Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2397 Defeat each one

Everyone looked at the rostrum. This melon is a bit big. You know, these reporters are not only domestic, but also many foreign reporters.

The expressions of Mei Ting and the three others changed, and then they started talking quietly, and quickly calmed down. But he didn't speak.

Next, several representatives of Jack's small group also spoke, basically echoing what Jack and Mary said.

When things got to this point, there was actually no room for relaxation. The reporters all looked at the rostrum.

There were even a few impatient reporters who began to interview Mei Ting and the others.

However, the three women were all calm, as if they had not heard what they just said, and answered the reporters' words calmly.

Reporter 1: “What do you think of what the representatives of Ruihui and Johnson \u0026 Johnson said just now?”

Reporter 2: "I think Jack's words are correct, right? How should areas be divided?"

Reporter 3: "Mr. Mei, if they give up, will this become a farce in the history of bidding?"

"Shut up! Junken City has the final say in bidding for Junken City. Have you ever heard of any tendering party changing the rules because the bidders were dissatisfied?"

Wang Lina still has a hot temper and will not spoil anyone.

Zeng Rou was obviously unable to react. She had never experienced such a battle. Facing such giants, she was really timid.

Wang Lina's strength obviously made reporters a little dissatisfied. An American reporter asked bluntly:

"Is your military reclamation city a lawless place?"

Mei Ting stretched out her hand to stop Wang Lina who was about to run away, and asked with a smile:

"This seems to be a business behavior, right? What does this have to do with law? Don't we even have the right to formulate rules when we invite bids?"

Reporter: "The rules have a framework, and business rules need to be followed."

Mei Ting: "Excuse me, what is a framework? Who designed it? Do we have to abide by the rules of Americans?"

Reporter: “Our rules are the fairest, otherwise why would everyone abide by them?”

Mei Ting shook her head: "I'm sorry, we won't abide by it. We have our own rules. You may not understand it, but we didn't invite them to bid, either?"


Mei Ting stopped paying attention to the reporters and looked past them towards Jack and the others.

"I'm sorry that things have reached this point today. Are you sure you want to abandon the bid? If so, we will continue to hold the bidding meeting tomorrow. Please leave."

Jack's face turned purple, but he didn't know what to say?

And Mary began to hesitate. After all, she was getting the agency rights of a country. Although the population was not large, the profits would never be small.

The mentality of those few people was similar to Mary's. Although they were not full, they had gained something, and they could fully explain it when they went back.

Now Mei Ting's attitude is clear that she will not give in at all. If they persist, there will only be one result, and that is that they will be completely excluded from this tender.

While hesitating, Jack suddenly turned around and looked at the others, with a sneer on his lips:

"Do you think that if we withdraw, you will have a chance?"

Although the words are very subtle, the threat is very obvious, that is, if you participate in the bidding, then don't blame us for sanctioning you.

These companies must be afraid. Even if the sales areas are unrelated, they still have to use many of their patented technologies. After all, they all have their own pharmaceutical factories.

They are different from Mary. After all, Mary's group each has its own advantages.

What do they have? Apart from imitation, there is no R\u0026D capability at all. Therefore, everyone began to retreat a little.

Seeing how arrogant Jack was, Wang Lina stood up and greeted:

"Someone, get this guy out of the venue, and his winning bid will be treated as an abandoned bid!"

Several security guards have long disliked this guy. He dares to show off his power in Junken City. If he were beaten on the street, he would be beaten to the point where his mother wouldn't even recognize him!

"I protest! You actually treat a businessman who comes to cooperate with you like this!"

Jack struggled and roared, but was still dragged out.

Mei Ting asked calmly at this time: "Ms. Mary, are you sure you want to give up the bid?"

Mary looked around and ran out of ideas for a moment. They had been bewitched by Jack just now, so they decided to take a gamble.

Now Jack has been expelled directly. If they persist, they will completely sever ties with Junken Pharmaceutical in the future.

They can certainly boycott Junken Pharmaceutical's sales channels, but they may not be able to completely contain it.

After all, each country and region has its own sales channels and will not rely on multinational pharmaceutical companies like them at all.

What people rely on is nothing more than their pharmaceutical technology.

At this time, Mei Ting added: "Think carefully, our soldiers in Junken City can spread their outlets all over the world if they get up, and Junken Pharmaceutical can definitely do the same."

The meaning of this is very obvious. If you don't do it, then we will do it ourselves, and you won't be able to earn a penny in the future.

Mei Ting's words are really not a threat. Although the cost of doing so is high, it is not impossible to make money.

At present, Junken Pharmaceutical's products are sold through pharmaceutical companies from various countries, including companies like Mary.

If once someone establishes a sales network, their products will be removed from their drug shelves, and they are all their top products!

Finally, reason returned to Mary's mind, and she took a breath and shook her head.

"Jack's behavior only represents himself. I just object to the bids you assigned."

Mei Ting smiled: "Ms. Mary, we have our own considerations. I can only say sorry to you. Tell me whether you want to give up the bid?"

Mary shook her head: "As a businessman, I will not go back on my word, but I will understand it clearly before bidding next time."

Several other people, like Mary, said a few words and then sat down.

The bids that Jack won were given to two other companies, and their bids were both in second place.

Outside the venue, Jack was calling frantically on the phone. He wanted to complain and complain about the unfair treatment he suffered in Junchen City today.

Not to mention, Ruihui Company has been in China for some years and has many cooperation projects.

It turned out that someone had been calling Ayi Jiang and the others on his behalf. After he complained, someone quickly supported him.

The phones of Ayi Jiang and Liu Junken kept ringing, and people from various places and departments began to plead for mercy or reprimand them righteously.

Both of them had very good attitudes and always answered yes. But he won't do anything. They will definitely not interfere with other people's normal business practices.

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