Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 51 Is this a palace fight?

The father smiled hoarsely: "This kid already knows how to be filial to his father-in-law at the age of eight. Your son has been raised in vain!"

Mom glared at dad bitterly, and finally waved her hand:

"Go, go, don't come back tonight!"

Ye Yuze explained with a wry smile. "Mom, I'm not an adult yet!"

Dad was laughing on the sidelines!

In fact, these days, Dad and Uncle Zhao have called each other in-laws. Although my mother didn't get involved, she didn't object either.

Uncle Zhao didn't go shooting today. Although he is the leader of the third platoon, the main assessment today is for new recruits. He didn't follow.

Zhao Dengxuan's eyes lit up when he saw Ye Yuze coming over with pork belly.

Ye Yuze shook the pork belly in his hand. "Uncle Zhao, this is wild boar belly!"

Zhao Dengxuan nodded, "I will do this kind of thing more in the future! Come, have a few drinks with me!"

After saying that, he would take a bowl and pour wine for Ye Yuze.

Unexpectedly, Yinhua snatched the bowl directly. Aunt Li Zhen also glared at him.

"How old is your child before you let him drink?"

Zhao Dengxuan smiled bitterly. "Look at the things he did, were any of them the work of a child?"

"Yuze, have you eaten?"

The eldest sister Jinhua asked sweetly.

Maybe it's because Jinhua is a few years older than Yinghua, but she looks even prettier than Yinghua. Especially those eyes. The flickering ones seem to be able to talk.

Ye Yuze didn't dare to look at Jin Hua. In fact, it's not that I'm afraid, but in the final analysis, I'm still afraid.

But he couldn't tell what he was afraid of.

Ye Yuze nodded. "I've eaten, eldest sister. Don't be busy."

Yinghua also finished her meal at this time. But he did not enter the boudoir with Ye Yuze. Instead, he tilted his head toward the door.

Ye Yuze immediately understood. Follow her towards the door.

The snow inside was not even cleared. The snow was too heavy to clear.

Walking on the road, there is a creaking sound that makes your teeth ache.

"Did you do target practice today?"

Yinghua didn't know where she heard this news. Asked.

Ye Yuze puffed up his chest and felt a little proud.

"The first time I touched a gun, I got ten rings!"

Yinghua nodded. "I almost shot the target reporter!"

Ye Yuze's head is full of black lines, can he still have fun?

Not long after I walked out of the yard. Then I saw Ma Rong walking over with a girl.

"Ye Yuze, what are you going to do?"

Ye Yuze glanced at the other party. He doesn't dislike this person, but he doesn't know how to get in touch with him?

After all, the parents on both sides are still at odds with each other, so if they play together. He will definitely be called a traitor by Yang Geyong.

Ma Rong didn't care about this at all and said happily:

"I was just going to find you. Let's go to the bomb shelter together."

The girl next to her was looking at Ye Yuze curiously.

Ye Yuze's first impression was that this girl was beautiful.

Her beauty is different from Yinhua, who is a typical Han beauty.

And this girl is indeed full of exotic charm. The eyes are large and somewhat sunken. The long eyelashes are slightly curved.

The most prominent thing is the tall, aquiline nose. At first glance, she looks like a Russian beauty.

Ye Yuze was looking in a daze. But I felt a pain in my waist.

I couldn't help but say "Ouch". Turning his head, he saw Yinhua who had just withdrawn her hand as if nothing had happened.

Ye Yuze immediately turned back his eyes as if nothing had happened. He also pretended that he had never been pinched.

The corners of Yinhua's mouth rose, her expression full of pride.

"Pfft." The girl with the big nose laughed.

She glanced at Yinghua. He walked over with his head raised.

"Are you Ye Yuze? My name is Yu Lan. You are so beautiful!"

After saying this, Yu Lan gave Yinhua a provocative look.

Ye Yuze explained immediately. "A man can't say he's beautiful, he must say he's handsome! Being beautiful should apply to you. When I see you, I feel like I'm in Russia!"

"Giggle." Yu Lan covered her mouth and laughed.

"You are really good at talking! Are all boys like this?"

Ye Yuze felt a pain in his waist again. It hurts! But this time he didn't dare to scream, so he just had to endure it.

Ma Rong impatiently interrupted them to compliment each other.

"Are you going? I brought a flashlight!"

Ye Yuze looked at her hands. Sure enough, I saw Ma Rong holding a flashlight in her hand. It’s still the extended kind!

Ye Yuze rubbed his waist and looked at Yinhua.

Yinghua nodded. Ye Yuze replied:

"Then let's go find Yang Geyong! He's familiar there!"

Yu Lan glanced at him. His eyes were full of amusement.

"Are you being favored? Is it true that they say people are afraid of their wives?"

Ye Yuze's heart trembled. Why is this girl so strong in combat? Play with her all night. Will my waist turn purple?

Before Ye Yuze could answer. Yu Lan thought to herself and said:

"XJ's sons are not afraid of their wives. They are all upright men!"

Ye Yuze lowered his head and walked forward. Think silently in your heart.

"I'm still young, not yet a man."

Soon the group of people arrived at the door of Yang Geyong's house. Ye Yuze shouted. Yang Geyong immediately walked out of the house.

Ye Yuze pursed his lips. "They are going to play in the air raid shelter!"

Yang Geyong frowned, as if he didn't want his territory to be disturbed.

Ma Rong raised her eyebrows. "If you don't take us there, we will go by ourselves."

After saying that, he actually took Ye Yuze's hand, turned around and left!

Ye Yuze turned to look at Yang Geyong. That look seemed to say something else.

"Sir, for the sake of the party and the country, give me a hand!"

Yang Geyong seemed annoyed that his brother's position was not clear. But he couldn't bear to refuse his request. He had no choice but to sigh and agree.

But before leaving, I went to the south room and brought out a piece of wild boar meat. Don't know what he wants to do.

Yinhua walked quietly between Ma Rong and Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze immediately took his hand out of Ma Rong's hand obediently. Take Yinhua’s little hand.

Yinhua also held Ma Rong's hand with her other hand. The stars in the sky are all bright.

No, it's not dark yet. Just give it some sunshine and it will be brilliant!

Arriving at the air raid shelter, Ma Rong turned on the flashlight and walked in. Yang Geyong was not allowed to lead the way at all.

After entering the cave, everyone walked straight inside. It's very spacious inside. Very deep too.

Last time he came, Ye Yuze stayed at the entrance of the cave for a while. Didn't get a full picture at all.

This time, the flashlight in Ma Rong's hand was very bright. Everything inside can be seen clearly.

The entrance of this cave is a bit narrow, but after ten meters it is three meters wide and two meters high.

The key is that it's not just a tunnel. There are also some rooms on both sides. Some are big, some are small.

It's just that the doors in each room are not big. It seems that it can be blocked with soil at any time. It seems to be done deliberately.

Now Yang Geyong is at the forefront.

Ma Rong followed him closely. He kept using his flashlight to light his way.

Yang Geyong kept walking ahead and said nothing. No one knew where he was going.

Ye Yuze felt that it had been almost half an hour since he walked in.

Let’s say a few digressions. Writing a book at the starting point, I am a newcomer. My grades were not very good either.

I hesitated for a long time when I started this book. After all, the audience for realistic works is relatively small. It's hard to get results.

But people always have to do something they want to do in this life.

I was born in XJ, a descendant of the Corps. There are always a lot of hard feelings about it. I believe there are many people like me.

After all, that piece of land carries so many of our joys, sorrows and joys.

Snow mountains, grassland. Gobi Desert. desert. There are also poplar groves. Populus euphratica forest. And tamarisk can be seen everywhere.

Although our native place is not there. But I believe that every son of the Corps will regard it as his true home.

We were born there and we were raised. Although many people left later. But most people stayed there.

I know that my writing skills are very immature and I cannot write anything strong and powerful. But I will try my best to write about the joys and sorrows of the people around me.

After all, we are all ordinary people.

If it is well written, you can comment and vote. You can also leave a message to criticize the bad areas.

Every piece of work depends on these to live on! Only with your encouragement can I have the confidence to continue writing.

Rise up, my brothers and sisters! Let us work together to re-present everything from that era.

In addition, I really thank the editor-in-chief for giving me this opportunity. Write what you want to write. Without your encouragement. I can't go far.

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