during the day were all in vain. At this moment, catching its traces is already considered the deadline.

According to the performance in the movie, it takes a few days for the alien eggs implanted in the human body to hatch, mature and burst out of the chest. However, in extreme cases, it only takes four or five hours at the fastest to burst out. Come out of your chest! Under normal circumstances, it will not exceed ten hours!

One alien is easy to deal with, but what if there are a large number of aliens?

Fortunately, considering the possibility of injury, Lu Yuan brought bandages and hemostatic spray with him. He first took the man back to the camp, treated his injuries, and then woke him up.

"You...who are you?"

There were no lights around, and only under the starry sky, Lao Cai naturally couldn't recognize Lu Yuan, who was wearing night vision goggles and covering most of his face.

"The person who saved you."

Lu Yuan deliberately lowered his tone to avoid being recognized by Lao Cai.

In fact, he was overthinking. Who would remember him when he was in a hurry during the day? What's more, Lao Cai, who had just crawled back from the edge of death, was so panicked that he seemed to feel death approaching as soon as he closed his eyes. He didn't care about anything else and held on miserably. Lu Yuan raised his hand and shouted: "Call the police quickly, call the police quickly, it will be too late if you don't call the police."

"Did something happen?"

"There are, there are monsters chasing us... They are all dead... They are all dead, wuwu..."

It was very funny for such a man to cry like this. However, Lu Yuan had no intention of ridiculing and silently patted his shoulder, "Don't get too excited, or your wound will burst again."

"No, wait a minute, Fat Brother, Fat Brother is still at the mine, they, they may not be dead yet, call the police to save them!"

Lu Yuan's comfort was not only ineffective, but also aroused Lao Cai's strong reaction.

"Is there anyone alive? Where is it?"

Hearing that someone was not dead but might still be alive, Lu Yuan immediately asked.

"In the mine, in the mine, you can see it over the mountain. Yes, in the mine, they are definitely not dead. They should be fine hiding there..."

As he kept mumbling, Lao Cai was inexplicably excited and fainted again before he could say a few words.


Lu Yuan stood up and said, "Sonny, bring up the satellite map here."

The satellite map mentioned here is not Google's free satellite map, but a more accurate military satellite map. It is the information that Sonny pulled directly from the deep web transaction. Using it here, he found out the so-called The location of the "mine".

It is indeed too obvious. Surrounded by mountains and green forests, there is such a large area of ​​​​empty space between the mountains. It is difficult not to notice.

After finding the target location, Lu Yuan turned around and said, "Sonny, go and drive the car away and hide it. At the same time, call 120 emergency number and say that someone here needs emergency treatment."

"Sir, this is not possible. I can't let you go there alone to pursue the alien."

Sonny shook his head and refused Lu Yuan's order.

"So I need you to act quickly, hide the car and come to me. Hurry up, we don't have much time."

Without allowing Sonny to object, Lu Yuan brought up the AA-12 and walked towards the woods. He was not afraid that Sonny would not be able to find him. With the GPS positioning, Sonny could quickly find his location.

Since Lu Yuan had expressed his determination like this, Sonny had no choice but to follow his instructions and drive the car away from here first, otherwise it would be difficult to drive the car away when the emergency personnel arrived.

Lu Yuan's goal is to eradicate this alien while hiding all traces. It is best to rescue the survivors and not let the situation continue to expand.

It was indeed a bit uneasy to enter the forest alone. Lu Yuan controlled his emotions very well and focused his attention on the surrounding environment. When doing so, it would be difficult to escape any abnormal movements in the surrounding environment. his ears.

At the same time, he was also moving at a high speed, which was not the way normal people move. For example, there was a certain slope, and ordinary people could only take a detour. However, he grabbed a thick branch and descended, using the elasticity of the branch to ease the downward force, and landed perfectly.

Along the way, a lot of blood was found, and several corpses were found, but the dead people had their flesh and blood taken by the aliens, and there was not a single intact corpse.

This shows what?

Lu Yuan remained silent, slowly smoothing the eyes of a dead man, then stood up and continued running towards the target location.

The effects of the high-intensity exercise during these days were also reflected. Under such intense exercise, he walked through the mountains and forests for more than 20 minutes without stopping, and his breathing became heavier. He stopped and took a deep breath. The movement calms down the breathing rhythm.

"Is that the mine?"

Standing on the mountainside and looking down, the mine in the night vision device is cold, dry and silent, like a sleeping giant lying in the mountains and forests, waiting for others to wake up.

"I wish you were hiding in there!"

With solemnity hidden in his calm eyes, Lu Yuan slowed down and approached the mine.

Almost without too much careful identification, the blood stains and drag marks were clearly discernible on the sand, dragging a long way out and disappearing into the darkness in the distance.

All signs indicate that the alien is hiding here...at least it has appeared here.

Lu Yuan followed the traces step by step, passing through most of the mine, and finally stopped at the entrance of the mine.

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