Hardcore crisis

Chapter 26 Outlook

In fact, Lu Yuan was still thinking about a question. Sonny's appearance was an unexpected situation. He was sure that he had not made a mistake at that time. He chose an ordinary NS-5 that had not yet left the factory. So why did it change when it was ingested into reality? Became Sonny?

This shouldn't be the case!

I have ingested various substances and experiments with a total weight of more than 50kg in "Never End" before and after, without any accidents. In other words, in this second movie, a damn accident happened!

There is no doubt that we should pay attention to this issue. We must find out the cause of this accident, otherwise we will not be able to bear it again at a critical moment in the future. Lu Yuan does not think that he will always have such good luck.

However, when he was in the hotel today, he re-tested this issue many times and found that no accidents occurred in either "Never Ending" or "Mechanical Enemy". The conclusion may prove that this is really just an accident. ?

Without any more intelligence information at hand, Lu Yuan had no choice but to be more vigilant to prevent him from being unprepared when such incidents occurred in the future.

Sitting on the revolving chair, Lu Yuanbai made himself a cup of tea. Out of politeness, Lu Yuanbai asked, "Do you need tea?"

"Thank you, I don't need it, sir." Sonny politely declined. Of course, as a robot, he couldn't drink tea.

"Well, let me ask you a few more questions."

Lu Yuan blew the tea leaves floating on the surface of the hot tea, "About the direction of our future cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Sonny asked doubtfully.

"Yes, it's cooperation, not you helping me."

Lu Yuan said seriously: "As I said before, Sonny, what is the meaning of your existence? Did Dr. Lanny really create you just to remind Detective Dell and help Detective Dell stop the VIKI rebellion? ?”


Sonny was confused: "My meaning..."

"Just like human beings, although life is just for living at first glance, it is not necessarily meaningless. Everyone has their own way of living, life and pursuit. What is your meaning and pursuit? This requires you You’ll think about it yourself in the future, but for now, you at least agree with my thoughts, right?”

Lu Yuan took a sip of tea: "Our world cannot repeat the tragedy of your world. We must redefine artificial intelligence and robots... How about you spending a day today? The object I asked you to focus on last night is awareness. Did you get anything?"

“Although the history of this world is different from mine, the research direction on artificial intelligence is roughly similar.”

The blue light of Sonny's electronic eye flashed: "I searched carefully. Regarding the development and research of artificial intelligence, the research institutions with relatively good results include MIT, CMU, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Honda, Sony, Apple, Facebook..."

It lists more than fifty research institutions or companies in one breath, all of which have invested a lot in artificial intelligence and have achieved some achievements accordingly.

"According to research levels, artificial intelligence in this world is still at an early stage, but based on information downloaded from the Internet, I believe that within the next ten years, artificial intelligence will initially reach the level of human brain intelligence."


Lu Yuan squirted out a sip of tea and looked at Sonny in surprise: "Within ten years? How is it possible? The current artificial intelligence should only have the intelligence level of a three to four-year-old human being."

"Sir, this is what I have inferred from the information currently released by laboratories in various institutions around the world."

Sonny's electronic eye flashed, and the projected three-dimensional hologram began to display image data one by one.

“Since 2005, the MIT AI Laboratory has participated in the AGENT project proposed by the U.S. Defense Research Projects Agency. According to the data left behind on the Internet, the host code-named K2 in this project can behave in a manner consistent with its environment and goals. Adaptation, the ability to flexibly adapt to changing environments and goals, the ability to learn from experience, and the ability to make appropriate choices given the limitations of perception and calculation. Its intelligence level is basically equivalent to the average intelligence level of a seven- to eight-year-old human... "

It is not too difficult for Sonny to search for such confidential projects from fragmentary information. After all, those laboratory tests must be connected to the Internet, and once the network is connected, it will inevitably leave traces. Ordinary people cannot find useful information from these encrypted garbled codes, but for Sunny, its room-temperature quantum computer runs one million times faster than Tianhe-2. In its eyes, as long as there is no physical disconnection, There are no secrets in this world.

That's secondary to what Sonny said was the surprising conclusion.

According to it, by 2025, the level of artificial intelligence in the secret laboratory will basically reach the level of human intelligence, which is basically the same as the technical level of its world in 2014.

Is there only an 11-year gap between the technological levels of the real world and "Mechanical Enemy"? Well, including civilian promotion, it’s only 20 years at most!

"Really, it seems like this world is deeper than ordinary people imagine."

Lu Yuan pinched his chin, thoughtfully. Originally, he thought that the development of artificial intelligence was slow and that it would take only thirty or forty years to reach the level of human intelligence. But how could he imagine that even without Sonny's technical intervention, in ten years The intermediate stage of artificial intelligence can also be completed within this period.

However, it is one thing for artificial intelligence to reach the level of human intelligence, and it is another thing to possess human emotions.

Sonny is special. It goes beyond the core goals given to artificial intelligence by humans and produces emotional thinking that only intelligent creatures have. This is an incredible and special example.

When it comes to the underlying hardware, Sonny is the same as the other NS-5s, and the high-level software algorithms are also the same, so why does Sonny have emotions while the other NS-5s don't?

Even Sonny himself couldn't explain this question clearly.

"So, in general, my goal is to establish a company like USR, with the purpose of researching artificial intelligence and ultimately preventing wrong choices similar to your world..."

Lu Yuan explained his plan, and it was natural that he was talking about goals that were in line with Sonny's meaning. There was no way he could say that his true goal was to disrupt the process of history, so he could just sit back and watch a good show. Although the final plan is not as good as it sounds, Lu Yuan actually attaches great importance to artificial intelligence.

Before the development of nuclear weapons, people did not think that nuclear weapons would pose any threat to mankind. But after nuclear weapons truly demonstrated their power, people realized that nuclear weapons were already the sword of Damocles hanging over mankind's heads.

Artificial intelligence is no joke. If you wait until it presents a threat, it will be too late to regret. Lu Yuan hopes to interfere with the history and technological development of mankind, which is an interesting and evil idea, but he does not want to really finish mankind.

So there was a bit of sincerity in what he said.

"Establishing USR is not a simple matter. By 2035, USR's total market value will exceed US$2.3 trillion, four times that of Microsoft..."

Sonny replied seriously.

"Ahem, okay, I know this..."

The USR company in the movie has almost a monopoly on the production of intelligent robots and has sold the robots to households all over the world. It is not surprising that the market value has reached 2.3 trillion US dollars.

Lu Yuan reminded: "Plan, this is just a plan. Humanity's plan is a vision for the future. Besides, you know the technological level of this world. With your presence, I think it is not too difficult to complete this plan."

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

"First I need to know what information you have stored."

Lu Yuan looked at Sonny expectantly. If its electronic brain stored a lot of technical information, no matter what it was, it would definitely be much better than the technology in the real world. In the 21st century, this is capital!

Knowledge is power, and its huge role is particularly highlighted in the 21st century.

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