Hardcore crisis

Chapter 76 Host Body

If you enter from here, it is simply a nest built by an alien.

Lu Yuan's ears twitched and he turned around. He saw Sonny jumping over from a distance, spanning a distance of dozens of meters, and suddenly landed next to him.

"Is the car taken care of?"

"It's taken care of."

"Well, that's good. Besides, the alien is probably in here."

He said in a solemn tone, with Lu Yuan behind and Sonny in front. One person and one machine walked into the mine tunnel and began to explore inside.

It is said that this kind of environment is a good place for aliens to hide and attack secretly, but the greatest advantage of human beings is technological power. When outside, Sonny can only use dynamic night vision devices to scan the surroundings, but here Inside, although the alien has innate geographical advantages, Sonny can also use ultrasonic positioning.

Circles of ultrasonic waves that were inaudible to human ears emitted from Sonny and spread rapidly along the stone wall. In just seven or eight seconds, Sonny scanned the rough three-dimensional map of the mine tunnel.

"There is an anomaly at 317.5 meters ahead."

Sonny projected a three-dimensional image to facilitate Lu Yuan's observation.

Sure enough, deep in this complex mine tunnel, there is a certain distance where the stone wall is a little wider than the surrounding area, and the attenuation of the ultrasonic wave is also much stronger. It seems that something has absorbed the ultrasonic wave, causing the ultrasonic wave to bounce back and attenuate.

"No aliens found?"

Lu Yuan raised his head and asked.


Sonny shook his head.

"Isn't it inside?"

Despite this, Lu Yuan still did not dare to be careless. He walked inside with AA-12 and quickly reached the abnormal point under the cover of Sonny.

After arriving, he realized why it was called an abnormal point.

The stone walls of the surrounding mine tunnels are covered with gelatin secreted by the aliens. There are also alien eggs on the ground. Five alien eggs have been opened. There are also five cocoons wrapped around them. Only the head remains. Outside.

Needless to say, at least two of these five people were known to Lu Yuan.

One was the fat man he saw this morning, and the other was the girl who scolded him. They were among these five people.

Now these five people are unconscious and bound to the four walls by cocoons. It is obvious that they have been parasitized by alien facehuggers. There are also facehuggers that died after being parasitized under their feet.

"Well...bang bang bang..."

He raised the gun and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The lead bullets scattered over a large area covered the entire alien eggs. The few alien eggs that were just about to move were immediately sprayed with sticky juice and were beaten into a mess.

"Do you still want to be a parasite on me?"

With a few sneers, Lu Yuan destroyed all the alien eggs here to prevent parasitic facehuggers from appearing again.

"Sonny, something's wrong."

After destroying the alien eggs, Lu Yuan was not very happy: "There are only five people here. Are there any others whose bodies have not been found?"

"Also, since the appearance of the alien egg means that the alien has successfully transformed into a queen, why is there no trace of it here?"

"Sir, you mean..."

"It also has a nest."

Lu Yuan said solemnly: "It's really cunning."

"Now what?"

Sonny looked back at the five people who had been parasitized: "They have been parasitized. The aliens will burst out in a few hours at the least, and it will not exceed 24 hours at the longest."

The simplest way to deal with it is to kill them regardless of how many shots they take. In this way, the young aliens will not be supplied with nutrients and will die in the belly. This is the best and most convenient and effective way to deal with them.

But if you really want to do this, it would be so inhumane.

Hesitation flashed in Lu Yuan's eyes. He closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened them: "They can still be saved now. If they take out the larval aliens in time, they won't have to die."


Sonny didn't say anything. Among the dozen or so solutions it ranked, this was undoubtedly the solution with the lowest probability.

There is no medical environment here, and there is a high chance of death if you use the knife rashly. Moreover, they have to track down the alien as soon as possible, and there is no time to send these five people to a safe place.

Although Sonny does not have to abide by the three laws of robots, with human emotions, it is difficult for him to sit back and watch humans being hurt without trying to rescue him. However, Sonny did not express any clear objection to what Lu Yuan said.

"Rescue the people first."

Pulling out their daggers, Lu Yuan and Sunny began to open the cocoon and get the five people off the walls.

The breathing of these five people was still stable, but they were just in a coma. Lu Yuan picked up two of them, and Sonny picked up the three of them, and quickly returned to the original route.

"Are you sure you can get the larvae aliens out of these people?"

After leaving the mine tunnel, Lu Yuan put the two of them down, took a breath and asked.

"I can give it a try."

"But I can't guarantee the infection after surgery," Sonny said.

"That's enough. You can leave the rest to the doctor. Let's get the immediate things done first."

Looking at the five people on the ground, Lu Yuan suddenly hesitated: "Five people...can you take them back?"

The weight of five people is nothing to Sonny. Its own carrying capacity exceeds twenty tons. Let alone five people, the weight of several cars is not worth mentioning. But five people are not just weight, but five people occupying space. It's impossible to take it back like a pile of Arhats.

Hearing this, Sonny looked at the facilities nearby, suddenly walked over, grabbed the abandoned cart with both hands, and walked back.

"that's it……"

"Well, take the people back and take out the alien larvae as soon as possible. Remember, don't come into contact with any outsiders."

Lu Yuan warned again and again.

"Then, sir, are you planning to..."

"Don't worry, with weapons in hand, aliens are not that scary. Besides, I am not an ordinary person."

Seeing Sonny disappearing into the woods with his men, Lu Yuan turned around and took a deep breath.

"Ah... I really don't want to try this feeling again!"

On a dark and stormy night, I was alone in the wild tracking aliens and trying to kill a queen and an unknown number of aliens. Even the Predator didn't dare to try it easily, but I actually dared to do it and got excited. .

Abnormal, absolutely abnormal!

Normal people would not do such suicidal things!

The reason in his mind kept warning him, but Lu Yuan couldn't control the secretion of adrenaline in his body, which kept stimulating his brain to produce high-intensity excitement.

Although the drug NZT can help people maintain a high level of sanity, it can also easily give people an addictive excitement between life and death.

No wonder Eddie in the movie likes to challenge extreme sports such as cliff jumping into the sea, probably because it makes him very happy.

At this time, Lu Yuan also deeply felt the overwhelming feeling of excitement.

If you don't seek death, you won't die, but it's this kind of death-seeking that makes people fall deeply into it.

But while he was risking death, Lu Yuan still maintained a strong sense of reason, and his heart was unusually calm. He walked to the side of the mine tunnel and squatted down to explore the remaining traces.

Although the aliens are indeed very cunning and play tricks on humans several times in the movie, this cunning is still in the category of animals and is far from comparable to human intelligence.

For example, it knows how to create two nests, one of which is easier to find to attract attention, while the other is deeply hidden, like a cunning rabbit.

It's a pity that it has a good idea, but it doesn't know how to hide all traces. In other words, its shape is destined to be unable to hide traces as flexibly as humans.

It would be okay if the alien acted alone and wanted to drag the body away. Then after careful identification, Lu Yuan found another drag mark in front of the mine tunnel.

"found it!"

Lu Yuan followed the clues into the forest and quickly moved through the rugged mountains.

"The smell of blood?"

After sniffing the smell in the air, Lu Yuan knelt down and took a handful of soil. The thick blood dyed the soil red, filling the soil with the pungent smell of blood.

"It seems like it's around here."

Lu Yuan suddenly moved his hand, and without looking back, the AA-12 in his hand suddenly turned the muzzle, aimed it at the rear and fired.


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