Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2670 The Seal at the Expendable Throw

Chapter 2466 The Seal Who Gambles Everything

This kid lives in Junken City and lives with Yang Da and his family at Yang's house every day. He didn't expect that he would treat him like this now. How could he feel comfortable?

Thinking of what Lighter told Yang Da, Yang Geyong understood and didn't get angry.

But Lighter got angry all of a sudden and pointed at the seal and scolded:

"You have this attitude when you see your two uncles? Kneel down and kowtow!"

Lighter's feelings for Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong are much closer than his brothers. His father can't have a bad attitude, but how could he bear that his son is like this?

Faced with his father's scolding, the poster was indifferent and replied:

"Father, you have a good relationship and are brothers, so let's be brothers. Why do you have to force me to kneel to these two people who are not related by blood? I am a senior official in Marseille, and my identity does not allow me to kneel to anyone!"

Lighter pointed at the seal, trembling all over but unable to speak. At this time, a severe pain suddenly made him unable to straighten his back, and his illness broke out.

Ye Yuze supported him, sat on the sofa, and quickly took out a silver needle to relieve his pain, and cursed at Haibao:

"Why are you still standing there? Call the hospital quickly!"

Haibao didn't take it seriously: "He is often like this, he will be fine in a while, give him painkillers!"

Yang Geyong couldn't bear it anymore, kicked over, and Haibao's huge body flew up, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Yang Geyong didn't care about his life or death, and stepped forward to grab his collar:

"Call quickly, or I will kill you!"

Yang Geyong used a lot of force in this kick, and Haibao almost choked with pain. However, facing Yang Geyong's murderous eyes, he still took out his phone and called.

Soon, the ambulance arrived at the door, and a group of people lifted Lighter onto a stretcher and went to the hospital.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong also got in the car, only Haibao was left behind, watching the ambulance go away with a gloomy look, then made a few phone calls and drove away.

Ye Yuze's acupuncture was very effective. When he arrived at the hospital, Lighter was no longer in pain, but his clothes were soaked with sweat.

The hospital was already familiar with Lighter's condition, and there was no good way. This disease has reached this point, and it is just a matter of time.

Ye Yuze's eyes were slightly red: "Lighter, let's go to Boston, or to Junken City."

Lighter shook his head: "Brother, it's too late to find out. I have been taking the medicine developed by our father in Junken City, but it is powerless to save the day. Let's go home."

As a doctor, Ye Yuze also knew that Ye Yuze Lighter was right, so he could only let him go. The three of them returned home.

In the Seal Mansion, a group of people gathered together, including his three brothers, and the rest were confidants, all of whom were in high positions.

"It seems that the old man is dying. With his attitude towards me, it seems that he will not succeed me. The old man cares most about the eldest brother of the Yang family. What do you think we should do?"

The faces of the group of people were uncertain. They naturally understood what Haibao said. This meant that they were ready to break up with Yang Da and even with Lighter.

Although they were on the same boat, their hearts were not the same. Haibao was a moody person. What tied them together was only the interests.

A sturdy man in camouflage uniform stood up:

"Boss, just tell me how to do it and do whatever you want. I don't have that much brain to think about things."

Haishe smiled. This was the brother that satisfied him the most. Unfortunately, he really didn't have much brain. Now he was a regiment commander of the Marseille Guard. He had a violent personality, but he was really good at fighting.

This guy called Mad Dog was a desperate man when he was violent, so he was the most valued by Haibao.

There is also a big military leader named Ye Zi, who is as thin as a dried man, but he is very powerful in the army because he followed Yang Geyong to charge into battle during the founding of the country.

If Yang Geyong is the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces in name only, then Ye Zi is the actual controller of the army.

But when it comes to the military, Lighter's influence is not as good as his, mainly because he has been operating in that system.

However, Haibao looks down on Ye Zi a little, thinking that he is timid and not like a man.

If it weren't for his status, he would not pull such a person into his circle.

As for the others, they can basically be ignored because they are all just soy sauce. Although they have a certain identity and status, the role they can play is to raise their hands at critical moments.

As for his three brothers, he can only say "haha". They all have their own ulterior motives. Which one is willing to be inferior to others?

The reason why they get together is to prevent any accidents, and the law does not punish the masses.

Most of the emperors' descendants have always been like this. They can't love each other like the children of ordinary families.

The seal looked at Coconut. No matter how much he looked down on him, he had to pay attention to this person. His influence in the military was too great, even his father couldn't compare to him, let alone him.

The reason why African countries are in chaos is actually because the president can't control the military power well. A president without an army is at best a politician.

Coconut's eyes were uncertain. This decision was equivalent to deciding his own life and death.

He also knew that Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were coming. Although the lion family, who preferred to be the mount of the Ye family, had already been passed down as a legend of Masai.

Not to mention the brave and warlike Yang Geyong, that guy was the real lion king, invincible and invincible.

To be enemies with such a person is undoubtedly to risk one's life for a better future.

Coconut is not stupid, otherwise he would not have survived to this position.

In fact, this is also due to the fact that Mushroom Shiba Inu and Xima did not leave the "Bayonet" special forces.

If those people were there, it would really be nothing for Coconut to do!

However, those people were Yang Geyong's diehard fans, and finally all went to Bayonet Security, which gave him the courage to mix with the seals.

However, he was not loyal to the seals. If such a guy became president, this gradually powerful country would decline soon. This is the ending that everyone can see.

Coconut pays more attention to the news. The regimes on this continent are constantly being overthrown, and most of them are caused by the military. He thinks he should be that kind of person.

But he has been forbearing, waiting for the death of Lighter. After all, the founding father is highly respected. If he usurps power by force, the political situation will definitely be unstable.

However, this seal is too impatient, fearing that Lighter will give the position to Yang Da.

In fact, this worry is not unreasonable. Although Yang Da is humble, he has outstanding abilities and currently has a high prestige in Marseille.

In addition, so many brothers are in various departments of the government, so he does not need to win over people's hearts, and his power is still huge.

The only drawback is that he has not intervened in the military, and none of the brothers of the Yang family serve in the military.

Thank you for your votes, Shuchi has a good chest. It's the second to last day of May, let's fire all the bullets


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