Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 50 Getting better

"Report the target quickly!"

Dad seems to have some small expectations, even though his son is so young. It was my first time touching a gun again.

The target reporter stuck his head out and took a look. His face was full of tension. When his eyes saw Ye Yuze. "Whoosh!" He shrank back again.

"You tell him to get up. If he doesn't get up, I won't go out!"

Dad grabbed Ye Yuze by the collar and pulled him up.

Ma Quanyi cursed at the side. "You coward!"

The target reporter contradicted unconvincedly. "Stray bullets are the scariest thing. I don't want to die!"

When Ye Yuze got up, his gun was taken away. The target reporter walked towards the target, muttering as he walked.

"Doctor Ye is really capable. Both his apprentice and his son are so skillful with marksmanship!"

Xiao Liu quickly came up to his father and said with a blushing face:

"Master, I have embarrassed you!"

Dad waved his hand. He looked like he was scolding Fang Qiu.

"It's okay. I'll find you a few hundred magic bullets later. Even if you use a pile of bullets, you'll have to improve your marksmanship."

Ye Yuze looked at Xiao Liu's grateful and admiring eyes in surprise.

I muttered in my heart. Does this mother know?

"Two rings, three rings, three rings, four rings and five rings. Six rings, six rings. Eight rings, nine rings. Oh, I'll go. There's also a ten ring!"

He didn't believe it and read it again. Then he shouted:

"Dr. Ye, your son is quite good!"

Dad waved his hand boldly again. "It's far, far behind!"

Anyone with a little knowledge knows this. Ye Yuze's understanding of marksmanship is astonishing. Above the eighth ring, it must have been shot in the last few shots.

If he were given ten more bullets, his results would definitely be different!

Next comes the pistol shooting. Anyway, the number is small.

That's dad, Ma Quanyi, deputy instructor, deputy company commander and chief of staff.

Several people's guns were May 4th. Although this kind of gun has a larger recoil, it is very powerful. Stable performance. It is still used in many places in later generations.

Several leaders have been transferred from the army, so how can they be poor in marksmanship?

There was something wrong with the assistant instructor, and he seemed to be unsteady after two shots. It missed the target.

Ye Yuze quickly moved over and wanted to say something, but quickly covered his mouth and nose. He expressed vague concern:

"Uncle, go to the hospital quickly. If it's like this, it must be hepatitis!"

The deputy instructor's head was full of black lines, after being reminded by Ye Yuze last time. Ma Quanyi has basically refused to let him enter the house.

We can only go to the cafeteria to eat, but the food in the cafeteria is not delicious. For him who is used to running a small stove, he has no habit of eating.

But I can only grit my teeth and swallow.

After the live ammunition shooting was completed, everyone began to pack up and go back.

The shooting range is some distance away from the company. This is because there are 40 rocket launchers and 825 recoilless rifles during live fire.

Such weapons are too close to the company for fear of accidents. So we chose a mountain col almost five kilometers away from the company.

Just as I finished packing my things, an accident happened. I saw five or six black figures howling and rushing over from the bombed hillside.

Because the hills are far away. No one saw it. Now that they were getting closer, everyone realized that it was several wild boars rushing towards them.

Maybe the shell just hit them. One of the wild boars was still bleeding from its head.

These things are extremely vindictive, and the shell just now probably killed their companions. These guys charged towards the crowd without fear of death.

The wild boar has been wallowing in the mud for a long time. They also like to rub against tree trunks.

So it has a protective layer on it, like armor.

Plus the body is huge. So ordinary bullets won't do much damage to it.

Even if a bullet hits the body, it will die before it. It will also fight you tooth and nail.

So even if the Corps members have guns in their hands. They are rarely provoked.

The main reason is that the meat is not tasty and the skin is useless. It's not worth the risk.

But today is a live ammunition assessment! Except for the new recruits, all the people who came were serious veterans.

This Wild Boar Suicide Squad is obviously not enough.

If only they had some weapons or something. There might still be some chance of winning. But charging at the heavily armed soldiers naked, isn't this just giving away pork?

Yang Yulin laughed. Give an order. Set up the heavy machine gun for me!

Ma Quanyi looked at him with some dissatisfaction. Today the platoon leader keeps overstepping his authority. Make him uncomfortable.

But he was the military coach of the company, so he couldn't say anything!

Upon hearing Platoon Leader Yang's order, the recruits immediately took down the heavy machine gun that had just been mounted on the sledge.

The base of this thing alone with wheels weighs forty or fifty pounds.

Mount the gun body on the rack. Then connect the magazine.

The heavy machine gun magazine is a chain clip, which can be linked infinitely. Once the fight really starts. Usually it's the kind that won't stop until the barrel is completely red.

Yang Yulin wasn't satisfied with the fight just now. Especially not touching the heavy machine gun.

For him, this thing is still satisfying.

Ma Quanyi did not dare to let down his guard. He asked all the soldiers to be on guard with guns. Once the wild boar charges, shoot it.

It's just that Yang Yulin is not willing to give this opportunity to others.

Put the wild boar fifty meters behind. The bullets in the heavy machine gun scattered like raindrops.

A few brave wild boars still don’t understand what’s going on? He died heroically.

The pig's head was all beaten to pieces. Guaranteed that its mother won’t recognize who it is.

The veterans had little interest in wild boar meat. But the new recruits can’t do that!

Veterans have livestock such as sheep or pigs at home.

But the new recruits can only rely on the meat rations provided by the company. for their age.

That little thing can't satisfy my craving at all.

These six wild boars are huge, with the largest one weighing four hundred kilograms. The others also weighed about three hundred kilograms, which was enough for these recruits to improve their food for a period of time.

Everyone happily loaded the wild boar onto the sledge.

Fortunately it was winter and the sledge was very light. Otherwise, two horses really wouldn't be able to pull so many things.

Back at the company, the recruits helped the canteen masters kill pigs and remove their hair.

Dad asked for a hind leg and some pork belly and came back.

Ye Yuze was full of expectations. He had never eaten this thing before. Don't know what it smells like.

After rinsing it, Dad cooked it in a pot.

He said that wild boar belly is the most nourishing to the stomach. Mom has a bad stomach, so I need to give her a good supplement.

Not to mention, the pork belly is really delicious. Ye Yuze didn't know whether to take it up or not. But it smells so good that it’s real.

But Ye Yuze didn't like the wild boar meat very much. They were all pork belly, and the shredded pork had a rough texture. It also has a slightly earthy smell.

Ye Yuze lost interest after eating a few mouthfuls. Then he dealt with the pork belly wholeheartedly.

My stomach was full quickly. After thinking about it, I picked up a pork belly and walked outside.

My mother shouted sharply: "Why are you going?"

Ye Yuze trembled all over. Whispering weakly. "I'm going to Uncle Zhao's house!"

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