Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 818 Unexpected

Today's target reporter is Ma Quanyi himself. There is no way to help it. There will be some minor accidents from time to time during target practice, especially when there are many people in the group.

These guys may not be good at shooting, but sometimes the target shooters are quite accurate. So today Ma Quanyi could only risk his own life and hide tightly behind a thick tree.

Hearing only two shots, Ma Quanyi shouted: "I'll watch after you finish shooting the five bullets!"

Before he finished speaking, "Bang, bang, bang!" Three gunshots rang out faster than his shouting ended. Ma Quanyi shrank his neck and asked Yu Laogui: "Does he still have bullets in his gun?"

Yu Laogui replied firmly: "Report to the company commander, it's gone!"

Ma Quanyi then confidently stuck his head out and took a look. Then I ran to the target and took a look. After searching for a long time, I found a little scratch on the edge of the target paper. It seemed that these five bullets were completely wasted.

"You can see from a distance, five bullets. 0.5 ring!" In fact, there is no such thing as 0.5 ring in target shooting. However, in order to save face for the college student, he reported it using the newly learned number. If the infrastructure company doesn't have a factory, he really doesn't know what 0.5 is?

The next Zhang Feng and Liu Feng are almost the same. Liu Feng reached the second level and broke the record of three boys.

Then there is Zheng Lanzhi. Although this girl is usually delicate, she is very decisive when doing things. After hearing the command, he fired first, as if he was calibrating it himself. Then four shots were fired in succession.

"One ring, two rings, three rings, three rings, five rings! Zheng Lanzhi hit all five shots, a total of 14 rings!" Ma Quanyi's voice was a little excited. For the first time, a girl hit all five shots and scored 14 rings. , which is also rare in the shooting history of the infrastructure company, and he is very satisfied.

The soldiers also praised him. As a master, Carpenter Li has a very tall chest. The pride of the Corps is as simple as that. If an apprentice beats others in target shooting, he can brag about it for several days.

Wang Shuqin has always been the most favored. She has been in the company for so long and is steady in her work. She is warm and polite to everyone, and everyone likes this girl.

She was also the fastest to learn in the training just now, so everyone thought she would be the first.

But it backfired after she finished firing all five bullets. Ma Quanyi searched for a long time on the target but could not find a single bullet hole. He wondered: "Zhao Dengxuan, you haven't touched anything for so many years, and you have taught your apprentice like this? You won't give her all blank ammunition, right?"

Zhao Dengxuan blushed, but did not dare to speak. Unexpectedly, Wang Shuqin had a bald head. Naturally, as a master, his face was also bald.

Ma Quanyi did not continue, but waved his hand and asked the fat girl to hit him. The fat girl lived up to expectations and went with Wang Shuqin, both of whom were bald.

Ma Quanyi encouraged: "Okay, don't be discouraged. It's your first time to touch a gun. You are born with a poor sense of direction. You just need to practice more. Continue."

Because he was the last one, Ruyi's hand was so sweaty holding the gun, it would be strange if he wasn't nervous. Liu Qingshan comforted softly. "Don't be nervous, just treat that target like a wild boar. If you don't hit it, it will bite me."

Liu Qingshan has repeated the essentials of shooting many times. Ruyi knew it by heart, and after hearing the command, she shot the target as if it were a wild boar. While fighting back, he gritted his teeth: "I told you to bite, I will teach you to bite!"

All five bullets were fired individually. It's very stable and the intervals are very even. It made Ma Quanyi want to look up to see if it was a veteran who hit him?

Carpenter Li said loudly on the side: "It's useless to look at it. I don't believe that any of these kids can surpass my apprentice? Do you know that this is called a famous teacher making a great disciple?"

Yu Laogui, who didn't like to argue, asked, "Are you a famous teacher? You make furniture, right?"

Everyone burst out laughing. Li Carpenter's marksmanship is really not ranked among the best in the company. But when it comes to making furniture, others really can't compare with him.

Carpenter Li's face turned red and he said: "They have all finished fighting. Is there anyone with a higher score than my apprentice? Are you jealous?"

These words were really a slap in the face. Several children failed to live up to their expectations and were left behind by Zheng Lanzhi. However, some people were still unconvinced and pointed at Ruyi and said, "Isn't there a girl who hasn't reported the target yet?"

Li Carpenter glanced disdainfully and curled his lips and said: "She has a body like a bean sprout and a gun that is almost heavier than her. What achievements can she achieve? It's not like she has a bald head and burns incense!"

Zheng Lanzhi couldn't bear to listen anymore and complained: "Master, you are all my classmates, you can't look down on others!"

At this time, Ma Quanyi had been wandering in front of the target for a while, wondering what he was studying? Isn't this his style?

Li Carpenter couldn't help shouting: "Company commander, are you reporting for the target? Is there something wrong with your eyesight?"

Ma Quanyi replied angrily: "What a hurry! Wait!" But in the end he just picked up the target and walked back.

When we arrived, everyone was shocked. All four bullet holes were within the eighth ring, but one bullet could not be found? This is why Ma Quanyi hesitated.

According to this accuracy, it is impossible to miss the target, but what about the bullet holes that did not miss the target?

"Company commander, here!" Zhao Dengxuan pointed to the bullet hole in the bullseye and said without hesitation. It turns out that one of Ruyi's shots hit the bull's-eye, which means it hit ten rings. But the ten-ring bullet hole is obviously larger, which means it was caused by two bullets.

"Yes, then Comrade Ruyi won the first place in this shooting. She scored 44 rings! Everyone congratulates her!"

The whole company applauded together. The little girl has grown up and is an inconspicuous person everywhere. She is used to being ignored by others. In addition, my personality is a bit cowardly, so why do I dare not argue with others?

Unexpectedly, the first honor in life was obtained in a shooting competition? This is simply unimaginable. There were tears in her excited eyes, and she kept looking at Liu Qingshan.

At this time, Wang Jinfa came over and asked Li Carpenter: "Old Li, how about you also shoot five rounds? See if you can hit 44 rings?"

Li Carpenter's face was red. He really didn't dare to try it. The key was to get 44 rings. Wang Jinfa targeted him because many people disliked him.

Originally this guy was quite vain, but his daughter Xuelian became even more vain after making money. Nowadays, when most people ask him to do some carpentry work, he doesn't like to pay any attention to them. Therefore, Shang Zailian's popularity is getting worse and worse. I have caught up with the original Ma Hongkui.

Lao Ma is now working honestly in the garment factory and is not going anywhere. He is very diligent and conscientious, and no one even targets him.

Wang Shuqin stepped forward and took Ruyi's hand: "Classmate Shui Ruyi, congratulations to you, I will learn from you in the future. You have to teach me more."

Ruyi was even more excited now, her whole body was trembling a little, and she just nodded desperately.

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