Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 816 Fighting Pigs

The wild boar didn't care about the damage to its body. It howled desperately and rushed forward. The moment it approached Liu Qingshan, its body suddenly jumped on the net, and it actually wanted to bite Liu Qingshan's neck.

"Ah! Ah!" Several girls exclaimed at the same time. Ruyi may have cried "Wow!" because she was grateful to Liu Qingshan for carrying her up.

Liu Qingshan's knees were slightly arched, and he held the rifle tightly with both hands. At the moment when the wild boar took off, the gleaming bayonet thrust out fiercely, and he roared "Kill!"

The bayonet of a semi-automatic rifle is triangular, because when the flat-edged bayonet penetrates the human body, it will be clamped by the muscles and cannot be pulled out. The three-edged bayonet has no such problem, and the three wide blood grooves make it easier to kill the enemy.

Liu Qingshan's target is the heart of the pig. No matter how powerful the creature is, if its heart is pierced, it will lose its fighting power in an instant.

Although Liu Qingshan was not a demobilized soldier, few people in the company could match his military quality trained by Yang Yulin.

The wild boar was carried by Liu Qingshan and stagnated in mid-air for dozens of seconds, and then crashed to the ground, making a big crater in the snow behind Liu Qingshan, and then the blood spurted out turned the snow red.

Wang Shuqin and others all closed their eyes at that moment. They didn't see the last moment at all. Just saw the wild boar open its mouth and extend its fangs towards Liu Qingshan.

When they opened their eyes, they found Liu Qingshan squatting there and skinning the pig with a smile. He was still mumbling: "This meat must be chewy when eaten."

Ruyi didn't know why, but she suddenly rushed over, hugged his neck and shouted: "You scared me to death!"

A group of people just woke up from the shock, and then turned to stone again. What type of situation is this? Liu Qingshan also stayed there at a loss. He didn't know what this girl was doing.

In fact, Ruyi's behavior was also a subconscious behavior. After all, this man helped her when she was in the most difficult time and even carried her halfway up the mountain.

The key is that this kind of thing is really not something that ordinary people can do. At least none of her classmates were good at it. She would definitely not be able to accept the sudden death of such a man from the mouth of a wild boar.

I was already in despair just now, but suddenly I opened my eyes and saw Liu Qingshan squatting there skinning the pig. I felt sad and happy at the same time, and I couldn't help but pounce on him.

Ruyi woke up and saw that she was lying on someone's back again, almost crushing Liu Qingshan and almost fell onto the wild boar. Her face immediately turned red. Quickly let go and hide aside.

Liu Qingshan didn't pay much attention, and shouted to several boys: "Come here, help me pull it. Let's peel off the pig skin."

His shout immediately diverted everyone's attention. For these students, they have never seen domestic pigs killed, let alone wild boars. This is the case with young people. Once the risk has passed, it will be immediately forgotten.

Liu Qingshan's technique was very skillful, and the short knife in his hand was as easy as a woman's embroidery needle. Even a few girls who were afraid of blood were mesmerized.

"You are so awesome!" Zheng Lanzhi couldn't help but admire.

The pig skin was peeled off quickly, and the wild boar was different from the domestic pig. Very few eat the skin, including the internal organs. However, wild boar belly is a medicinal material and has special effects on treating gastrointestinal diseases.

Within ten minutes, a white-striped pig appeared in front of everyone. Liu Qingshan pointed to a series of footprints going down the mountain and said: "Everyone, let's slide down here. There are no rocks here. Just control your speed."

After saying that, he pushed the skinned wild boar down hard. I saw the wild boar rolling down the top of the mountain, constantly touching the snow on the ground along the way, and soon turned into a big snowball. Rolling down the mountain like flying.

"It's so fun!" Zheng Lanzhi cheered and rolled down the mountain. Liu Qingshan grabbed her and said, "The speed is too fast and you can't bear it. Sit down and slide down."

Zheng Lanzhi sat on the ground as he ordered. With a gentle push from Liu Qingshan, she rowed down the hillside.

The slope here is relatively gentle and the sliding speed will not be too fast. People can stop at any time. Zheng Lanzhi was nervous at first, but after playing for a while, she started to let herself go.

Everyone watched Zheng Lanzhi having a great time, and several boys also slid down in a decent manner. It's just that the little fat Qiaozhen didn't master the balance well and almost turned into a roll halfway. At least he was stopped by Zheng Lanzhi below.

Several people had a great time playing on the hillside, but in the end only Ruyi was left but did not dare to slide down. He looked at Liu Qingshan pitifully, with some pleading in his eyes.

If the way people in the Corps were doing things, they would have kicked them down regardless of gender. But he is a college student and an intern. Liu Qingshan would not dare to do this no matter how reckless he was. What's more, he felt pity for this thin and frail little girl from the bottom of his heart.

After thinking for a while, he sat down first and asked Ruyi to sit behind him. Then he slowly slid down and asked Ruyi to follow his example.

Sure enough, just like walking behind him, Ruyi was no longer afraid immediately. When the speed started to pick up, Ruyi felt very relaxed because Liu Qingshan was always blocking the front. Occasionally when her speed increased, she would kick Liu Qingshan on the back.

Not only did this girl not feel guilty, she actually started laughing. It's as if the person in front of her is her brother. Women sometimes inexplicably treat someone as a relative.

When they reached the bottom of the valley, Ma Quanyi and the others were already waiting below. The original destination was still some way away, and they came over after hearing the sound of gunfire.

When they saw the huge snowball, the veterans knew it was something good without even looking. He quickly opened it and pulled out the wild boar inside. Everyone was so happy.

The wild boar was dismembered and put into the pot. Camping training involves not only carrying guns and ammunition, but also luggage and dry food.

In this cold season, you need to drink hot water as required. So the cook Wang Jinfa also carried a big iron pot on his back.

In fact, dry food for war preparation is fried wheat flour with some cooked sesame seeds in it. If there is no hot water, just stuff the fried noodles into your mouth, and then stuff a handful of snow.

If possible, just boil a pot of water, brew the fried noodles, and add a cube of sugar. What a delicious meal!

Even every household in the infrastructure construction area has such a dry food bag, which contains half a bag of fried noodles. This is a habit that has been maintained since entering Xinjiang.

But now that border relations have eased, training and patrolling are no longer so serious, and the symbolism is greater.

Cooking meat is what Wang Jinfa is best at. No matter what kind of meat comes into his hands, as long as there is salt, he can cook it deliciously for you. After a while, several students were salivating at the smell of the pot.

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