Hardcore crisis

Chapter 70 Mine

"Fat brother, what should we do?" Lao Cai walked slowly to the fat man and shook his head as he watched a group of men and women excitedly planning to walk towards the mine.

"Hey, these people are really my ancestors."

Speaking of which, if it weren't for the money, Fatty would really want to give up, but since he received the money, he must be responsible for it. It's also to blame that we didn't make an agreement with these people before. Even if we signed a contract, it would be much better than what we are doing now.

"Then your ancestor is running away, do you want to catch up?" Lao Cai was not as anxious as Fatty. Anyway, he was using money to do things, and it was not his responsibility if anything happened.

"What else can I do? Follow me." The fat man had no choice but to ask others to follow him.

"It's only two o'clock in the afternoon. If we go there for a walk, it won't be delayed. We will definitely be back at the camp before six o'clock..."

In summer, the sun sets after half past seven. When it gets dark, it will be at least eight o'clock. As long as you don't travel at night, there is really no danger.

Lao Cai's words made the fat man feel relieved. Fortunately, the place he chose was not a place like Shennongjia. No matter how much money he had, he would not dare to make such a life-threatening sum. For example, in uninhabited areas and primeval forests, not to mention novices, even experienced travel friends like them would not dare to go deep into it. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, even if they want to ask for help, the rescue force may not be able to find the exact location.

Although the fat man looks very fat, you can actually tell when he takes off his clothes. He is full of fat, but inside he is full of solid and powerful muscles. He is quite flexible when walking on mountain roads, and he is more agile than those young people.

The young people's interest came and went quickly. After resting for ten minutes, they started going down the mountain again, and they still walked on the mountain road without roads. In less than an hour, many people were so tired that their faces turned blue.

"How far is it? Have we gone astray?" someone complained.

"Yeah, you've been gone for an hour, right? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

"Why don't you just go back?"

"We've been walking for more than an hour, are you kidding me if you give up halfway?"

A group of people listened noisily, which made the fat man upset, "Okay, stop arguing, Lao Cai, do your best and go explore the road ahead."

"Yeah." Lao Cai didn't talk nonsense and got into the forest without saying a word.

Since they had walked for so long, everyone was unwilling to give up. They rested on the spot for more than ten minutes and were thinking about whether to continue setting off. The forest shook for a while, and Lao Cai got out of it.

"It's not far from the mine, just in front."

Lao Cai's physical strength is not comparable to that of these urban young men and women. In the past, he even walked continuously for ten hours without rest in more dangerous environments. Now, on this small road, it is really easy.

Lao Cai's words cheered everyone up, and no one gave up easily after only ten minutes of walking back and forth. They held their breath and continued to move forward. Sure enough, five or six minutes later, their eyes lit up, and the dense forest ended in front of them. In the distance is an abandoned mine.

"We're finally here." Although Liu Xinran handed the backpack to her boyfriend, she was still very tired from walking all the way. Fortunately, she finally arrived at her destination.

Contrary to what everyone imagined, this old mine that had been abandoned for seven or eight years was really not an ordinary shabby one. Weeds have grown out of the cracks in the rocks on many of the excavated flat lands. Abandoned bungalows, temporary housing and some mining equipment are all old and covered with rust and dust.

"Hey, there's nothing."

A group of people walked among them, looking left and right. They were very disappointed with the scenery in the mine, especially Liang Kexin.

"My aunt, if you really want something, then it's okay."

The fat man's scalp was throbbing with veins when he heard this. These women who are looking for excitement for fear of chaos in the world, really hope to encounter some resentful spirit in this mine? Don't look at everyone complaining at this time, everyone is definitely crying for their father and mother and running faster than a rabbit.

The mine is still very large. Halfway through the tour, some people couldn't hold on anymore and asked for a rest. Hearing this, the fat man also breathed a sigh of relief: "Everyone, let's take a rest. When the rest is over, we will go back."

This time no one objected to Fatty's words. After all, as Fatty said, there was nothing interesting to see or do in this abandoned mine. If you had the time, you might as well go back.

He sat down to drink some water and eat something. When he saw several women standing up and walking out, Xu Shengjian and Wang Wei quickly followed them.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?"

Liang Kexin glared at the two men and said angrily: "Want to take a peek?"

"Ah?" Xu Shengjian and Wang Wei stopped in embarrassment as they understood what the two women wanted to do.

When it came to going to the toilet, the others were also a little anxious. The girls chose to go inside the mine, while the men casually found a corner to solve the problem.

Liang Kexin and Liu Xinran, who had walked far away, saw that no one was around when they turned around, so they chatted and prepared to find a corner place to solve their internal problems.

"That's the entrance to the mine, right?"

A few dozen meters away, there was a dark mine tunnel entrance that no one had entered for an unknown period of time. There were many weeds growing outside, giving it a desolate appearance.

After looking at it for a few times, the two of them looked away, came to the foot of the two-story building at the entrance, stepped into the dilapidated open door and walked in.

Although no one had been here for a long time, causing the room to be densely dusty, it was surprisingly dry, and no spider webs were found. Liang Kexin took a look and said, "I'm over there, you stay over here."

Even though they were both women, Liang Kexin was not used to relieving herself in front of her best friends, so they each chose a small room and went in.

It is more troublesome for women to relieve themselves than for men. After working for a while to resolve the internal crisis, Liang Kexin stood up and returned to the door. Seeing that Liu Xinran hadn't come out yet, she shouted: "Xinran, you're not feeling better yet?"

This shout was loud. In such a two-story building, you should have heard it even from upstairs. However, after shouting, Liang Kexin did not hear a response from Liu Xinran.

After being slightly stunned, Liang Kexin continued to raise her voice: "Xin Ran, did you hear that? Can you please call me back?"

It was quiet, as if it had been so quiet for seven or eight years.

"Don't joke with me, okay?"

Just take a few steps into the room on the right, Liang Kexin said angrily.


Unexpectedly, when I walked into the room on the right, I didn't see Liu Xinran. There was a pool of wet stains on the ground, which should have been left by Liu Xinran, but where was he?

Feeling a little confused, Liang Kexin returned to the door and said, "Xin Ran, come out quickly, don't joke with me."

The shouts spread throughout the room, but there was still no response from Ding Dian. Liang Kexin was a little angry now, and her tone became dissatisfied: "Xin Ran, if you don't come out, I will leave..."

Did he go back alone first? Are you waiting any longer to laugh at yourself?

Thinking of such a possibility, Liang Kexin gritted her teeth. Generally speaking, Liu Xinran would not make such a joke, but she couldn't be sure. After all, that girl had a record of going crazy.

"Hmph, I'll settle the score with you when I get back!"

Angrily, he returned the same way and saw people gathering together to rest in the distance. As soon as Liang Kexin showed his head, Xu Shengjian and Wang Wei immediately rushed forward. They pushed me and ran to Liang Kexin. They said with a smile: "Kexin, come back." Yes."

"Where's Liu Xinran?"

Liang Kexin didn't give the two men a good look: "Where did that damn girl go?"

"Liu Xinran?"

The two men were startled, and Wang Wei asked in confusion: "Didn't Liu Xinran go with you, Ke Xin?"

"We went together, but didn't she come back early?"

Liang Kexin looked at the two of them suspiciously: "Don't say that you two are in cahoots with her, are you kidding me together?"

"Are you kidding? No, we haven't left here the whole time. We haven't seen Liu Xinran come back at all."

Wang Wei shouted that he was wronged.

Xu Shengjian frowned and said, "Kexin, Liu Xinran didn't come back with you?"

"Not back? Impossible. I came out after using the bathroom, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye. If she hadn't come back early, where else could she have gone?"

Not believing what Xu Shengjian and Wang Wei said at all, Liang Kexin stepped forward and shouted from a distance: "Fat brother, where is Liu Xinran hiding?"

"Liu Xinran? Isn't she with you?"

The fat man who was drinking mineral water raised his head and asked in surprise. (PS: Let me explain again to those who don’t understand the introduction. If you try to read business wars and other things in this book, you can abandon the book. There are many excellent science fictions with similar themes, such as "Computer Possession" "Gate of Science and Technology" and so on, don't keep whining about it all the time, because Lao Yu has no intention of writing this type of writing. He only writes a rough background to expand the power of the protagonist. You talk about fighting monsters. ? By the way, this is the core of this book. Establishing an organization similar to the SCP Foundation, "The Cabin in the Woods", and Umbrella to deal with various crises is not at all what some people expected to be similar to "Computer Possession" type of book. So I’ll explain it again, so as not to waste some people’s time, and then angrily complain about it in the book review area. In addition, I saw a doctor today and it was confirmed that I have frozen shoulder, tenosynovitis and other problems. I suggest Laoyu doesn’t want to type for a long time every day, so I try to keep it updated twice a day. After all, I have to work during the day, and I only have free time at night, so I basically devote myself to writing. If it really hurts, I will update once.)

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