Ye Yuze felt that his feet were a little painful. Yang Geyong finally stopped. Turned into a room.

"The sound of water?" Ye Yuze shouted. He thought he was hallucinating. How could there be water in this cave?

But after entering this room, Ye Yuze was really shocked.

It turns out there is an underground river inside. To prevent accidents. The entire room was plastered with cement. Several pools were also built.

There are actually several large stoves against the wall!

It turns out this is the kitchen. Look at the size of this kitchen, it's enough to prepare meals for the entire company.

Ye Yuze looked around curiously. I even touch it from time to time. Then asked Yang Geyong.

"Did our dad and the others dig this up?"

Yang Geyong shook his head. "I have no idea."

At this time Ma Rong interrupted:

"This air-raid shelter was not dug by our company. It was there before our company. As for who dug it, my dad doesn't know. It should have been dug by the previous troops."

Ye Yuze nodded, he also asked his father once. Dad's answer was vague, and he was definitely not very clear.

After arriving here. Yang Geyong actually took out a wooden board in a corner.

He rinsed the board in the pool. Then he put the piece of meat on top and started cutting it.

"Didn't you eat?"

Ye Yuze asked curiously.

Yang Geyong nodded. Continue cutting the meat. The knife he used was very sharp. It was obviously sharpened by myself using a saw blade.

That's where it's wrapped with strips of cloth. No decoration.

The piece of meat he brought was very big, weighing more than ten kilograms. It is the rib part of the wild boar. But not very fat.

Wild boar compared to domestic pigs. The most obvious difference is that there is a lot less fat.

Especially wild boars in winter. During this season, everything in northern Xinjiang is covered with ice and snow. This is when they are most miserable.

Every winter, for these beasts. It's all a life and death test.

But these wild boars died a bit unjustly. This winter will be over soon. In the end, he died of his own bravery.

Yang Geyong cut the meat into pieces and took out a broken washbasin. and a pile of charcoal.

Light the charcoal in the basin and then. Place the cut pieces of meat on the grill. After a while, the meat began to smell fragrant.

Yang Geyong took out another Pi Yazi. This mainlander calls him Onion. As for why people in northern Xinjiang are called Piyazi. Ye Yuze has never verified this.

Ye Yuze looked at it for a while, even though he had just finished eating. But the smell of barbecue is so tempting. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

However, he had some doubts about Yang Geyong's grilling method. Doesn't everyone have to feed the ingredients in advance for barbecue?

Thinking of this, he simply chopped some onions himself. Plus the seasonings brought by Yang Geyong. Castrate the remaining pieces of meat.

Yang Geyong looked at him and asked: "You know how to barbecue? Why put the seasoning in advance?"

Ye Yuze shook his head. "I don't know how. I just saw people doing it in their mouths before."

In fact, he is full of lies. Where can I see meat in this age?

With a month's worth of meat, I can't wait to stew a big pot of cabbage with one or two pieces of meat. How dare you eat like this?

Yang Geyong is good at this, as long as it is something done by friends. He won't object to it, good or bad.

If it doesn't taste good, you can just stop eating it.

The pieces of meat are a bit big and need to be grilled for a while. The three little girls looked vaguely excited.

Although none of them would be short of meat, they ate like this while hiding in a cave where they couldn't see anything. It's really the first time.

Suddenly, the flashlight in Ma Rong's hand went out. It was pitch dark in the cave. Yinhua screamed and hugged Ye Yuze's arm.

The other two arrived very calmly, sitting there waiting for the barbecue.

I just don’t know who kissed Ye Yuze in the dark. The lips are a little warm.

Ye Yuze knew that this was not Yinhua. Yinghua's lips were cold. And she has been sitting on her left. But he was kissed on the right cheek.

The charcoal inside the brazier glowed red. After my eyes got used to it, I could see several people's faces clearly.

Yang Geyong stood up, picked up the lantern from the door and lit it. Several girls breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Ye Yuze took a closer look at the right side. But Yang Geyong is on his right.

If Yang Geyong would kiss him, he wouldn't believe it to death. But he must know who did it?

The meat is finally cooked. I took a piece and put it in my mouth. It tasted pretty good. It's just that the texture of the meat is a bit woody. The taste is not good.

This is thanks to the unique seasoning in Northern Xinjiang. The cumin and fennel here are unique.

The girls ate very well. I don’t know who hasn’t eaten? Anyway, everyone devoured it.

Yang Geyong put Ye Yuze's marinated meat on the grate again.

The first batch of meat was quickly wiped out. The second batch is not yet cooked. Obviously demand exceeds supply!

Ma Rong looked at several people's suggestions. "Shall we sing?"

Yang Geyong looked indifferent, as if he didn't know what the song was?

Ma Rong didn't wait for anyone else to respond and started singing.

"Everywhere is quiet in the garden late at night, and the leaves no longer rustle. The night is so beautiful..."

Several people were in a daze after hearing this. Her voice is really nice.

It's not as clear as a little girl's, but a bit hoarse and deep.

Singing very emotionally, this was one of the most popular Soviet songs in the 1950s. The tune is very nice.

To be honest, Ye Yuze was very fascinated by what he heard. He already liked this song. In addition, Ma Rong's voice fits the song very well.

Therefore, this song has a special flavor.

Yu Lan was naturally not to be outdone and sang a song called "The Girl from Dabancheng". Although her songs are very ordinary.

But she did sing and dance at the same time. The unique shoulder shaking and neck twisting in folk dance. They are all done extremely realistically.

I don’t know who this girl learned from at such a young age?

Let’s dance to a song and have several people applaud together.

After the two girls finished dancing, it was naturally Yinhua's turn.

It's just that this girl is not very good at singing or dancing.

But she took out a handful of stones and placed them on the ground.

Then he picked up one and threw it up, and his hand took the opportunity to pick up another one on the ground. Then catch the thrown stones.

Just throw it again and again and catch it again and again. Until all the stones on the ground are picked up, and then the stones thrown up are caught.

Ye Yuze was very surprised when he looked at Yinhua's hand full of stones. He tried scratching. It simply cannot be done.

He took Yinhua's hand and compared it with his own. Finally I understand where the gap is.

Yinghua's hands are long and slender, while her own are short and thick. Just like pig's trotters. Finally gave up.

At this time, Yu Lan looked at Ye Yuze and asked, "Ye Yuze, please sing a song too. Sing the song from your mouth."

Ye Yuze thought for a while. Decided to shock them. Actually this is an old song. But singing was no longer allowed in that era. These people must have never heard of it.

"Then you promise me, no one of you will tell anyone after I sing!"

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