Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2399 Life requires compromise

If the phone calls them, they will definitely tell Ye Yuze without hesitation, and she will be passive by then.

Although her eldest brother is kinder to her than her own brother, she can't guarantee that he will listen to her on this matter. After all, his character is also jealous of evil.

Liu Junken had a headache. Cuicui's request was undoubtedly a hot yam. Whoever accepted it would feel better.

But since he agreed, what would he naturally do?

At present, the winning bidder has long been determined and announced, so naturally he cannot change the result. However, there are still opportunities to operate privately.

He has investigated the other two winning bidders. Neither of them are American companies, nor are they large in scale. They just have business in the United States.

It's just that he doesn't know why these two companies dare to bid such high bids? Is it just because you have money?

He thought for a while and tried to find a way to talk to these two companies, and then ask Junken Pharmaceutical's own company to give up its share. In this way, the agency rights for the entire United States would be given to Jack, and he should be able to accept it.

As for Jack's clamor to represent Junken Pharmaceutical's global business, he didn't care at all, and the joke wasn't even made up like that.

So, he decided to talk to those two companies first to see if there was any room for change. After all, he couldn't do anything that was difficult for others.

In fact, these two companies are from the Middle East. They have companies in the United States, but they also deal in drugs.

Liu Junken suddenly had a headache and didn't know what to do. After all, the biggest strength of Middle Easterners is that they are not short of money.

Dealing with such people is like a dog biting a hedgehog. I don’t know where to start?

But for Uncle Ye, Liu Junken went anyway. After all, Aunt Cuicui would definitely not have made this call if she was not really in trouble.

The Peninsula Hotel is holding a dinner to celebrate the successful conclusion of this tender meeting.

This meal was invited by Junken Pharmacy. As a host and a native of Northern Xinjiang, even if it is a purely commercial transaction, the tradition of hospitality will not be discarded.

Liu Junken's sudden appearance made everyone stunned for a moment, but Liu Junken and Luoluo generously picked up the wine glass and toasted.

"On behalf of Junken City, I welcome friends from all over the world. Today I won't talk about status or business. I will just drink with you as a friend!"

Wang Lina was stunned, Mei Ting had a hint of amusement in her eyes, but Zeng Rou looked excited and raised her glass and shouted:

"Then let's have a drink with this friend!"

Everyone naturally knew his identity. When Zeng Rou shouted, everyone raised their glasses and drank, and the atmosphere was very lively for a while.

After drinking the glass of wine, Liu Junken scanned the crowd and quickly found his target. He had a piece of cloth wrapped around his head. This was standard equipment, but he was the only one of two.

Because it was a buffet reception, everyone did not sit down, but gathered in groups of twos and threes. This was also a good place to meet people.

The two people stayed alone in the corner, somewhat disinterested. It should be because of this bidding, they were deliberately excluded.

After all, although Jack has been taught a lesson, Mary and the others are still there, and the circle is still there, so naturally they will not get close to these two opponents.

And those who want to travel together outside the circle will naturally not foolishly make friends with these two guys. Their resources are worse than their own, so what is the use of dating?

No matter how much money they have? I won’t spend a cent on myself, it’s better not to get into trouble.

Liu Junken turned around with his wine glass, and finally walked up to the two people and raised his glass to them.

Both of their glasses were full of pure water. They didn't drink, but they were being left out. Liu Junken actually came to toast them. Naturally, they were flattered.

After each took a sip, Liu Junken started talking to them. Then the topic turned to the matter of winning the bid.

The two people looked bitter. To be honest, they already regretted it. After all, when they first came here, they had not had much contact with this industry. It is said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and many people with money are stupid. That's how it got done.

They don't doubt that they can make money from this thing, but the money is really hot. If so many big companies are targeting it, they will definitely not be able to handle it.

Therefore, the two of them were always worried and didn't know how to solve this matter.

After hearing Liu Junken talk about it, the two people took advantage of the situation and expressed their thoughts, that is, they regretted bidding.

Liu Junken's expression changed and he asked, "What if I help you sell the bid and let you make some money?"

The two of them were so happy that they didn't even know what to do? If this piece of yam is given away and there is still money to get it, it will naturally be what you want.

After the matter was settled, Liu Junken found that Jack was not there, so he walked out of the restaurant.

Mei Ting looked at his back and remained silent. Wang Lina asked:

"What on earth do you think he came to do?"

Mei Ting smiled slightly: "I don't know, and you don't know either."

Wang Lina glared at her: "I look more and more like your brother. No one in your Ye family can worry."

Mei Ting pouted: "My surname is Mei, okay?"

Wang Lina disdainfully said: "If it weren't for the prohibition of close relatives marrying, you would have married your brother long ago. Don't think I can't tell."

Mei Ting blushed: "You are not a close relative, are you going to get married?"

Wang Lina stamped her foot angrily: "That bastard doesn't want me, not even as a lover. What do you think I'm missing?"

Mei Ting looked at her carefully, then shook her head:

"You're too much!"

Wang Lina reached out and pinched the tender flesh around Mei Ting's waist:

"What did you say?"

Mei Ting begged for mercy: "I didn't say anything, please don't pinch me!"

In a suite at the Peninsula Hotel, Jack was lying on the bed with disheveled hair. He was really hit today.

Not only did Junkencheng treat him as an abandoned bidder, causing him to lose 10 million US dollars out of thin air, but his allies eventually abandoned him for the sake of profit.

Although he is the CEO, he is not a shareholder. Naturally, he cannot explain this result to the company.

Capital society is like this. No matter how much you contribute to the company, once the company suffers losses, people will be rude to you.

This is also the reason why many professional managers do not seek merit but seek no faults. Helping others maintain their foundation is better than developing it.

Presumably the news report will come out soon. Once it comes out, Jack will have to go back and explain to the company no matter what.

He really regretted it. In fact, it was not unacceptable to get two bids from the United States. He took himself too seriously.

But the deal is already done, what else can be done? After the bidding meeting ended, he lay there motionless.

There was a knock on the door. He thought it was the guest housekeeper and said angrily:

"I'm not hungry, don't bother me!"

Unexpectedly, a somewhat familiar voice came:

"Mr. Jack, it's me."


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