Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 412 Campus Troubles

Yang Geyong stood there without moving. These people were clearly looking for trouble, and he could tell this. That's how people are, don't cause trouble, but don't be afraid of it. If you are afraid of trouble, you are destined to be bullied in the future.

First of all, Yang Geyong made sure that he didn't know anyone here. If he didn't know people, he would definitely not offend anyone. But why are these people looking for trouble? He turned his mind around and probably had the answer. It should be the pretty boy who grabbed Zhao Ling'er's hand.

"Are you fucking blind? Did you leave your eyes at home?" The person who was hit got up and immediately cursed. While cursing, he rolled up his arms and sleeves and moved forward. This was a prelude to direct action. Several other people also began to gather around, with no intention of being reasonable.

At this point, Yang Geyong was no longer polite. He never struck back in a fight. How many times did he have to get hit by four or five people before he fought back? That's stupid.

The guy who rolled up his sleeves had just rolled up one sleeve when Yang Geyong kicked him on the chest. This saves trouble, there is no need to roll up that sleeve. At this time, the guy who came around behind Yang Geyong also flew up and kicked Yang Geyong on the back. This guy probably learned the moves from watching martial arts movies, he jumped up and kicked him.

Yang Geyong had long been paying attention to the movement behind him. He squatted down and performed a 360-degree sweep with his right foot. The guy who kicked him didn't hit anyone, and the landing itself was unstable. At this time, his heel was swept away, and his body leaned back and fell to the ground with a "bang!"

The main reason was that the landing angle was wrong, and the back of my head suddenly hit the ground. It just stopped moving. Two of the five fell down at once, and the remaining three hesitated. How could Yang Geyong give them a chance to hesitate? He put his foot on the knee of the person closest to him.

He learned this move from Ye Yuze. The Bajimen lifts his feet no further than his knees, so Ye Yuze likes to kick his knees the most. In fact, kicking the knees is also very particular. A front kick basically knocks the person down. If you kick the side, it is a killer move. You must know that the joint is the most vulnerable. A person's knee can only bend forward and backward. If you use a little force on the side kick, that is A proper fracture.

This man couldn't even move back, so he sat directly on the ground. Because he sat too hard, he directly knocked his tail bone. Anyone who has been knocked down knows that it hurts so much, it hurts like a bone. This guy let out an inhuman scream.

This shout alerted many people, and someone had seen their fight. Today is the registration day for new students, and there are people everywhere. The place where they were fighting was in the girls' dormitory area, and a group of people quickly gathered around them.

Zhao Linger and several roommates also rushed out. Zhao Ling'er saw several people lying down and Yang Geyong at a glance, and she understood what was going on without asking.

At this time, Wang Jiangfeng also ran over with several people. He pushed through the crowd and approached a guy lying on the ground and asked: "Sun Yong, what's wrong with you? Who hit you?"

Sun Yong was the first person to be knocked down. He pointed at Yang Ge and said angrily: "It's this country bumpkin who is wandering around our campus dressed like this. We suspected that he was a gangster and went up to ask, but this guy took action." We fought.”

Wang Jiangfeng glanced at Yang Geyong as if he didn't know him, and asked sternly: "Who are you? Why are you wandering around our school? Do you know this is the girls' dormitory area? If you don't explain it properly, we will send you to the police station!"

Yang Geyong glanced at him and said nothing. He was too lazy to pay attention to this guy who looked like a dog.

Seeing that Yang Geyong ignored him, Wang Jiangfeng waved his hand: "Catch him and take him to the police station."

"Who are you? Why are you arresting people? What do these people do?" Zhao Ling'er started to yell. She was just angry that this guy had touched her, and now she wanted to arrest people without asking about the details. .

"I am the president of the student union and I have the responsibility to maintain order in the school. This kind of unknown person comes to the girls' dormitory and beats them. We must ask questions."

At this time, some people in the crowd supported Wang Jiangfeng. After all, this location is too sensitive. It is really doubtful that Yang Geyong has any purpose of wandering here by himself.

"You fart! Don't you know that he sent me here if others don't know it? Are you blind or have Alzheimer's disease? When I registered, which of the registered classmates didn't see the luggage he carried for me? Are you deliberately framing me like this? What's the purpose?" Zhao Ling'er sounded stern.

Everyone was in an uproar. The Tajik girl also saw Yang Geyong just now. Naturally, when Zhao Ling'er said this, she also became angry. "Is there a student union president like you?"

Wang Jiangfeng's face turned red and white. He was angry just now and asked Sun Yong to bring someone to deal with Yang Geyong. In fact, he had to teach him a lesson and tell him to quit when he was in trouble. Then he had a good chance to chase Zhao Ling'er, but he didn't expect that she could fight so well. More than half of the five people were knocked down in an instant. At this time, he was also riding a tiger.

At this time, Yang Geyong pointed to the people on the ground and asked him: "Are these people all students? Why don't you ask them what they are doing here? Is it suspicious for me to come here alone? Isn't it suspicious for a group of them to be here?"

Wang Jiangfeng was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered. He said confidently: "They are all from the Eighth Division of Shihezi. Is it normal to come here? And this Sun Yong is a student here. And you are an outsider and your clothes are so ragged, so I naturally doubt you."

At this time, a voice from the crowd of onlookers came over: "Young comrade, what you said is wrong. This school belongs to our Corps, why do you think you are superior? Just because you live in Shihezi?"

The speaker was an old man in his fifties, wearing a military uniform that had turned white. The face is as rough as tree bark, and it looks like the standard appearance of Lao Junken.

At this time, Yang Geyong walked up to a guy whose head was scalded into the shape of a chicken nest. The guy was still lying on the ground pretending to be humming. Yang Geyong directly raised his foot and stepped on the guy's face, and asked with an indifferent expression: "Why do you want to hit me? I'm sure we don't know each other at all."

The guy rolled his eyes disdainfully, and just as he was about to say something, Yang Geyong stepped hard, and the guy suddenly broke out in cold sweat. It really hurt.

Just as he was about to curse, Yang Geyong stared at him with cold eyes. Like a wolf ready to bite you. This guy trembled all over: "It's Sun Yong, Sun Yong asked us to beat you!"

Sun Yong had just recovered at this time, but he was kicked to the chest just now. His breath was interrupted and he almost died of suffocation. Without any nonsense, Yang Geyong stepped on Sun Yong's chest with his foot and exerted a little force. Sun Yong just screamed, but it was a blessing for him to be able to scream. He couldn't even scream because of the pain just now.

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