Hardcore crisis

Chapter 73 Found

What's so scary about water drops...

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and felt that the tension just now was relieved a lot.

"Speaking of which, do you feel that the temperature is much hotter than outside?" Wang Wei wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained.

Xu Shengjian waved his hand to fan the cool air to disperse the heat: "Yes, it's stuffy and hot. Doesn't it mean that the closer you get to the ground, the cooler it should be? Why is it the other way around?"

The fat man was probably the hottest one inside, but he also had the strongest endurance. He whispered: "Keep going inside."

Seeing that they had found the source of the sound, as they walked forward, several people began to shout Liu Xinran's name. In such a closed mine tunnel, there are many echoes and the sound can spread very far away. According to common sense, if Liu Xinran was really inside, he should definitely have heard their shouts.

It's just that sometimes the situation is complicated and the specific situation of the missing person cannot be determined. Maybe she fainted? So he couldn't respond to the crowd's shouts.

After shouting a few times, the group of people who realized this possibility stopped shouting in vain and continued to explore forward for a hundred or ten meters silently, and found an elevator platform that went down to an unknown depth.

But without the power transmitted by the power source, the elevator is just a discarded object, no different from anything discarded in the mine.

"Hey, look!"

After scanning the lifting platform for a few times, Wang Wei looked back inadvertently. The place illuminated by the flashlight suddenly surprised him.

I saw that the mine tunnel in the distance that was supposed to be a stone wall was actually covered by a layer of resin-like gelatinous substance around it, which looked extremely disgusting.

"what is that?"

Hearing Wang Wei's exclamation, everyone turned around and immediately saw the brown gelatinous substance, and couldn't help but be surprised.

Why did the fine stone wall mine suddenly have such a layer of weird things?

Everyone looked at each other for a while, then moved forward, ready to take a closer look.

"Oh my god, what the hell is this?"

As he walked closer and looked left and right along the light emitted by the flashlight, Wang Wei's face turned blue.

The originally uneven and excavated stone walls are now covered with sticky gelatinous substances. I don’t know what these substances are. The overall appearance is brown and yellow-black, with a wavy texture on the surface, and it emits a pungent smell from time to time. Light smell.

This kind of thing was completely beyond their understanding. They opened their mouths and felt incredible. There were substances that they had never heard of inside a mine that had been abandoned for many years. It was very scary in itself.

"Don't touch!"

The fat man stopped Xu Shengjian's outstretched finger and scolded: "I don't know if this kind of thing is poisonous or not. How dare you touch it casually?"

"I didn't say you have to touch it with your hands. You can always use a flashlight, right?"

"Didn't you hear what I said? No touching!"

Maybe the fat man's stern expression was a bit scary, but even though Xu Shengjian didn't take it seriously, he still gave up the plan of touching him.

"Xin Ran? Is it Xin Ran?"

Just when the group was puzzled by the gelatinous material in the mine tunnel, Han Lichen, who had hardly spoken until now, suddenly shouted loudly. Regardless of everyone's shocked looks, he rushed in seven or eight meters away and faced the gelatin on the stone wall. shouted the substance.

"Hey, it's really Xin Ran."

Liang Kexin was also pleasantly surprised and rushed over: "Come here quickly, it's really Xin Ran..."

In fact, she didn't need to say more. The distance of seven or eight meters did not affect the function of the flashlight. Because of this, the fat man and the others showed horrified expressions when they came in front of him.

It was indeed Liu Xinran. They had been together for a few days, how could they not recognize this beautiful girl.

In another place, if traces of her were found, everyone would be very happy... But at this moment, the girl who had been searching for more than five hours was being wrapped around the stone wall of the mine tunnel with layers of resin-like slime. , forming a cicada-like cocoon, with only the head exposed from the whole body.

"Quick, get her down."

Liang Kexin's anxious voice woke everyone up, and they hurriedly tried to rescue her from the cocoon. However, the surface of the cocoon was covered with thick gelatinous mucus, and it felt like glue when they touched it with their hands. Not strong enough.

"This thing is so piercing..."

After grabbing a few handfuls of mucus, Wang Wei felt nauseated. At the same time, he felt a sudden tingling sensation on his hands, as if he had applied a lot of pepper water.

"Everyone, please wipe your hands clean quickly."

The fat man also felt the sting, secretly complaining that he was careless, and quickly took out a tissue from his backpack and handed it to everyone, first wiping the mucus off his hands.

"Is this mucus poisonous?"

Xu Shengjian didn't take it seriously when he was scolded by the fat man before. Now he felt a stinging pain in his hand and suddenly felt a little flustered.

"Take off your clothes and wrap them in your hands."

The fat man's words immediately alerted Han Lichen, who was extremely anxious at the side. Without saying a word, he immediately took off his T-shirt, wrapped it in his hands, and started clawing at the cocoon, trying to get Liu Xinran out of it.

The others also suddenly understood, took off their clothes, and began to work together to rescue Liu Xinran who was trapped inside.

Only Liang Kexin couldn't take off her clothes, so she stood and watched anxiously.

It took more than ten minutes, and everyone was so tired that they were sweating profusely and almost collapsed, before they tore Liu Xinran out of the damn cocoon. However, when they shined a flashlight on her, Several people gasped.

A girl who used to have fair and delicate skin, but now most of her clothes have been corroded, and the exposed skin looks like it has been corroded by strong acid. It is pitted and burned, and it is terrible to look at.

"Xin Ran, Xin Ran, wake up!"

Han Lichen knelt on the ground, wanting to touch it but not daring to touch it, for fear of hurting Liu Xinran, and his tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Stop crying now and get the person out quickly."

The fat man's eyelids jumped at the sight. He was stunned. He had traveled all over the country and had never seen such a miserable situation. Fortunately, he had rich experience and knew not to delay here. He woke up everyone and asked everyone to work together to get Liu Xinran. Let’s talk about it after we go out.

Yes, the devil knows what is going on in this place, and why did Liu Xinran encounter such a tragic situation?

Although the reason was unknown, the Xu Sheng family and Wang Wei were also very frightened, feeling that the mine tunnel that had been so gloomy before suddenly became even more sinister and terrifying.

After seeing Liu Xinran's experience, everyone knew that this was not a safe place, and they did not care about rest. Several people took turns carrying Liu Xinran on their backs and ran faster towards the outside of the mine tunnel.

It took nearly half an hour to search and move forward when I came in. I ran all the way when I came out. It only took less than ten minutes to run out of the mine tunnel and see the starry sky outside again.

"Huh, I'm exhausted."

Wang Wei handed Liu Xinran over to Han Lichen, feeling that he had never exercised so strenuously in his life.

"Don't lie down yet, get out of here and rest."

Feeling that the entrance to the mine had gradually turned into a terrifying gate to hell, the fat man lifted up Wang Wei, who was squatting down, and said with sweat: "Let's go to the gathering place today."

Even if the gathering place is still in the mine, it is still some distance away from here after all, which gives people much greater psychological comfort.

After working hard for a while, when they arrived at the place where everyone rested, the group was almost completely exhausted. They sat on the ground and couldn't even breathe.

On the contrary, the fat man's physical strength is indeed much better than that of these young people. After running like this, he is just covered in sweat. To say that his physical strength is at the bottom, it is still a little bit behind.

"Sorry, I don't know if Lao Cai successfully called the police..."

Glancing at the exhausted young men, the fat man did not choose to sit down. Instead, he stood and calmed his breathing rhythm, while the strong uneasiness in his mind was spreading.

"Well, am I overthinking it? Lao Cai is no less experienced than me. Nothing will happen if he takes the team back. They should have arrived at the camp by this time. Presumably they have called the police and are waiting for the rescue team."

No matter how fast the rescue starts from the East China Sea, it will take about three hours to reach the camp based on the road conditions here. If the search continues, it will be six hours later.

"No, I can't stay here. Even if I'm traveling at night, I have to leave!"

How could the unknown substances in the mine tunnel and the strange situation Liu Xinran encountered make people feel at ease? After thinking about it for a while, the fat man made up his mind to leave this strange mine first, even if he was traveling at night.

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