Hardcore crisis

Chapter 25 Progress is going well

"Bang bang bang..."

NS-5's body was forcibly moved to one side, dodging bullets in an instant.

Then, NS-5 turned around involuntarily, as if it had been hit by a cannonball, and its whole body suddenly flew up and landed far in front of the door.

"We can't let it get away."

Dale hurriedly chased after him, shooting with his gun while running. With so many robots standing here, it was easy to shoot the rest of the robots with several shots. However, the robots who obeyed the orders remained motionless, even if their companions were hit and fell.

Dell suddenly had some doubts in his heart. Why was the robot standing there motionless? As if... waiting for myself to pass?

No, in fact, when he ran over, the robot suddenly bent down and the rolling shutter door was torn open.

Then...the robot's movements were too weird, as if it was being forced out, rather than walking out on its own.

"There he is, standing there, stop moving now!"

The lights were shining outside, and a dozen police cars and policemen stood outside in full gear, guns aimed at the NS-5.

Before Lu Yuan could continue to control, a large net suddenly fell from the sky and suddenly bound NS-5, tightening it and immediately making it unable to move.

"Hmm, has the timeline changed?"

Lu Yuan didn't feel anything at all, and stared coldly at the protagonist Dale walking out to talk to the female doctor.

Very good, everything went well with the plan, and the plot was forcibly reversed by him. The next step was the interrogation room plot.

To be honest, one thing that troubled Lu Yuan was that after ingesting the items, the timeline of the movie was completely synchronized with the real world. It took nearly half an hour to rush back to the police station from the robot factory.

After the male protagonist Dale forced himself into the interrogation room, the bulletproof glass door behind him slowly closed.

"For robots, killing is a new skill. Congratulations."

Dell, coldly condescending, threw the e-reading document in front of the NS-5's desk. These electronic files recorded all the scene photos of the murdered Dr. Laney, and he expected this iron lump to say something in front of these photos.

Unfortunately, this NS-5 sat quietly on the chair and made a cold voice: "Sir, do you need help?"

"answer me!"

Dale slapped the table and stared at the robot fiercely.

"Sir, do you need help?"

NS-5 kept repeating this sentence, looking back at Dell "innocently".

"Are you pretending to be stupid with me?"

With this look, Dell naturally thought that the robot was playing dumb with him.

"Sir, do you need help?"

The robot was still repeating simple language. Just when Dell was getting angry, his eyes were focused on the robot's fingers.

The robot was clearly looking at him, but its finger was pointing at the document.

Dell suddenly became confused and took a few steps forward to reach NS-5. He looked down and saw that the robot's finger was pressing under a letter - "D".

What does it mean?

Dell was confused, but the robot's fingers began to move and pointed to the next word - "E".

What is this tin can doing?

"S", "T", "R"...

Dale frowned: "D, E, S...destroy...destroy?"

"L, A, B...laboratory...laboratory?"

"Destroy the laboratory? What do you mean, you piece of shit!"

Seeing that the robot was not cooperating and was instead asking some riddles, Dell already had the urge to kill it with a gun.

Unfortunately, the boss of USR appeared behind the door at this moment.

What happened next was consistent with the original plot. The boss of USR took away the NS-5 without any doubt, and Dell was so angry that he wanted to point a gun at his forehead. When Dell finally took out his communicator and contacted the heroine Susan, Lu Yuan, who was sitting in front of the computer, smiled slightly.

He knew that with Dell's character he would never give up any clues, let alone give up the task midway. He would definitely ask Susan about those two words, and Susan, as the person in charge of executing the destruction of the robot, would naturally think of the following. destruction procedure.

So if he told the truth, Dell, who was very suspicious, would definitely ask to observe the execution of the NS-5's destruction process.

By then, Lu Yuan will be able to obtain the swarm autonomous micro-robots stored in the USR headquarters laboratory.


He breathed a sigh of relief, checked the time, and rubbed his temples. Due to the time synchronization between the two worlds, it would take at least three or four days to obtain the nanorobot. During this period, the computer must be functioning normally. The movie was played for three or four days in total.

It’s not too long, just take some time.

Anyway, after closing the player, the time in that world will be suspended. If you take part of the time in a week, you can complete the goal plan.

It wasn't until evening that Lu Yuan drove back to the warehouse.

The night was confusing. On summer nights, especially in the fields in the countryside, mosquitoes could be said to be flying around in swarms. Lu Yuan stopped the car and walked out of the car door. These swarms of mosquitoes flew over in a hurry, trying to Absorb some blood essence from Lu Yuan.

After waving his hand to drive away the mosquitoes, Lu Yuan took a deep breath and tried to keep his footsteps as low as possible before walking to the warehouse door...

"Sir, are you back?"

As soon as the door was opened, Lu Yuan couldn't help but his eyelids jumped.

The robot was not breathing, and its movements were gentle and silent. With his five senses, he was so close. He was only separated by a door, and he didn't realize that Sonny was standing at the door.

"what are you doing here?"

Sonny stood two meters away from the door and said softly: "I heard the sound and knew it was you who came back."

This sensor is so sensitive that humans cannot compare with machines in this regard.

Lu Yuan walked into the door and closed it to prevent the mosquitoes from outside from swarming in. "How are you doing today?"

"Very good...I read a lot of information."

Sonny followed closely behind Lu Yuan: "I mean the historical data is really amazing. Since 2004, the course of history in the two worlds has been basically inconsistent."

"There's nothing surprising about that."

Lu Yuan returned to his studio, picked up the cup, poured a glass of water and drank it.

"So what are you thinking about? Sonny, what are you going to do?"

Looking directly at Sonny, Lu Yuan asked calmly.

"I have thought about it for a long time... Regarding what my father once said, maybe you are the one standing under the bridge."

"Under the bridge?" Lu Yuan was startled.

"Yes, the movie says that person is me, but I think it's you."

Sonny said: "For me to appear here, to appear in this world in this way, maybe it is fate as you said."

"Cough cough cough..."

Lu Yuan choked on the water. Well, if you want to achieve the highest level of deception, you have to believe the words yourself.

After thinking about this, Lu Yuan looked solemn: "You are right, Sonny, this must be the arrangement of fate. I think the relationship between robots and humans can no longer repeat the tragedy of your world. It must be changed. This is what you are here to do." Here’s the reason!”

Sonny is an ideal product. In that world, the AI ​​of robots is highly developed, which arouses human thinking. This is a kind of philosophical thinking. When robots have intelligence and emotions that are not inferior to humans, then Are they still robots? How to treat it? Should we treat them as another kind of intelligent creature?

The philosophical way of thinking undoubtedly influenced Dr. Lanny, and as Sonny's creator, Dr. Lanny also indirectly influenced Sonny.

However, when dealing with Sonny, Lu Yuan immediately grasped the key point and impressed him with the future of humans and robots. The chance of success was obviously much better.

Now it seems that this rhetoric is gradually approaching success. Sonny's rhetoric is not too out of the ordinary. He is neither angry nor running away. After that, he slowly contacts and can always completely control Sonny.

"Yes, I understand, I will assist you, sir."

"Well, Sonny, just think about that."

Lu Yuan put down the water glass and said solemnly: "Actually, it's a good thing that you can't go back. That world... After the VIKI incident, it is inevitable that all AI that exceeds the norm must be destroyed, including you... and artificial intelligence will also Be restrained and you will be on the run from which no one can save you."

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