Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2669 lighter's son

Chapter 2465 Lighter's Son

Lighter's eyes were a little wet, looking at the group of children and admonishing:

"In fact, this genius was brought down by your father and Uncle Ye, and your eldest brother. Without them, there would be no Marseille today!"

Tears flowed from his eyes: "My children are not very motivated, which may be related to my education method. Promise me one thing."

Yang Yi nodded heavily: "Uncle Lighter, you said it, I will definitely agree."

Lighter's face was peaceful: "Give them a simple and happy life." Since you can't be a superior person, then be an ordinary person.

Yang Yi hesitated for a moment: "Uncle Lighter, your sixteenth son still has some ability."

Lighter shook his head: "He is ambitious but not talented, and he is too ambitious. His ruling is a disaster for the country and himself. After I resign, you must take him down first. Promise me!"

Yang Yi still hesitated. Although he agreed with Lighter's words, he always felt a little reluctant in his heart. After all, he should show some affection to Lighter.

"Listen to your uncle lighter."

Ye Yuze also followed suit. Although he rarely interfered in Marseille's affairs, it didn't mean that he was indifferent.

Yang Yi nodded, without any hesitation this time. He could ignore his father's words, but he had to listen to Uncle Ye's words. This was what his grandparents had repeatedly told him.

The dinner was a great success, and Ye Yuhe also learned about the changes in Marseille's political arena, but he was not worried, and even had some secret joy.

Lighter was still an outsider to him, but if Yang Yi was in power, then even if he had the same problem as last time, he would guarantee that it would not reach his eldest brother's ears.

Of course, he is no longer so reckless now. With the increase of age, people have matured a lot. How could he make such a low-level mistake?

He has seen the power of Yang San. Although his current identity is a bit complicated, it is complicated and colorful.

He is the president of the African branch of Bayonet Security, a pirate leader, and the mayor of several cities in Somalia.

According to the law, the mayor of a city can only be held by one person, but in Africa, everything is possible as long as your fist is strong enough.

Now, even Ye Yuhe doesn't know how to call this child? Mayor Yang? Mr. Yang? Or Boss Yang?

After the banquet, Ye Yuhe insisted on asking Ye Yuze and others to live at home, but was rejected.

Although they are relatives, the relationship between the two is not as close as with Lighter. Feelings must go through some things to become solid, not a simple blood relationship.

Ye Yuhe could only fly back to New Marseilles with regret, while Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong lived in Lighter's empty mansion.

In fact, Lighter's current situation is directly related to the old queen mother. The old queen mother called for the improvement of women's status and monogamy.

And Lighter became the first person to respond, and so many wives were released. When his wife left, she naturally took the children with her, and he became a lonely man.

In fact, he left one, the mother of the sixteenth son. The son was called Haibao, who was a little smart and very cute when he was a child.

But the mother died too early, and Lighter neglected to discipline the child, so the child grew up crooked. Although he went to the military reclamation city to study for a few years, he did not make much progress. The advantages are not seen, only the cleverness is left.

Although he has served as the deputy minister of the Ministry of the Interior, he only knows how to form gangs and seek personal gain, and does not care about the interests of the country.

Because of guilt, Lighter has never had the heart to punish him, so that the seal is almost lawless now.

The first generation of leaders have this characteristic. Because they are founding fathers, they have a very high status in the hearts of the people. This respect is deep in their bones and can last for generations.

Therefore, most of the evil deeds of the seal are ignored by them, even if they infringe on their own interests, they can only swallow their anger. This makes the seal even more unscrupulous.

He joined with several other children of Lighter who had a good relationship with him to establish a Marseille Trading Corporation, using his power to make a lot of money, and he was quite ready to compete with the Ye Group.

However, the Ye family is a big family with a lot of wealth, so they have never bothered with him. Besides, the biggest asset of the Ye family is the Ye Ocean Company, which is not something that can be touched by power.

To put it bluntly, Marseilles can only gather ships for such a company with the whole country's strength.

Moreover, Ye Yuhe is now a Marseilles and has already been naturalized. With the support of Ye Yuze and the Yang family, Haibao dare not act rashly.

Haibao has a bad relationship with Yang Da. The friendship of childhood has long disappeared as they grow older.

The main reason is that they are political enemies. Now Yang Da is the prime minister of Marseille, while Haibao is only the deputy minister of the Ministry of the Interior. How can he be comfortable with this gap?

After all, his father is the president, while Yang Da's father is only the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces in name only, and he has been away from the country for a long time.

And according to the tradition here in Africa, he has the right of inheritance. In many African countries, although the governments established are democratic governments, they are actually controlled by private individuals.

The feudal model of father-son succession is everywhere. It is precisely because of this tradition that Haibao has gathered a group of people around him, all of whom are high-ranking officials with high power, and they are quite interested in competing with Yang Da.

But Yang Da never formed cliques and factions, and focused on government affairs. The only clique is his brothers.

It must be said that the twelve sons of the Yang family are all very good, and each of them holds an important position and is young and promising.

But in order to avoid suspicion, Yang Da has never let his younger brothers intervene in the army, which has resulted in the fact that the army in Marseille is now full of Haibao's people.

If he does not intervene in the army, Lighter will not be afraid of him. After all, he is his own son.

In fact, after his mother died, Lighter could have remarried, but one was for Haibao's growth, and the other was afraid of those ex-wives making trouble. So he is single until now.

At the beginning. Lighter also wanted to cultivate his son to be the head of a country, but the child became more and more useless, and it was useless to educate him, so he had to give up.

Lighter has been thinking about the time of his resignation. After all, his health is getting worse day by day. If he delays it any longer, many things may not be arranged.

Now that Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong have come together, he decided to start this matter immediately. After all, most officials know about his condition, so it is not abrupt.

When he returned home, Haibao also came back. Although he already had his own mansion, he would come back to see his father every day.

As for whether it was out of filial piety or for other purposes, only he knew.

Seeing Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong, Haibao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and greeted him with a cold expression.

Ye Yuze didn't care, but Yang Geyong looked a little unhappy.

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