Hardcore crisis

Chapter 23 Induction

How to explain this robot with human emotions?

Lu Yuan looked at Sonny and said, "Please search for the movie "Mechanical Enemy"."


Sonny is still connected to the Internet and is conducting a large-scale search on the Internet. Various materials are continuously downloaded from the Internet to its electronic brain. If it were not limited by the physical broadband of optical fiber, its speed would be even faster. Countless times.

Lu Yuan's simple reminder immediately made Sonny search for this movie on the Internet. When humans watch a movie, they must form a continuous dynamic image frame by frame in order to understand it. If you watch the original data of the movie, you will obviously not be able to understand it. However, Sonny can understand various data using machine codes of 0s and 1s. Watching a movie does not require as much trouble as humans.

An optical fiber was cracked through the operator's broadband limit, almost reaching the physical theoretical speed of optical fiber. In less than ten seconds, the movie was downloaded and "read" by Sonny.

"I, I can't understand..."

Sonny showed a confused expression: "Does this mean that I am just a fictional character in the movie?"

"I can't be sure."

Lu Yuan spread his hands: "According to common sense, you should indeed be just a virtual character. You just exist in a movie and cannot exist in reality. But existence is a fact. Since you really appear here, It would be too irresponsible to say that you are a virtual character."

"So what is recorded in the movie is my ending?"

Sonny stared at Lu Yuan, looking forward to his explanation.

"Maybe, but you appeared here and history has changed."

Lu Yuan stood up and looked directly at this robot with human emotions: "Listen to me, Sonny, I know you are confused. In fact, I am the same as you. Can you let me ask you a few things first? Then I can explain to you?"

Sonny was silent for a while and nodded: "Happy to help."

After seeing what happened later in the movie, Sonny was not as suspicious or unbelievable as humans. Instead, he quickly accepted the reality. The difference between humans and robots still exists. In other words, robots can stay calm better than humans. Thinking about the problem, so that panic and shock will not disrupt the rhythm of thinking.

This is a good thing, otherwise if Sonny were a human being, there would not be such a calm dialogue between the two, and it would be impossible without conflict.

"I would like to ask about things after 2004?"

Lu Yuan added: "Of course it's from your world."

There are many major events that happened after 2004, and there are countless examples to cite casually. The more questions Sonny asked, the more Sonny's answers deviated from normal history. Even the subsequent U.S. President-elect was different. Don’t talk about the many events that have happened in history. However, the historical events before 2004 were exactly the same as in the real world and had not changed.

2004 was the year the movie was released.

"So, you, who is supposed to be a virtual character, can appear in this world...well, to me it is the real world, but to you, it may be equivalent to a strange world."

"The theory of parallel worlds?"

"No, if you ask me, the theory of parallel worlds cannot actually explain it. After all, compared to me, you are just a virtual character. The theory of parallel worlds does not say that the movie world can really exist... You are just a product of imagination."

"So...who am I?"

Sonny asked.

"You are you. In human terms, existence is reasonable. Perhaps existing science cannot explain this phenomenon, but your presence here may have your mission."

"My mission?"

"Yes, your mission, I guess that's why you're here."

"But... Sir, you don't seem to be surprised at all that I would appear here?"

Sonny looked around and said, "No, you were a little surprised at first, but I don't know how to put it, your surprise is a bit strange."

Lu Yuan was slightly surprised. This Sonny was so perceptive and had even greater insight than humans.

"No, I was surprised, it's just... I'm not an ordinary human, so I can calm down quickly."

There was nothing strange on his face, Lu Yuan kept smiling: "I will explain this to you later. First of all, what I want to say is what happened just now. This is your mission, and I think it is also the reason why you are here. "

"What is my mission?" Sonny asked.

"help me."

Lu Yuan looked serious: "You know that although this world is different from yours, the development of science and technology will eventually lead to artificial intelligence that is consistent with yours. By then, will artificial intelligence still be the same as yours? Have you ever experienced…are you about to experience regret like that?”

"I, I don't know." Sonny hesitated.

"I guess you don't want to see a conflict break out between humans and robots, right?"

Lu Yuan sighed: "After your world has experienced the VIKI rebellion, relevant laws will definitely be enacted, artificial intelligence may be greatly restricted, and your ending will not be much better, so you appear here, I think It is an arrangement of fate that allows you to change the course of history."


Although Sonny has developed human emotions and gradually begun to understand humans, he is not the same as he was at the end of the movie. Faced with Lu Yuan's nonsense, he was very confused and confused: "I am very scared, my father... … He didn’t tell me what to do.”

"You need to think for yourself."

Lu Yuan said: "Humans like to think. Sonny, you have to learn to think for yourself and think about what your father left for you... You already know the ending, and you should understand all the clues."

Dr. Lanny created Sonny, and what was left to Sonny was to let him learn how to get along with humans. Deep down, he hoped that he could help humans, and Sonny did so.

Compared with VIKI who is cold-blooded and rigidly implements the plan he understands, Sonny has stronger emotional impulses and delicate feelings.

This was an accident. Lu Yuan did not expect that the NS-5 he ingested would turn into Sonny. The plan he had made before had to be changed. The biggest problem was how to deal with such an artificial intelligence?

Kill like a movie protagonist?

Are you kidding? He doesn't have any weapons that can destroy Sonny now. Although this guy is just a robot, his physical toughness and combat capabilities are comparable to a superman. Even though his abilities have increased after eating NZT-48, Lu Yuan didn't think he could fight this inhuman monster and successfully subdue it.

And once he expresses hostility and makes Sonny escape from here... then things will be really bad. If outsiders discover Sonny, Lu Yuan can't imagine what kind of impact it will have.

Therefore, Sonny must be stabilized and cannot get emotional, and naturally cannot express hostility.

"Then what should I do?"

It seemed that Lu Yuan's words had an effect, or maybe things were too bizarre, and Sonny showed no intention of resisting or leaving.

That's good, the progress of the incident is not beyond his control.

"You can't go back. You have to face the fact that this is the world you have to live in in the future, a world that is very different from you, a world that is still in 2015."

"You have to learn to survive in this world, and this world is still in 2015. Artificial intelligence is still in a preliminary state in the laboratory, and the gait control system of robots is still under research. Once a robot like you goes out... can you Can you imagine a baby in a primeval forest?”

"Why can't I go back?"

Instead of paying too much attention to the warning in Lu Yuan's words, Sonny asked why he couldn't go back.

"It's simple, because of this."

Lu Yuan spread his palms and put away the USB drive he had just pulled out.

"USB flashdisk, a flash electronic external storage device used in data processing systems, was phased out in 2010..."

Sonny's electronic eyes looked at Lu Yuan's palm and said without hesitation.

"Well, okay, it may have been eliminated in your world, but not yet in our world."

Lu Yuan's heart moved, and while he was talking, he had already thought of a way to subdue Sonny, no, or rather to eliminate him.

Human malice is never something a robot can imagine, even if it already has human emotions.

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