Hardcore crisis

Chapter 68 Motorcade

I thought that after I stopped ingesting the items in the movie, the USB flash drive would be free of accidents, but I didn’t expect that two weeks later, the USB flash drive had another accident.

In other words, what is the connection with the power outage?

No, the U disk is only a storage tool, and the power outage has basically no impact on it. But why did the U disk mutate again not long after the power outage?

Patterns, patterns... It seems that it is too difficult to find the patterns of this thing.

If it is really related to the power outage, what if there is an accident next time there is a flood, or other seemingly innocuous little things happen? In other words, this thing is really a time bomb, no, it is a random bomb that cannot see the time.

If it happens once, it can be said to be an accident. If there are accidents one after another, and if you treat them as accidents, you are definitely a fool. There must be a pattern here that he has not yet studied.

For the entire second half of the night, Lu Yuan and Sonny were together, conducting a large-scale search of the surrounding area, trying to find out the whereabouts of the alien. However, it took a whole night, and when the sky became clear, there was still no trace of the alien.

The effect of NZT lasted for twelve hours. After half light, Lu Yuan's energy began to wane and his head began to feel dizzy. He took a few breaths and parked the car on the side of the road, asking Sonny to hide in the car. I got off the car and lit a cigarette on the side of the road.

He did not continue to take drugs. First of all, NZT has serious side effects. After taking the medicine for 24 hours continuously, it will put a lot of pressure on the body. If he takes the medicine again, he is afraid that he will not be able to bear it after the effect of the medicine wears off. Secondly, unless absolutely necessary, aliens will not move in such a bright environment during the day, especially in the fields beside the national highway, where at a glance there is plain land for at least ten kilometers.

"Where did that beast go?"

Summer morning is a cooler time of the day, especially in this field where there are not many people, even the breath coming in and out is filled with the fragrance of green grass.

He stood on the roadside and let the cool breeze clear his head. A car drove up on the road in the distance. No, it was a convoy of five cars, basically all SUVs.

Lu Yuan didn't pay much attention. He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it. When he was about to open the door and get in the car, the motorcade slowly stopped beside him.

"Hey, I'm so exhausted, I can finally breathe."

The car door opened, and several yawning girls got out of the car and took a collective deep breath.

"Hey, let's all take a rest first. Those who want to relieve themselves should do so first..."

The leader of the motorcade got out of the car, a fat man wearing a Hawaiian-style shirt. He didn't realize how funny he was dressed, and he walked carelessly towards Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan glanced around casually and found that there were about seventeen or eight people in this convoy. Women and men were evenly divided, and most of them were lovers. A group of people got out of the car and breathed the air in the fields, laughing and laughing excitedly.

"Brother, what do you call me?"

The fat man took out a pack of Diamond Lotus King and handed it over. Lu Yuan waved his hand and signaled no need.

"Don't smoke, brother?"

Glancing at the cigarette butt on the ground, the fat man saw Lu Yuan's cold expression and didn't take it seriously. He continued to get involved: "Brother, do you live nearby? I want to ask about the way down. Can we continue to Qishan Reservoir?"

"Qishan Reservoir?"

A map of the nearby terrain appeared in Lu Yuan's mind. Qishan Reservoir was about forty kilometers away from here, which was close to Xiaoqunshan. Except for the reservoir, even the villages there had been relocated long ago. This group of people What do you want to do there?

He is not a talkative person. Even if he has doubts in his heart, he will not ask them.

Keeping the indifference on his face, Lu Yuan nodded slightly: "Yes, continue walking along this road for twenty kilometers, and you will probably see a fork. There are signs there, so it is easy to find the road."

"That's right, thank you brother."

Probably knowing that Lu Yuan was unwilling to communicate in depth, the fat man who led the team thanked Lu Yuan and then turned back to where he was, eating the canned eight-treasure porridge that was handed over to him. A few of them talked softly, and occasionally turned around to look at Lu Yuan. A few glances.

Even without NZT, Lu Yuan could tell just by looking at the clothes these people were wearing and occasionally opening the things stacked in the car door that these people were probably traveling companions... Don't get me wrong, they were the kind of people who didn't have much experience and most of them were new recruits. Danzi was a very curious outsider, so he paid someone to take them out to try out life in the wild.

However, it seemed that the fat man was quite smart. He did not lead these people rashly into the primitive forest such as no man's land. Instead, he chose the dense forest of Qishan Reservoir, which was less populated but less dangerous. If you ignore the small mountains with an altitude of less than a thousand meters and go straight across that place, it is only five kilometers away from the nearest highway, so there is really no danger.

Those who have the time and energy to do this kind of tourism must have a lot of income, which can be seen from the clothes of most of these people. Looking away, Lu Yuan opened the door and got into the driver's seat. He looked back and saw Sonny squatting in the back seat and winking at him. He couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

This guy...even though he has human emotions, unfortunately, he is a little different after all. Such a big thing has happened, and now he can still wink mischievously. Well, this guy is a robot, and he doesn't care about aliens. If he doesn't take the initiative to attack, the aliens probably won't have much interest in him.


Holding the steering wheel, Lu Yuan casually glanced at the rearview mirror. Just as he raised his head to look at the car behind the convoy over there, he suddenly let out a startled sound.

"That is……"

"What's the matter, sir?"

Seeing that Lu Yuan didn't start the car, Sonny asked in confusion.

"There's something wrong with that car. I'll go down and take a look first."

Opening the door again, Lu Yuan walked towards the car. Naturally, his unusual behavior could not be ignored by the men and women around him. They looked at him with doubtful eyes, not knowing what Lu Yuan wanted to do.

There were several obvious claw marks on the rear bumper of the last car. Judging from the freshness of the peeled paint, it was obvious that it had been caused not long ago, otherwise the dust on the ground would have covered half of the scratch marks.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Such a stranger came closer to look at the bumper of his car, which attracted the attention of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, who came over and asked with a dissatisfied look.

This girl wears an ordinary ponytail, a white T-shirt and light-colored jeans. The overall combination looks very refreshing.

It's just that the refreshing girl's words were not so polite. She stared at Lu Yuan suspiciously, as if he was doing something bad.

"Where did these traces come from?"

Lu Yuan ignored the girl's question, stood up and looked at the fat man walking over, pointing at the scratches on the rear bumper and asked.


The fat man was stunned. He didn't expect Lu Yuan to ask such a question. He looked down at the scratches on the bumper. Before he could speak, the girl next to him said impatiently: "Hey, I said you were suspicious. We don't know you. Are you there?" What are you asking here?"

"Xiaocai, don't talk like that."

The fat man said hello, turned around and smiled awkwardly: "Children are ignorant, brother, don't mind."

"Damn fat man, who are you calling a child?"

These words immediately made the girl furious. She glared at the fat man and had a strong tendency to attack him if he disagreed with him.

"Oh, my aunt, please spare me. You haven't had breakfast yet, right? Come on, take it and eat it."

Putting the unopened eight-treasure porridge into the girl's arms, the fat man winked at his companions and coaxed the grumpy girl away.

Lu Yuan, who already had a headache, became even more sore after being spoken to by this girl a few times. He resisted the side effects of NZT and reluctantly explained: "I just saw something wrong with your marks, so I asked."

"Oh, these marks, Lao Cai, it seems like he hit something before, right?"

The fat man asked the man who was drinking milk. He was in his thirties and wore glasses. He was much more mature than most of the men and women present. Hearing the fat man ask this, he nodded: "Well, I thought the rear tire hit something. I got out of the car and took a look but didn't find anything. It did have a few scratches."

"When did it happen?" Lu Yuan asked immediately.

"About five o'clock. I drove at the back, and when I saw nothing happened, I quickly caught up."

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