Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 413 Reform of the Corps

"Stop!" Wang Jiangfeng shouted angrily next to him. This is not because the real guy has a strong sense of justice, but because he has evil intentions.

Yang Geyong ignored him at all, and the force on his feet continued to increase. At this time, Sun Yong began to have difficulty breathing, with a look of horror on his face. "Tell me, we met by chance, why did you bring people to beat me? If you don't tell me, I will kill you today and then go to jail!"

Yang Geyong's face showed a ferocious look, like a demon, and the strength under his feet continued to increase. "I said, I said, it was Wang Jiangfeng who asked me to bring people to beat you! He said you stole his girlfriend!"

Sun Yong finally broke down and cried out. The feeling of suffocation just now really made him feel the threat of death. At this time, how can a person care about keeping secrets? His only belief is to save his life.

"Nonsense!" As soon as Wang Jiangfeng shouted this, he was slapped unexpectedly on the face. Five bright red fingerprints were left behind. It turned out that Zhao Linger took action directly. Although this girl had a fierce personality in the past, she never fought with others. Now he was simply led astray by Ye Yuze.

At this time, the dean received the news and rushed over. After asking about the situation, he immediately darkened his face and removed Wang Jiangfeng from the position of student union president. As for Sun Yong. How to deal with it needs to be discussed and dealt with, and a punishment is indispensable.

Yang Geyong finally walked out of the school without eating. Because he heard a lot of discussions, and most of the men discussed quietly, why would such a beautiful girl find such a rustic man as her boyfriend? This made him very uncomfortable.

Yang Geyong has never admitted that Zhao Ling'er is his girlfriend. The relationship between the two is very good, but they are only friends. He doesn't know what Zhao Ling'er is thinking. But he definitely doesn't have any mentality of reaching out to others.

The Party branch of the Infrastructure Company held an important meeting. In fact, this meeting had already been held once in the regiment. This is a company specific meeting.

Since the Corps was restored in 1981, although the organization has been restored, the situation has become grim. Before 1975, the entire Corps' wages were paid by the state. Because the Northern Xinjiang Corps is different from other provincial corps. Other corps are basically informed, while Northern Xinjiang is a soldier. Therefore, the soldiers of the Corps actually receive military expenses. This will never be delinquent.

In 1975, the establishment was abolished and it was placed under the management of the Northern Xinjiang Agricultural Reclamation Administration. During that period, the Corps was already experiencing losses. But the salary is still not a problem, after all, there is still the Northern Xinjiang government.

But now the situation is completely different. The Corps exists as an independent individual and they have to support themselves completely. At this time, some disadvantages caused by blind reclamation also emerged.

Northern Xinjiang is an arid region with severe desertification. In order to produce grain, some units of the Corps turned a large number of areas unsuitable for farming into grain fields. The result was extremely low grain yield and the destruction of pastures that were not lush in the first place. Causing severe desertification of the land.

In response to this problem, the superior unit decided after research to return farmland to grazing. The organization of some companies was cancelled. For example, the Second Company was disbanded under such circumstances, and its personnel were dispersed to other companies.

With the reform in the mainland and the improvement of the land contract system, the behemoth of the XPCC has also come to face reform. It's just that the land and population ratio of the Corps is completely different from that of the mainland, so how to reform it has become a question that needs to be explored by oneself.

The Fifth Division took the lead in initiating the contracting responsibility system. Of course, this contracting was definitely not a one-stop contract like in the mainland, but was divided into several situations, including group packages, family packages, and couples packages. These are targeted at agricultural and animal husbandry companies. Because only they have land and livestock to divide.

At the beginning, p was paid as salary, and 0 was used as a floating amount, and then a number of tasks was set, such as how many cattle, sheep, grain, or other cash crops were handed over in a year. Complete the mission and make up for the 0. The excess amount and the company will be divided in half. If you fail to complete the task, the percentage of the 0 will be deducted.

Of course, at that time, private individuals had no money, so seeds, agricultural machinery, and livestock were all advanced by the group. Count together after autumn. Those who lose money will have their wages deducted. Of course, there must be money to be made, and a lot of money.

As a result, a large number of soldiers in the Fifth Division were paid more than company commanders, company commanders were paid more than regiment commanders, and some regiment commanders were paid more than division commanders. It also caused an uproar at the time.

After all, in that era, wages were closely linked to levels, and subordinates were paid higher than superiors. Not only the leaders couldn't accept it, but even the soldiers themselves couldn't accept it. It should be said that he is not used to it. After getting the money, he hides from the leader when he sees him. He has a guilty conscience and is like a thief.

Because of the success of the reform of the Fifth Division, the Ninth Division also started the same reform. And the changes are more thorough, that is, instead of paying wages, the land and livestock are directly contracted, and the division helps you advance the expenses and set the price of the products.

That is, whether livestock, grain, or other items are priced according to the contract. If the market price at the end of the year is lower than the contract price, the group will make up the difference. If it exceeds the quota, it will still be split 50-50 with the group.

In this way, there is no salary level. Because the income is only known at the end of the year.

As a special unit, the infrastructure company is naturally no longer in this category. However, a floating salary system is also implemented, and if the tasks are not completed, the full salary will not be paid.

The main business of the Infrastructure Company is infrastructure construction, which has not been affected for the time being. After all, there are no competitors. However, the construction time of this main business in northern Xinjiang is only half a year every year. It is difficult to make a year's profit in half a year. There are other side businesses that have also been affected.

For example, the oil press factory, because each company of the Corps is adjacent to the local commune team. Anyone who buys oil, salt, sauce and vinegar has to go there, but the company itself does not have a cooperative. This resulted in no company buying oil from the infrastructure company, and no one selling rapeseed to them. This factory can only be bad. The same goes for vermicelli factories.

If it weren't for a garment factory that provided half of the infrastructure company's income, the infrastructure company would now be a poor household with only 70% of the salary.

It is for this reason that Ma Quanyi now wants to worship Ye Wancheng as a Bodhisattva. He has no choice but to support half a company of people now. This is especially true for other people in the company. It’s too late to be grateful, so who is going to offend? That would cause public outrage.

After Ye Wancheng came back this time, he talked a lot less. I work at the company health center at night, and during the day I go to the pastoral area whenever there is nothing in the company. Even in winter, I have to go to Dongwozi for medical rounds.

In fact, he was atoning for the mistakes he had made. He felt that he had committed an unforgivable crime, both against the corps and his wife. He couldn't untie this knot for the time being.

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