Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2398 Cuicui intercedes

Finally, Liu Junken couldn't bear it anymore. After all, he was a soldier and was young and energetic, so when he answered the phone again, he completely exploded.

"Can you please stop fighting? Isn't it just a foreign businessman? There are not ten thousand foreign businessmen in our Junken City every day, there are always one thousand. In normal business behavior, is it necessary to mobilize troops like this?"

"Liu Junken, you dare to talk to me like this, don't you want to hang out?"

Liu Junken was stunned, why did the voice sound so familiar? So I took my phone away and looked at the number, then I was stunned.

"Aunt Cuicui, why did you call me?"

Cuicui hesitated for a while, seeming to think about her words, but finally said it.

"Junken, I know I shouldn't get involved in this matter, but this is what one of your Uncle Yu Fan's old bosses asked someone to tell me. Let's see if there is a better solution?"

Liu Junken was silent. He could say no to anyone in this world! But Aunt Cuicui really couldn't tell.

It's not that Aunt Cuicui is so great in person, but that he is different from everyone else in Junken City.

Others admire Ye Yuze and the business empire he built with his people, but Liu Junken's idol is Ye Yufan. He was an ordinary soldier, but he was down-to-earth and reached his current position step by step.

He was also a soldier and a son of a military colonizer. In his heart, this is what a military colonizer should be like.

Of course, he does not reject economic development, but in his subconscious mind, money conflicts with his values.

So, when Cuicui said this, he really hesitated.

He was definitely disappointed. After all, he was his idol, but he actually interceded for a foreigner who dared to make such a noise in Junken City. How could he feel comfortable?

After hesitating for a long time, he finally replied:

"Auntie, I'll give it a try, but I can't guarantee anything? You know the situation here."

Cuicui was silent for a while, and naturally knew that he was not trying to evade, so she said "hmm" and hung up the phone.

Cuicui looked up at Ye Yufan who was drinking tea in the living room, feeling guilty. If her husband finds out about this, she will definitely get scolded!

But this man is too upright, and I have to deal with many things for him.

Cuicui's temperament used to be more upright than Ye Yufan's. After all, she was born in the army and didn't have so many tricks.

But after entering the capital, things slowly changed.

Everyone has their own circle, and Cuicui is naturally not exempt from it. The circle of women is even more distinct.

She is not a sociable person, but she is not needed for this. Ever since Ye Yufan was transferred to the capital, people naturally found her, and soon she had a group of sisters.

Don't underestimate these women. They are not of high rank, but they are people who can accomplish big things.

Cuicui didn't do anything because her family really didn't need her to do anything? The family lives well in Junken City.

And she also knew that even if she created opportunities for her family members, what would they not be able to control?

After all, where is a person's ability, if he does something like this, it will harm him.

But the things the ladies did often left her stunned. Personnel transfers, promotions, and material transfers.

As long as she can't think of it, there is nothing that others can't do.

During this period, she also helped out a few times. But she didn't let her husband know any of this. It was done through several of my husband's subordinates. Therefore, she was soon regarded as one of their own by the ladies.

Originally, Ye Yufan had no friends, and he seemed to have little spare time.

Occasionally I come back early and stay in the study reading documents or thinking about things. When interest comes, he will also help Cuicui cook a meal.

There are not many people in the family. At this level, many personnel must be provided, such as nannies, drivers, and secretaries. Many of them live at home.

But in their family, these people are very idle, because Cuicui is a restless person and likes to do many things by herself, and Ye Yufan also likes to eat her cooking the most.

After being among the ladies for a long time, Cuicui naturally has more ideas. Since they are all at the same level, they can naturally help each other with many things. Although she has no use for others for the time being? But what happens after that?

Ye Yufan's temper must often offend people. If there is a circle, even if he offends, Cuicui will find a way to help him deal with it. After all, in this society, everyone cannot exist only as an individual.

You know, things like political opponents are very deadly. After all, having someone staring at you all day long is a really terrible feeling.

After all, officials are also human beings and have their own emotions and desires. How is it possible not to make a mistake? How troublesome would it be to be caught by others and magnified to make a fuss?

Ye Yufan's behavior is exactly the kind of person who works without scruples, so Cuicui wants to protect her husband.

And her son, she really didn’t want her to stay in his unit anymore.

Not only traveling all day long, but also facing many dangers every day. She is the only child! If something unexpected happens, she doesn't know how she will survive?

Where is Han Xiaofeng? She is just a woman and does not have such high feelings. Therefore, she only wants her family to be safe.

Therefore, she has been looking for a good employer for her son, at least one where there is no danger and promotion is relatively fast.

Yesterday, a lady from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation came to her and told her about Jack. An idea came into her mind.

That company is great, the salary is high, and you can often go abroad. If Ye Shan can transfer it, his wish will be fulfilled.

Originally, she didn't want to care about this matter. After all, she was born in Junken City, and she was naturally disgusted by a foreigner who dared to make noise there.

If it were in the past, if she were in Junken City, Cuicui couldn't guarantee that she would not slap him.

But it was not in the past now, and she was not in Junken City, so she talked about Ye Shan's affairs tactfully.

The other party promised that this matter would be taken care of by her, and if Ye Shan went there, he would definitely be promoted to two levels.

Cuicui was not worried about what she said. After all, if something like that happened in this circle, she would be despised. Who would dare to deal with her in the future?

So, Cuicui thought for a long time before making this call to Liu Junken.

It's not that she can't hit others, it's that she can't hit them.

Whether it's Ayi Jiang or Mei Ting, if she calls them, they will definitely look for the elder brother. After all, those two girls are much closer to their elder brother than to themselves.

Thank you Mua for the reward. I am very touched.

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