Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 817 Live Fire

It's just that meat doesn't cook that fast. Several students gathered together and muttered for a while, and then Wang Shuqin walked up to Ma Quanyi and asked: "Director Ma, can you teach us how to shoot?"

Ma Quanyi was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Why are you studying this? You will graduate and go back in a few months?"

Wang Shuqin pursed her lips and replied with a somewhat stubborn tone: "We have made several decisions, how about it? Does Company Commander Ma welcome us new recruits?"

Ma Quanyi was overjoyed. What is the most lacking thing in the development zone now? Naturally, it is talent. These college students are what we call college students. If they are willing to stay, they will have no problem letting alone shooting guns and setting off cannons!

So, he called a few soldiers to train several students individually. He waved his hand generously and said: "After you have learned all the essentials, you can train with live ammunition today. There is no limit on bullets!"

In fact, there is a limit on the number of bullets in the company each year, so the live ammunition shooting company cannot do more than a few times a year. Ma Quanyi was simply generous today. If these college students stayed, it would be worth using up all the bullets for a year.

Several young people became excited. They did not expect that they would be able to shoot live ammunition when they touched a gun for the first time in their lives.

Ruyi saw Liu Qingshan approaching and greeted him without hesitation. He directly blocked Zheng Lanzhi who was about to come forward: "Uncle, please teach me!"

Liu Qingshan nodded, but his expression was serious. There is recoil in shooting. If you don't master the essentials well, don't cry if your shoulder hurts.

Ruyi bit her lip and glanced at Liu Qingshan angrily, as if blaming him for looking down on her. But think about how embarrassing I was when I came here, with my face as red as a ripe apple.

Liu Qingshan glanced at Ruyi who was shy there with pity. There was a ripple in his heart. For many years, since his first love married someone else, he basically had no contact with other women. Not to miss anything? But he no longer believes that there is love in this world.

Liu Qingshan is a stubborn man, but life does not mean that he can go as he wants without fear. For example, his first love eventually married someone else in order to return to Shihezi. This is something he absolutely cannot do.

When life shattered his pride, he lay dormant like an ostrich. Eat, work, and sleep quietly. Even such a huge change in infrastructure did not create any psychological ripples in him.

Although Liu Qingshan is average-looking, his strong physique is still liked by many girls, but he no longer has that thought. I don’t want to hurt myself again for this kind of thing, I can’t afford it!

But the little girl in front of him made him want to take care of her. She was very thin, with a small face that he could hold with one slap. The figure is as slender as splendens. The reason why Liu Qingshan took the initiative to carry her was because he was afraid that the wind on the top of the mountain would get strong and blow her away.

The first step in learning to shoot is naturally to learn postures and essentials. The most commonly used position around the world is to lie down with your left hand holding the gun and your right hand on the trigger. Then the ruler, crosshair, and target are three points and one line.

Generally speaking, as long as the three points and one line are aligned, the target shooting results will not be bad. However, the vibration when shooting and the deviation of the gun itself will also affect the performance. This is a problem that the shooter himself needs to overcome.

Naturally, it was impossible for the soldiers to come up and let a few students shoot. Practice aiming first, and then how to load and unload bullets? What to do if the gun jams? Not only do these things need to be explained clearly, but they also need to be mastered proficiently.

Young people have a passion for firearms, and girls are no exception. After all, in those days, protecting the home and the country was what they had been taught since childhood. Uncle PLA is the cutest person of that generation.

Ruyi's courage was as weak as her strength, although she was very excited when she picked up the gun. He lay down, took aim and quickly mastered the essentials of the action. But when she pressed the bullet into the gun chamber, she began to be afraid. Because she knew this orange-red bullet could kill someone.

So she was always trembling when loading and unloading bullets. As a result, Liu Qingshan has exhausted all his patience and has not learned yet.

But looking at the little girl who was about to cry, how could he be willing to blame her? They didn't do it on purpose, they were just afraid... Although Ruyi didn't say anything, Liu Qingshan understood that no matter what he said, the other party would say the same.

But seeing everyone else eager to prepare for live ammunition shooting, Liu Qingshan was also a little anxious. He is the pacesetter in military training in his company, and his apprentice cannot be embarrassed.

The two of them were lying side by side in a snow nest. Liu Qingshan leaned close to her ear and asked softly: "If I were knocked down by a wild boar today, would you help me if you had a gun in your hand?"

Ruyi felt her ears itching, which made her feel a little confused. But when he finished speaking, the bloody scene of Liu Qingshan being bitten by a wild boar immediately appeared in front of her eyes.

"Then I'll kill it!" Ruyi didn't know why she suddenly felt violent. Or rather angry, if the wild boar dared to hurt this man, she would shoot him without hesitation.

Her emotions made her involuntarily load the bullet with a click. Then put your finger on the trigger and pull it.

Liu Qingshan held her hand: "Don't fight yet, withdraw the bullet."

Ruyi withdrew the bullet with a crash. The movements were clean and neat, as if they had been practiced countless times.

Liu Qingshan was dumbfounded. He had taught him how to express feelings countless times but it was not as effective as a sentence about being bitten by a pig. It seemed that this example would be used frequently in the future. But I was also quite touched. A pig bit me. This thin little girl dared to fight for her life.

After more than an hour, the students were almost able to master the essentials of firearms. Ma Quanyi inspected each of them one by one and fired five bullets each. But we don't dare to let them fight on their own, the master must stay on the side.

As the bullets were pressed into the magazine, the oldest boy's hands trembled with excitement. Damn, the laborer will soon be a man who has shot a gun.

His master is Yu Laogui, who is currently the oldest person in the company. He is 55 years old this year. At this age, there is no need to follow him for training, but he insisted on coming and Ma Quanyi couldn't stop him.

Yuan Kewang still has some talent for firearms. Although he was excited, his movements were clean and neat. The target was placed halfway up the mountain at a distance of 100 meters. Because he was the oldest, he was the first to shoot.

"The target is one hundred meters ahead. Aim at three o'clock and one line." Yu Laogui usually seems to have a slimy personality and is a bit slovenly, but as soon as he comes into contact with a firearm, he immediately changes into a different person.

Yuan Kewang finished the action according to the order neatly and replied "Finished!"

"Shoot!" Yu Laogui said before he finished speaking. "Ping ping!" Two sounds, and the bullet was fired.

Welcome to my old book. Li Bai and I are classmates.

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