Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 411: Old Rou Apprenticeship

The old man was thinking about how to deal with the old man's counteroffer? I asked him how much money was appropriate. Unexpectedly, the old man took out the money and stuffed it into the old man's hand, took the bowl and left. After walking a few steps, he turned back and said to the old man:

"Tell the fifth master that Gao Yingxiang asked him how he is doing." Before he finished speaking, he disappeared. Laorou had nothing to sell, so he had no choice but to go home. Laorou handed the money to Ye Yuze. Ye Yuze thought for a moment and took it.

On the way home, I passed by the savings bank and pulled the old man inside. He withdrew eight thousand yuan, plus the two thousand yuan just now, and deposited them in the name of the old man: "This money will be reserved for you to buy things. You don't need to ask me what to buy or sell in the future. You can make your own decisions."

The old man's hands were shaking when he took the passbook. Growing up, the biggest sum of money he had ever seen was the five hundred that Ye Yuze gave him last time, and now it suddenly amounted to ten thousand. Ten thousand yuan was considered a huge amount of money in 1983! Although there is no cash, the amount of money is real!

Back home, Ye Yuze felt happy. Driving out to buy groceries. Ask Laorou to invite Na Wu and Mr. Zheng. Damn it, the investment of 500 has quadrupled in a short time. Give him 10,000 and see how long it will take to turn it into 40,000?

The two old men arrived as soon as they were invited. Ye Yuze didn't go to Hongbin Building to buy anything today. Instead, he bought some braised food on the street. The wine he drank was Lotus White, which was popular in the capital at this time.

Na Wu smiled and asked the two of them what they had gained today, and Lao Rou described it vividly. Na Wu was still smiling at first, but when he heard Gao Yingxiang's last words, he slapped Lao Rou on the back of his head angrily.

He cursed angrily: "You're a loser. That grandson has never defeated me once in his life, but you have lost me once. From now on, don't say you are my apprentice. The most important thing is when will I accept you?" Become an apprentice?"

Seeing that Wu Zhen was anxious, the old man lowered his head and did not dare to speak. Mr. Zheng tried to smooth things over: "Don't be angry. What you said has already been said. It's useless for you to be anxious. Why don't you just let it go? I think this kid also has spiritual energy and is self-taught. Look at him charging ten yuan." A bowl can be sold for a thousand in the blink of an eye. Doesn’t this also make you look good?”

Na Wuben had already sat down, but he jumped up when he heard these words. "With such a long face, I wasn't sure what kind of bowl this was at first. But as soon as Gao Yingxiang's grandson grabbed it, I knew it. This must be the four-galloping blue and white porcelain from the mid-Ming Dynasty! It indicates immediate success! This kind of unopened The pieces are all tributes, they are only used during royal weddings, the quantity is very small, let alone one thousand, even ten thousand cannot be given to this grandson!"

As soon as those five words were finished, there was only a "Plop!" sound, and the old man fell directly from the stool. The key was that he didn't know the pain, and his eyes were straight as if he was stupid.

Ye Yuze quickly went to pull him. He pulled the old man a few times but it didn't move. Finally, Na Wu shouted: "You worthless thing, get up!"

Only then did Lao Rou return the favor and took Na Wu's hand: "Master, tell me where he lives. I'll go and get him back."

Na Wu curled his lips disdainfully: "If something gets into the grandson's hands, let alone you, even his father won't be able to get out! Okay, sooner or later we will make amends for this matter, let's eat first."

Mr. Zheng rolled his eyes and said to Na Wu: "Why don't I take advantage of this meal to bear witness and let this child officially worship you as his teacher? You are already this age and you are alone. You happen to have Personal attention.”

When Nawu heard this, he suddenly stopped moving. He didn't know what to think about. Mr. Zheng struck while the iron was hot and told Ye Yuze: "Go to your grandma in my yard and ask for three sticks of incense. Let your brother salute you and it will be settled."

Ye Yuze ran out quickly. He agreed with this. Not to mention other things, he must have some skills. Otherwise, how could Mr. Zheng, a proud and arrogant person, be so polite to him all the time? With such a master, Laorou has gained a lot of skills in his life. Ye Yuze didn't dare to say what would happen in the future, but he would definitely have no problem eating.

After taking back the incense, the man with the five golden swords sat on the chair of the grand master. Mr. Zheng sat aside to accompany him. The old man knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to the five "Bang Bang Bang!"

The five dark colors accepted it calmly, and then told them some rules and taboos in the antique industry. Lao Rou nodded in agreement and wrote it down. Then, under the guidance of Mr. Zheng, Nawu offered a cup of tea. Nawu picked it up and took a sip. The etiquette was considered complete.

Ye Yuze thought about Wu's living environment and suggested: "Why don't Mr. Wu come live with me? Let my brother guard you. I don't come to this yard often anyway. My brother has four other brothers. , there is nothing going on at home, just write a letter and tell them."

Mr. Zheng also persuaded him, and finally he begged for a long time, and Na Wu finally agreed. As soon as the matter was done, Mr. Zheng came forward to borrow a three-wheeler and directly pulled all the five things over.

Ye Yuze didn't let the five move bedding and daily necessities, all of which were new. Ye Yuze didn't even know what they were after pulling out those jars and jars several times.

Ye Yuze asked the five people to live in the east room, but the old man refused to do so, saying that it was called taking over the host's place. He moved all his things directly to the West Wing, and Laorou also lived with him so that he could serve him more conveniently.

Ye Yuze woke up from his sleep at night and heard Xiwu talking. He walked over and took a look. It turned out that the two of them hadn't even gotten into bed and had been playing with the pile of things that Wu had brought. Ye Yuze was naturally not interested and went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Ye Yuze went to Sun Lanyu to return the car. Sun Lanyu said with some worry: "Recently, there are imitations of our products on the market, but the workmanship is not good, but they are cheap."

Ye Yuze shook his head indifferently: "This will happen sooner or later. Don't worry. In such a large market, our share is actually very small. We just need to improve the quality of our products. Those who know what we do will naturally look for our products."

Sun Lanyu thought for a while and figured it out. But then he said: "I think Auntie's factory should expand its scale. It's not good to keep the output so low. How about I invest and let's find a few more processing plants?"

Ye Yuze quickly waved his hand: "Just discuss this matter with the Queen Mother. Don't ask me, I can't make the decision. But I do think we should buy more sets of washing and scrubbing equipment. There are too many factories, and that one set will definitely not be able to do it. "

This Sun Lanyu agreed. After the two discussed it, Sun Lanyu decided to go back to Tangcheng directly with Ye Yuze. The two of them went to Beihai first. Ye Yuze told the old man to take care of the five food and drink, and don't be reluctant to give up the money. Spend the ten thousand as you like.

Tickets, all kinds of tickets

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