Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2668 Entrustment

Chapter 2464 Entrustment

In order to make it easier to remember, Yang Geyong used numbers instead of names for his dozens of sons. This time the advantages came out.

At least Ye Yuze and he would not be unable to remember their names. After all, for Chinese people, foreign names are not easy to remember.

Of course, everyone in Africa has their own name, but neither Yang Geyong nor Ye Yuze know how to say it, and even lighter only calls numbers.

Yang Da rushed forward excitedly and hugged Yang Geyong. The general grid almost knocked Yang Geyong down.

Yang Geyong didn't blame him. Seeing the child's excitement, he really wasn't pretending, he really missed him.

Patting Yang Yi's back, the muscles were as strong as iron, which comforted Yang Geyong. It seems that Kung Fu has never stopped!

Seeing his father coming, Yang Yi excitedly called a group of brothers, and soon ten brothers gathered together.

The two missing people are Yang San and Yang 12. They are both in Suo country and cannot come back soon.

Seeing this lively group of sons, Ye Yuze couldn't help but feel envious. What couldn't they accomplish together?

Yang Geyong was also extremely happy. He had never been close to these sons before, mainly because they were too dark and his genes had little impact on them.

But looking at their majestic looks at this moment, I still feel a sense of accomplishment, especially since his sons' feelings for him are not adulterated at all, which is something to be proud of.

As soon as these little guys arrived, it was obvious that the wine was not enough, and Lighter was too lazy to move, so he simply asked them to go to the wine cellar to get the wine.

As a result, these children took out the big sorghum he had saved. After living in Junken City for so long, they were used to drinking this stuff. One sip was like swallowing a knife. It was really enjoyable.

For Chinese food, of course you have to go to Yip's Hotel. Not only is the food here fresh, but all of it is made by chefs from China.

Ye Yuze wants to eat seafood. The seafood here is much cheaper than at home, and the quality is also good.

Because there were so many people, he emptied the largest private room in the hotel. Ye Yuze was not a domineering person, but it was okay to be domineering once in a while.

The hotel manager didn't know Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong, but he still knew Lighter and a bunch of the Yang family's sons. In addition to cooperation, I dare not let out a fart.

Just kidding, a president and a bunch of powerful people, no matter how young they are, each of them holds great power, who can afford to offend them?

Don't think that he, Ye, can call the shots here, but the group of people in front of him. They definitely can't afford it.

The manager still called Ye Yuhe and gave a brief report, because asking the customer to change places halfway would have a great impact on Ye's reputation.

Ye Yuhe also smiled bitterly when he received the call. Even if he was here, he would have to give way to others. He just asked the guests who moved the place to be exempted from the bill.

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly realized what he remembered? A follow-up question:

"You said there are two more Chinese people? What do they look like?"

The manager described the looks of Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong, and Ye Yuhe jumped up:

"This table is free of charge. I'll be there right away."

The manager felt distressed and heartbroken. These two tables were not cheap. The new table was taking orders and wanted to bring the most expensive items in the store.

But the boss has spoken, how could he not listen? Smilingly, he personally took the menu and ordered for them, but only took note of the dishes, not the amount.

Ye Yuhe lives in the new city of Marseille, which is also the port. It will take some time to get there, but it is not difficult for him. He has a plane and can arrive in half an hour.

Yang Geyong held a big lobster in his hands and couldn't help but sigh:

“I haven’t been willing to eat such a big lobster for a long time.”

Yang Yi laughed: "Dad, please stay here. I will let you eat this every day until you vomit!"

A group of sons echoed one after another, and the private room became a mess for a while.

Looking at these children, Lighter couldn't help but sigh:

"They all go to Junken City to study. Why don't any of my sons make progress?"

Yang Geyong was proud: "Many things require talent, so I won't accept this."

Seeing Yang Geyong playing, Ye Yuze and Lighter raised their middle fingers together. Yang Geyong didn't care at all and ate happily.

This group of people drank like water. Although they brought a lot of wine, it was not enough!

At least there is no shortage of wine in Ye's Hotel, especially Dasorghum. They have never run out of wine, so they will not run out of wine.

After drinking for about an hour, I started to get drunk. At this time, the door of the private room was pushed open, and Ye Yuhe ran in sweating profusely.

He called Brother to Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong, and then greeted the remaining people one by one.

The Yang brothers stood up and called "Uncle Ye" one after another. Although Lighter did not stand up, he was still smiling and said in a friendly tone:

"Aren't you in the new city? Why did you come here?"

Ye Yuhe looked dissatisfied: "My eldest brother and Brother Yang came, but they didn't tell me. Do you think it's irritating or not?"

Seeing the happy look on his cousin's face, Ye Yuze was also very happy. It seemed that he had really grown up and he didn't deserve this boy's suffering.

The table had everything that could be served in the store, and there was nothing to add. Ye Yuhe did not pretend to call the manager, but sat down to drink together.

Ye Yuze briefly asked about the situation at home and company, and Ye Yuhe answered truthfully.

It turned out that Ye Li and his wife had returned to their hometown, and the business had been handed over to Ye Yuhe.

Ye Yuze felt a little emotional. He still had some feelings for his uncle and aunt, but when Ye Yuhe got into trouble, his aunt and the queen mother had a conflict, and the two families did not have much contact.

What Ye Yuze missed most was his grandmother, the old lady who was uneducated but very wise, and had a great influence on his life.

Thinking that he had not gone back to sweep the grave for several years, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Although he didn't believe these things, as a Chinese, he was already unfilial.

His mood became heavy, and he couldn't drink the wine. In fact, Ye Yuhe hadn't been home for a long time. Seeing his cousin like this, he suggested:

"Brother, let's find a time to go back together and visit grandma's grave."

Ye Yuze nodded, and his eyes looking at Ye Yuhe became much more friendly.

As a Chinese, things in the bones cannot be separated. Especially relatives connected by blood.

Lighter also drank too much. In fact, his illness was not suitable for drinking, but no one stopped him. Since he had let it go, what was the point of stopping him? Just be happy.

Lighter took Yang Yi's hand and said, "What I can't let go of the most is the future of Zanguo. I know you are more capable than me, and I will give you this responsibility in the future."

Yang nodded: "Uncle Lighter, don't worry, as long as we brothers are here, this country will definitely be more prosperous and prosperous!"

The fourth day before the end, votes, dears, too thirsty


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