Hardcore crisis

Chapter 74: Tracking the Traces

When Fatty and others started searching Liu Xinran, Lu Yuan had just terminated the investigation.

The bumper of the last car of the convoy he met in the morning had obvious scratches. Lu Yuan observed it a few times and concluded that it was most likely caused by an alien. For this reason, he hurried to the scene of the incident and prepared to conduct an investigation of the surrounding environment.

Unfortunately, the aliens were very cunning and did not leave any usable traces. Lu Yuan, who had worked in vain, had no choice but to return to the warehouse for the time being.

"Sir, the water you want..."

"Well, thanks Sonny."

Taking the water glass handed over by Sonny, Lu Yuan stared at the map on the monitor and frowned: "Xiaoqunshan... Xiaoqunshan..."

Suddenly standing up, Lu Yuan put down the water glass and said in a deep voice: "Sonny, let's go to Xiaoqun Mountain to have a look."

"Sir, have you found any clues?"

"Well, since we can't find the aliens here, there are only two directions. One is for the aliens to sneak into Donghai City, and the other is to lurk near Xiaoqun Mountain. With the population of Donghai City, if the aliens want to lurk, When building a nest, the probability of being discovered is too high.”

"The small mountains are sparsely populated and there are not many disturbances. If the alien really... transforms into a queen, it would be a good place."

For a race with a strict hierarchy like the aliens, only one queen can exist in a breeding area, but only if this queen exists. If the queen dies or is absent, then without the suppression of pheromones, an ordinary alien can quickly activate the mechanism in the body and quickly evolve into a queen. For a highly efficient creature like the alien, this evolution process can even be condensed to be completed within five or six hours, which is very terrifying.

Lu Yuan must completely eliminate the alien physically before it lays a large number of eggs.

Picking up the weapon and throwing it into the car, Sonny curled up into the modified back seat. Lu Yuan hit the accelerator and drove towards the small mountains.

To get to Xiaoqunshan from here, you must first get on the national highway, and then drive on a road of more than 50 kilometers before you can see the shadow of Xiaoqunshan in the distance. Of course, this is just a road distance. If it is a straight line, it is not that long. It is about thirty to forty kilometers. With the abnormal high-speed agility, keep moving at a regular speed, even if you have to find a suitable nesting place along the way, We should have arrived at Xiaogunshan before dawn this morning.

"Seven eleven..."

It was already 7:11 in the afternoon, and there was not much time before the sun completely set. The sky was a hazy scenery, scattered among the mountains in the distance, which looked very beautiful.

"By the way, that group of people this morning... didn't they say they were coming to this reservoir?"

This was a really bad idea. Lu Yuan's heart sank, and he speeded up the car and drove around the reservoir. After a while, he actually saw a temporary camp on a grassy field.

However, there were originally so many people in the caravan in the morning, but now the campground was too quiet. There were no SUVs parked in the row next to it, but Lu Yuan was surprised not to see a single person.

"Sonny, stay in the car and don't move. I'll go down and take a look."

Asking Sonny not to get out of the car, Lu Yuan opened the car door and walked over with his weapon in hand.

The alien is not invincible. In fact, as long as conventional rifle bullets hit its fatal location, it only takes a few rounds to kill the alien. Even if it does not hit the fatal position, the protective ability of ordinary aliens can only withstand more than a dozen bullets, which is enough to show that aliens are not incapable of killing.

The reason why this kind of creature is so terrifying and extremely frightening is that the alien does not like to confront people head-on. Instead, it chooses to lurk and assassinate. Coupled with its high-speed agility, once the alien gets close, it is basically equal to dead.

In order to deal with the aliens, Lu Yuan had a modified version of 1911 strapped to his thigh and an AA-12 shotgun in his hand. At close range, the shotgun fires a large number of lead bullets, covering a wide range. In addition, each shot has a kinetic energy that is not inferior to that of a pistol bullet. It is definitely an excellent weapon for dealing with aliens.

Last night, because he had no weapons, he was almost killed by the aliens with his bare hands. Lu Yuan would not make this mistake again. He carried a large number of weapons and equipment with him before slowly entering the camp.


Unzipped the tent, no one was there.

When I opened another one, there was no one there.

The camp was so big. Even after walking around in a circle, Lu Yuan didn't find anyone.

Even if everyone goes out to play, there should still be one or two people staying in the camp, right?

"Hmm, drag marks?"

Suddenly stopping at the outskirts of the camp, Lu Yuan squatted down and focused his eyes on the weeds on the ground.

Stretching out his hand to touch the ligule, Lu Yuan gently brushed his hand and made an indentation. This kind of cowgrass, which is distributed all over the world, is strong against the ground and difficult to eradicate. The stem and stem are relatively hard and strong. If something heavy falls on it, , it is easy to leave traces.

"Going that way?"

Carrying AA-12 behind his back, Lu Yuan lowered his body and moved along the drag marks.

The drag marks were not very obvious. Lu Yuan often needed to stop and carefully identify the indentations on the goosegrass to determine the direction. After walking for more than a hundred meters, he gradually approached several big trees. The pungent smell of blood had already It's impossible to ignore.


Two corpses!

Two unrecognizable corpses with their chests and heads covered in blood and flesh lay motionless under the big tree.

"Well, not good!"

Lu Yuan was about to step forward when he suddenly stopped. He took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket and put them on. AA-12 held it in his hand and searched the surrounding area. After confirming that it was safe, he approached the body.

"The time of death is probably between 2 hours and 4 hours..."

There were already spots on the surface of the corpse. Lu Yuan pressed his fingers a little, and the color faded. When he released it, it returned to its original color. After feeling the temperature of the corpse, I roughly got a time of death.

"The direct cause of death... Huh, it's not the alien embryo's chest rupture, but the inner nest tooth attack..."

After checking the wound on the corpse's chest, Lu Yuan found that the heart had disappeared, and there was a lot less flesh and blood inside. In addition, a big hole was opened in the forehead, and a lot of cerebrospinal fluid leaked out. These phenomena showed that this was not an alien. It is caused by the chest rupture after the embryo matures, but the alien is hunting.

Yes, aliens also need to eat. What animal is more delicious in their eyes than humans?

Standing up slowly, Lu Yuan glanced around, then returned to the camp along the same route.

"Sonny, come out."

"Sir, have you found any clues?"

Sonny jumped out of the car and asked Lu Yuan if he had found any clues.

"Two people are already dead...it's the traces left by the alien's prey. We must find the alien as soon as possible."

Lu Yuan's voice was heavy and became more and more urgent.

If you want to find an alien that is good at hiding in such a large forest, it is definitely not enough to rely on the strength of two people. At this time, drones are needed.

After starting the four drones he brought, Lu Yuan watched the drones slowly take off and fly towards the four directions of Xiaoqun Mountain. Only then did Lu Yuan put on his Bluetooth headphones and wait for the scanning results of the drones.

Although the alien is a cold-blooded creature, and its shell blocks the weak heat emitted, making thermal imaging unusable, as long as it moves, the dynamic night vision device can distinguish it from stationary objects and find its traces.

Looking at the screen on the workstation, Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Either the alien left after hunting, or the alien lurked and remained motionless.

No matter what the situation is, it is an undesirable result.

"Strange, why did this alien only hunt and kill, instead of dragging those two people back to the lair?"

Lu Yuan frowned, pushed the joystick, and flew the drone over the mountain to the other side.

"Hey, that's..."

After flying over, a major discovery was made immediately.

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