Hardcore crisis

Chapter 22 Robot, Sonny?

"Who are you?"

The NS-5 robot, which had just completed all its body parts from the air, turned around with an anthropomorphic expression on its face. It was obvious that it was confused.

But the one who was more confused and shocked than this robot was Lu Yuan next to him.

"Are you talking to me?"

After the effects of the medicine wore off, Lu Yuan was not as calm as when he was pregnant, and he almost couldn't help but jump up.

"who are you?"

Upon hearing Lu Yuan's question, the robot's voice changed from English to Chinese. It glanced at Lu Yuan and then looked around, feeling very confused about the environment it was in.

However, this extremely anthropomorphic expression of confusion is simply unbelievable to the extreme. In the entire movie, the only ones with anthropomorphic artificial intelligence are VIKI and Sonny. The other robots have at least close to human intelligence, but never have such intelligence. Anthropomorphic emotional expression.

He clearly ingested the factory NS-5 hanging on the conveyor belt, which only had a basic AI underlying system. How could he take the initiative to ask questions and still show such strong emotional expressions?

"Who are you?"

Shocked, Lu Yuan asked.

"Me? I'm Sonny."

NS-5 turned around and focused on Lu Yuan again, wondering: "I remember I was in the factory, but why did I end up here in the blink of an eye?"

"Are you Sonny?"

Lu Yuan couldn't help but take a few steps back. Compared to Sonny's unexpected appearance, he was even more horrified that his control, the exact target of his ingestion, had unexpected changes. What was going on? After several test intakes, there should be no problem! How could such an accident happen?

"Yes, I'm Sonny, you seem to know me?"

After Sonny said this, he suddenly said in surprise: "Where is this? Detective Dale Spooner and Dr. Susan Kevin are not here... Hey, why is the short-range wireless network here still based on the 802.11 series? Protocol LAN? Unable to connect to Li-Fi. The long-distance transmission network is the LTE-TDD standard 4G network...The Falcon Global Positioning System cannot connect and the GPS signal is found..."

Lu Yuan swallowed his saliva and felt his scalp numb. The trouble he was most afraid of was coming. He was clearly ingesting the factory-made NS-5, but for some unknown reason, he actually ingested Sonny. When ingesting it, The scene hasn't even entered the storage area yet. Logically speaking, I haven't even seen this guy's face. Why is there such an incomprehensible error?

Before Lu Yuan could come up with a countermeasure, Sonny, who had instantly cracked the WPA/WPA2 digital encryption system of WIFI, successfully entered the Internet. Once a robot with a quantum computer as its brain enters the Internet, there will be no secrets in this world. .

"This is the East China Sea...the time is 20:01 minutes and 19 seconds on August 17, 2015..."

Sonny's confusion became even greater. It stared at Lu Yuan with two eyes and asked loudly: "Sir, the time on the entire Internet is wrong. No, all familiar things have disappeared. The Internet is still in its original state. It is confirmed that it is 2015. The probability is more than 99.99%. So, sir, do you know what’s going on?”

"Sonny, yes, Sonny..."

Lu Yuan looked at the corner of the table, where there were about ten NZT pill bottles, and said, "This matter is a bit complicated. I mean it is a bit beyond imagination and not easy to understand."

"Are you looking at this?"

Unexpectedly, Sonny turned around, picked up the medicine bottle on the table, turned around and said, "You have been staring at this since just now."

Damn, I finally understand why the male protagonist in the movie hates robots so much.

Smart robots are really annoying, especially with their meticulous detection systems.

"Well, I have a bit of a heart condition, so...that's my medicine."

Apparently Sonny has not been able to fully recognize and understand complex human emotions, including lies.

Hearing what Lu Yuan said, he immediately spread his hand and stretched it to Lu Yuan's side, as if gesturing to Lu Yuan to take it.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Yuan reached out to catch the medicine bottle, unscrewed the cap, poured out a pill of NZT and swallowed it down his throat, feeling slightly relieved.

"You just said that things are a bit complicated, so what kind of complicated things can make the entire Internet regress from 2035 to 2015?"

"Do you think anyone has the ability to set the Internet back 20 years?"

Lu Yuan smiled bitterly: "This incident was an accident. In fact, you shouldn't have appeared here."

The effect of the medicine began to take effect gradually. After calming down, Lu Yuan first eliminated the panic. Since the incident had inevitably happened, no amount of confusion and shock could restore the situation. Calm thinking and countermeasures were the key to solving the problem.

First of all, we have to look at things from the bright side. Although Sonny has intelligence comparable to human emotions in the movie, he still leans towards the human side. The protagonist’s several insults and doubts still did not make Sonny stand on VIKI’s side. On the other hand, he helped the protagonist solve the behind-the-scenes BOSS VIKI. It can be said that Sonny had the ability and conditions to violate the three laws of robots, but in the end he did not. He followed the instructions of his father who made him and completed his task perfectly.

From this point of view, things aren't too bad.

At least the basic version of the NS-5 can only study its hardware equipment, and don’t think too much about the software. Sonny is equipped with a more powerful auxiliary system and an alloy body, and the electronic brain must have stored unimaginable information. Data, these data may have greater value than hardware in a sense.

"Sir, what accident are you talking about?"

"Well, it's a phenomenon that existing science cannot explain."

The effects of NZT began to take full effect. Lu Yuan was no longer nervous or afraid. He pulled up a chair and sat down casually, looking at the unexpected robot: "First of all, I want to explain that this is not a regression or malfunction of the Internet... No. , I think you should have noticed it too, right?"

Although he was having a conversation with Lu Yuan, it was easy for a robot that could handle problems in parallel to search the Internet while having a conversation.

"Yes... Although it is a bit incredible, such a backward Internet is not only backward in terms of software, but also backward in hardware. Do you want to say that I traveled through time and space and returned to 2015 from 2035? "

Sonny's eyes turned, and light suddenly shot out, and a holographic three-dimensional projection suddenly unfolded in the air.

The neon lights on the streets of Tokyo, Japan are colorful and the streets are bustling with people coming and going.

In Times Square, New York, TV ads are flashing and playing as the crowds move around the square.

Paris, London, Moscow, Singapore... Surveillance images from major cities around the world were displayed in front of Lu Yuan one by one through Sonny projection.

Lu Yuan was not surprised that Sonny had such an ability, or perhaps it was strange that it did not have such an ability.

Not to mention that the timeline of the movie world itself is different from that of the real world. Even by the standards of the real world, 20 years can widen the technological gap beyond imagination. If you put the 2015 IPHONE mobile phone in 1995, you can imagine the impact it would have on many people who still use BB phones. The high-configuration personal computers of 2015, in 1995, were performance monsters that even the military supercomputers at that time could not match.

The normal historical development process that conforms to Moore's Law is like this, not to mention the year 2035 in "Mechanical Enemy". The degree of scientific and technological development is obviously many times faster than the foreseeable development process in the real world.

"Well, traveling through time is half right to a certain extent."

Lu Yuan said slowly: "But the truth is much more complicated and terrifying than this."

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