Hardcore crisis

Chapter 24 Method of Destruction

It's not too difficult to explain, but it is difficult to make people believe it.

It is very difficult to make people believe, but it is very easy to believe in robots. It is so easy that Lu Yuan is a little stunned.

"All the evidence shows that this is not the world I am familiar with."

Sonny's electronic eyes rolled: "Your explanation is not in line with common sense, but my appearance here is not common sense in itself. Applying equal rules to explain it will not solve the problem."

"Well, I'm glad you believe this. You know... ordinary people don't believe this kind of thing."

"Can you let me see it?"

Sonny lowered his head and looked at the USB flash drive in Lu Yuan's hand.

"Sorry, this thing is very important, so only I can save it at the moment."

The reason why Lu Yuan confessed the existence of the USB flash drive was that if he wanted to use it as an assistant and housekeeper to ingest related items in the future, he would not be able to hide it from Sonny. And Sonny came to this world and absorbed a large amount of Internet information. " The movie "Mechanical Enemy" definitely can't be kept secret for too long.

In this case, it is better to confess the truth from the beginning and win Sonny's trust.

Yes, it does sound a bit ridiculous, trusting a robot.

Fortunately, Sonny has a kind nature, which gives him room to maneuver. Otherwise, it would be reasonable for Skynet's robot to talk nonsense and turn around and run away immediately without saying anything.

It's one thing to confess part of the truth, but it's impossible to put the USB drive in anyone else's hands.

Holding the USB flash drive and putting it back into his pocket, Lu Yuan rejected Sonny's request.

Sonny was not angry at all. He lowered his head as if thinking about something, then raised his head: "You mean I can't go back, so what can I do if I stay here?"

"There's a lot you can do."

Lu Yuan took a few steps, took out a book, and flipped through it a few times: "In the current world, there are many unsolved technical problems, which are very different from the world you live in. Not to mention other things, even hunger We humans are not over yet. There are too many problems that need to be solved, such as the gap between rich and poor, economic crisis, technological lag, the haze of war, etc., so I need your help."

Lu Yuan swore that this was the most "sincere" look in his life. Let alone a mere robot, even a psychological master here would never be able to tell the difference between true and false.

However, Sonny's moral values ​​are not strong enough yet. He is obviously confused by the current situation, so he has to listen to Lu Yuan's words. As for what will happen next, it is really hard to imagine.

Lu Yuan was not anxious at all. There was a way to destroy Sonny, but whether to destroy his thinking or not depended on the interests involved.

Which one has the greatest use value, the living Sonny or the dead Sonny?

The answer is self-evident. Sonny must be more valuable alive. Although this represents a certain threat...it's interesting, isn't it?

Lu Yuan's hands were trembling a little, and he began to feel excited inside, just like walking on a tightrope. Death accompanied him but it was so exciting that he couldn't stop.

Wait... is it the influence of NZT again?

The excitement was forcibly suppressed, and Lu Yuan was shocked to know that NZT had another impact on his thoughts and personality.

Damn it, you have to get the thing that can destroy Sonny first before talking about anything else.

I had a conversation with Sonny all night long. At least in the current environment, Sonny could only stay here and suddenly appeared in another world, and learned that his world might just be a virtual world. In this way The blow is definitely unacceptable to humans, but the robot's ability to accept it is much stronger.

Lu Yuan tried to explain several times. It’s unknown how much Sonny heard it, but he is now willing to stay in the warehouse honestly. This can be regarded as a good victory.

When the sun came up, Lu Yuan steeled himself and swallowed another pill of NZT. After warning Sonny repeatedly because he still had things to deal with, he took the USB flash drive and drove back to the city.

Sonny maintains a friendly attitude towards human beings. However, just like the protagonist in the movie, Lu Yuan will not be emotional. Artificial intelligence is good, but it must be under human control. It is expected that artificial intelligence that loses the restrictions of the three laws will It's ridiculous to always be nice to people.

Therefore, if this accident occurs, Lu Yuan must find a follow-up plan that can restrain or even destroy Sonny.

Quite simply, the nanorobots in the movie can clear the robot's neural network synapses, thereby physically disintegrating the robot's core and resetting the robot's AI system.

Fortunately, there is such a thing, otherwise it would be a bit difficult to find a way to destroy Sonny.

He found a hotel and got a single room. After walking in and confirming that there was no surveillance, Lu Yuan put down his laptop and did not connect to the Internet. Instead, he directly inserted the USB flash drive and opened the movie "Mechanical Enemy".

Sure enough, from the time period when NS-5 was ingested, the entire movie had changed. The timeline could not be fast-forwarded or moved, and the camera began to follow the protagonist again.

How to obtain nanobots?

Only the heroine is qualified to enter the laboratory to obtain nanobots, so she must be controlled first.

This is no different than the previous "Never Ending" game where mobile phones were available for communication. In this future world context, all tools have become very advanced. Without traditional touch screen mobile phones, it has become quite difficult to use mobile phones to communicate. .

what to do?

Without the ability to communicate, it is difficult to control the heroine, because the camera will only be fixed on the male protagonist, so the heroine must be affected through the male protagonist.

Without communication, even if Lu Yuan exerts various influences, it would be difficult for the male protagonist to understand anything. The worst thing is that even if there is a way to communicate, with the stubborn character of the male protagonist in this movie, it is really difficult to influence him.

"Well, there is a way, but can it be successful?"

Lu Yuan's eyes reflected the reflection of the computer screen, and he held his chin thoughtfully.

No matter whether you can succeed or not, if you don't try it, you will never succeed.

In the movie, because Sonny was accidentally absorbed into the real world, the two protagonists will definitely not be able to find Sonny as the plot develops.

So when the male protagonist, the black Detective Dale, took out his pistol and aimed at the NS-5 robot, all the robots stayed in place quietly, and no one behaved abnormally.

"But I don't believe them. To me these things are just light bulbs and clockwork!"

"Bang bang bang..."

After several consecutive shots, an NS-5 robot's head was penetrated by bullets and fell to the ground helplessly.

"Are you crazy?"

The heroine Dr. Susan on the side rushed to Dale's side.

"Let me ask you a question, doctor, are you going crazy with the idea that everyone else is drunk and you're alone?"

"If it were me, I would definitely go crazy."

Aiming at an NS-5 again, Dell's eyes showed no mercy.

Of course, he would definitely shoot if the original Sonny didn't show any abnormality.

But at this time, Sonny was no longer here, so the plot could not proceed as usual. This was not possible. Lu Yuan's eyes moved, and the robot that Dale was pointing at suddenly moved its body, as if it was being pulled by an invisible rope. As if pulling him, he hit Dale in the stomach with a palm.

The sudden movement of the robot was not expected even by Dell, who was originally paying attention. He had no time to avoid it and was hit hard in the stomach. His vision went black. It flew several feet high from the ground and landed suddenly three or four meters away. There was a chaos. roll.


Susan originally didn't believe that robots would use force against humans, but the scene in front of her broke her common sense and she couldn't help but scream.

However, after hitting Dell in the stomach, the robot did not use force again. Instead, it walked over and squatted down: "Sir, do you need help?"

"Damn it, you piece of trash!"

Dell resisted the desire to vomit, aimed his gun at the robot's head, and wanted to shoot.

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