Hardcore crisis

Chapter 69 Arrival at the Reservoir

"I said brother, why are you asking this?"

Seeing Lu Yuan's solemn expression, Fatty was filled with doubts and couldn't help but ask further questions.

"Nothing, just a little curious."

Lu Yuan dusted off his hands and stood up. Seeing that the address had been asked, Lu Yuan didn't wait for the fat man's doubts to be resolved. He turned back to the car, started the car and drove towards the target.

"What a weirdo." Lao Cai blew out the smoke and shook his head as he watched the car drive away.

"Let me tell you, Lao Cai, this mark doesn't look like it was caused by bumping into something, does it?"

The fat man couldn't let go of Lu Yuan's heavy and frowning expression as he stared at the rear bumper just now. He knelt down and looked at it like Lu Yuan, and even stretched out his hand to touch it.

"Well, it's very deep... God knows what, damn, I'm going to lose money again."

Speaking of these scratches, Lao Cai felt very unhappy. Any car owner would definitely not be happy to see his car scratched like this.

"Okay, let's go, everyone get in the car."

Not being able to tell anything from these traces, the fat man had no choice but to stand up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and called for everyone to get in the car quickly.

Sure enough, according to what the man said, after driving straight along the road for about 20 kilometers, I saw the sign at the fork. I changed direction according to the instructions, and drove on the road for another half an hour. The small mountains in the distance gradually Zooming in before our eyes, we soon arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the thick greenery outside the window, the five cars in the convoy were all cheering loudly. For those who have lived in reinforced concrete cities all year round and accidentally came to this native countryside, at least there was not too much pollution. In such an environment, it is natural for emotions to be high.

Many of the people who came out to play this time were in a matching relationship, but there was still a girl who was still in the ranks of young fruits that could be picked. Two single men stared at the beautiful girl with eager eyes, and occasionally met each other. When their eyes collide, there will be sparks.

There are mountains, rivers, and green trees. The lake formed after the reservoir is intercepted is so wide and so deep that you can't even see the bottom at a glance.

Seeing this situation, Xu Shengjian, who had been staring at the girl, smiled and said: "Wang Wei, didn't you say that your swimming skills are very good? Do you dare to go down to this reservoir and try it?"

"You think I don't dare, then do you?"

Wang Wei's swimming skills are indeed good, but looking at the dark and bottomless lake from the car window, he felt a little guilty.

"I didn't say I was a good swimmer. Someone kept bragging that I could show off my swimming skills once I reached the reservoir."

Xu Shengjian said coldly, looking at the girl in the passenger seat, deliberately attacking Wang Wei.

"Who says I don't dare? Isn't it time yet?"

In front of the girl he loved, no matter how weak Wang Wei felt, he had to hold himself up and never fall into the limelight in front of Xu Shengjian.

"Haha, I hope someone will really dare to go into the water."

With the utmost ridicule, Xu Shengjian smiled, which made Wang Wei angry and anxious: "You..."

"Okay, can you two stop arguing? Mother-in-law, are you a girl or am I a girl?"

The girl in the passenger seat turned around with an impatient look on her face. She turned out to be the refreshing girl who had been very rude to Lu Yuan before.

Facing this girl with an extremely strong personality, the two singles, driven by their instinct to reproduce, lowered their heads and did not dare to refute.

After driving along the reservoir for five or six minutes, we finally stopped on flat land about a few hundred meters away from the reservoir.

Like a bird released from a cage, everyone got out of the car and shouted excitedly towards the mountains. It was obvious that the scenery here really satisfied everyone.

"Stop yelling. Everyone, please unload your things first."

The fat man who led the team had never been anywhere, so he was not as excited as these young people. He first ordered a few old team members to unload their things from the car, and then asked the young people to carry their own things and make preparations for setting up tents.

But the women don't have to worry, they leave everything to the men. The eight women chattered happily and walked towards the edge of the reservoir.

"Xu Shengjian, please follow me, don't get too close to the water."

The fat man wiped away his never-ending sweat and ordered Xu Shengjian next to him to follow up and take care of the women's safety.

"Okay." Xu Shengjian must be happy with this, and he hurriedly dropped his work and ran over.

"I'm going to help too."

Xu Shengjian was gone, so Wang Wei didn't dare to rest assured. He threw down his backpack and ran away without waiting for the fat man to agree.

"Hey, isn't this where you want to help?"

The fat man watched silently as the two grown men competed to see who could run faster, fearing that they would fall behind each other. It was like two children competing for favor.

It was not too far from the reservoir, and soon a group of people came to the edge. Looking at the vast and calm water, the women cheered and cheered. Even Xu Shengjian and Wang Wei who were following behind felt good. Of course, this is all about seeing the girl you like happy and making you happy too.

After walking half way around the reservoir, when the girls returned to the original place, they had successfully set up a campsite, so there was no need to worry about resting at night.

"Kexin, are you hungry?"

Xu Shengjian never left the refreshing girl at every step, and he and Wang Wei seemed to have become the little eunuchs serving behind the palace empress.

"What can I eat? I don't want to eat cookies anymore." Liang Kexin curled her lips and found that the camp was boiling water and said, "I want to drink hot milk, Xu Shengjian, heat the milk for me."

"I go."

Before Xu Shengjian had time to respond, Wang Wei beside him rushed out in one breath, even faster than him.

This was unbearable. Xu Shengjian was furious and hurried over, never wanting to lag behind Wang Wei.

"These two fools."

Another girl with short hair came over and said with a smile: "Kexin, how are these two followers doing?"

"Just so-so."

It seemed that Liang Kexin knew everything about Xu Shengjian and Wang Wei's pursuit of her, and she said nonchalantly: "Are all men so retarded? Just say a few words and rush forward like a fool?"

"Tch, those are just your two followers who are mentally retarded. Look how smart my boyfriend is..."

"Liu Xinran, you are such a nymphomaniac."

Time always passed quickly between playing with each other. After lunch was dealt with, a group of people walked up the mountain under the leadership of the fat man.

The terrain of the small mountains here is not complicated, and I have never heard of any wild beasts, so Fatty was very relieved and only asked to pay attention to a few requirements before starting to go up the mountain.

They are all urban men and women, so their demands cannot be too high. We had only been walking up the mountain for a while, but soon someone started making noises and couldn't walk any further. After more than two hours of non-stop walking, we finally climbed up to a mountain that was not too high.

"Hey, look, where is that place over there?"

Liu Xinran, who had been teasing Liang Kexin before, pointed to the area under the opposite side of the mountain peak and exclaimed.

"Hey, it seems there is a house."

Someone looked in the direction she pointed and noticed something unusual.

"It's an abandoned mine."

The fat man lit up a cigarette and smoked it, and said casually: "Before the reservoir was built here, there was a mine being mined. Later, when the mines were dug out and the reservoir started to be built again, the mine was probably abandoned."

There are too many such examples, and there are many abandoned mines across the country.

"Hey, it's really a mine."

Someone looked at it with a telescope and said excitedly: "It looks very interesting. Do you want to go over and have a look?"

"What's there to see in the mine?"

"Hey, you don't understand. I heard that if a mine lasts for more than ten years, something will happen. If something happens, several people will definitely die... So it is said that the mine has a strong yin energy, and resentful spirits will come out at night. Overflowing..."

Normally, women should turn pale with fright, but in fact, modern women who have been baptized by various ghost movies are more courageous than the men present. Not only are they not frightened, but they laugh and despise the scare. That guy for everyone.

"Hey, everyone, there's really nothing to see in the mine."

Seeing something was wrong, the fat man quickly got up to stop this group of fearless young people.

Unfortunately, the fat man who was paid to do things couldn't stop the young people's imagination, and they wanted to explore the mines.

(PS: My fingers have been getting more and more painful recently. After typing for a long time, I feel excruciating pain. I don’t know what’s wrong. Hey, it seems I can’t put it off any longer. I’ll see a doctor tomorrow. I hope it won’t be anything serious. ,Why.)

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