Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2140 The shocked Michael

Michael finally breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Ye Rou quickly, and his face suddenly turned red again.

Ye Rou drove very fast on this road, and the road of more than 30 highways soon arrived. When they drove to the gate, Ye Rou honked the horn. Tom looked at the manor in surprise, while Michael looked calm.

The door opened. Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze were studying something in front of a wooden pile. When he saw his daughter coming back, he just nodded.

Ye Mei and Ye Rou also restrained their arrogance at this time, got out of the car quietly, and approached their father to see what they were doing.

Ye Yuze's eyes were slightly closed, his fist was about thirty centimeters away from the wooden stake, and then he punched out violently, with a short and powerful cry of "ha" coming out of his mouth.

There was a crisp "click" sound, and the wooden stake broke. It was a wooden stake as thick as a thigh!

"Dad, you are so awesome!" Ye Mei quickly slapped the rainbow fart on her, very instantly.

Ye Rou hugged her father's arm with a look of admiration.

Tom and Michael were dumbfounded. They thought their mother was already the two most powerful people, but they didn't expect their father to be even more powerful. Are they still human?

Yang Geyong on the side shook his head and sighed: "It seems that the older you get, the further you will fall behind me!"

Ye Yuze encouraged, "You can also try to cultivate your internal strength? As you get older, your qi and blood will naturally decline."

Yang Geyong looked a little melancholy and raised his leg to sweep towards the wooden stake. There was a crisp "click" sound, and the wooden stake also broke in response.

But he took a look at the wood stubble and saw that it was incomparable with Ye Yuze's section just now, so he nodded:

"Okay, I'll start practicing inner breath tomorrow, are you afraid that I won't be patient enough?"

At this time, Ye Yuze looked at Michael and Tom and asked his daughter: "Are these two classmates?"

Ye Mei nodded quickly: "Yes and no, they are all seniors, but they are members of our Chinese Martial Arts Seminar."

Ye Yuze looked at his daughter suspiciously: "Isn't it just a week since you started school? What kind of seminar?"

Ye Rou told her father about the establishment of the club. Ye Yuze pointed at Ye Mei helplessly and cursed angrily:

"Can't you just calm down for a while? At least you have to survive the first two months of school, right?"

Ye Mei raised her head proudly: "Hmph, is it our Ye family's tradition to keep a low profile?"

At this time, Katherine came out to call everyone to eat. When she saw two strangers, she understood that they were the classmates of her two daughters, so she called them in to eat together.

Michael quickly declined, but Tom entered the living room without hesitation.

Ye Rou put her arms around Michael's shoulders: "Let's go, you've been tired these past few days, let me reward you."

The children are already sitting at the dining table. Wang Jianying usually won't go to the table to eat unless it's a festival. Ye Yuze has mentioned this problem to her more than once, but she doesn't change it and Ye Yuze has nothing to do.

Because it was the weekend, the Ye family's dinner was usually sumptuous, and a large table full of dishes was prepared. Ye Mei let out an excited "ouch" and threw herself at the dining table like a wolf.

"Go wash your hands!" Wang Jianying, who came in with the dishes, saw this scene and scolded her unceremoniously.

Ye Mei stuck out her tongue and followed her sister to take Michael and Tom to wash their hands. Michael had been very reserved and didn't say a word, but Tom asked:

"Why are there so many dishes on the table? They are all new to me. Are they welcoming us?"

Ye Mei glanced at him disdainfully: "Don't take yourself too seriously? In their eyes, you are just a younger brother."

Tom didn't care, "hehe" smiled: "Anyway, I'm in luck."

After eating a meal, Ye Mei and Ye Rou were like two hungry wolves, they were like a raging cloud. They had no choice but to eat fast food for a week and couldn't stand it anymore.

Following them is naturally Tom. Although he doesn't eat so arrogantly, he has strong fighting ability! I don’t know how much stuff can fit in that big mouth?

Michael was more polite and kept eating small bites, but if you look closely, the plates in front of him are already empty.

Although I was unlucky, there was a spicy tofu and a stir-fried cabbage sum in front of me. What was that? There wasn't even any soup left. Wang Jianying thought about it for a long time before she remembered that it was the hot waist.

Ye Yuze is very satisfied. He likes boys who are not pretentious, and when his daughter reaches the age of falling in love, she has to have contact with the opposite sex.

Since kindergarten here in the United States, they all have their own friends of the opposite sex, but the two daughters have never been enlightened and have never brought anyone back. This is the first time, so Ye Yuze naturally takes it seriously.

Seeing that the food was not keeping up, Wang Jianying started frying again, and Ye Yuze decided to slow down the pace. My own children are fine, but I can’t afford to support them after they come back from Harvard!

He picked up a bottle of sorghum pure and asked Ye Mei to hand it to Michael and the others:

"Come on, have a taste. This is the wine I brought back from China. See if it tastes good to you."

Tom took it and poured himself a glass. In fact, they had red wine, but he didn't like to drink it.

He filled himself a glass and handed the bottle to Michael. Following Ye Yuze's example, he raised his neck and fell in.

Then, the violent coughing sound of "cough cough cough" almost made him lose his breath. It was so strong.

Just as he was about to tell Michael to drink slowly, he found that the guy had already finished a glass and was pouring himself a second glass.

Ye Yuze's eyes were full of approval, and he couldn't help but praise: "Young man is good!"

Tom's face was red with embarrassment and he didn't dare to raise his head. He couldn't even compete with a weakling like Michael.

Ye Yuze didn't laugh at him. This wine was 70% alcohol. Neither he nor Yang Geyong liked low-alcohol wine and were not used to drinking foreign wine, so they always drank sorghum pure.

This wine was not brought from Juncheng, but Zhou Guihua brewed it herself. The taste is more mellow than the one in Junkencheng.

After all, the winery needs to make a profit, but Zhou Osmanthus only brews it for drinking and doesn't care about the cost. It's strange that it doesn't taste good.

Looking at Michael, Ye Yuze asked: "How does it taste?"

"Okay!" After saying this word, Michael's face turned red again.

Ye Yuze rarely saw such a shy boy in the United States. He couldn't help but find it interesting and asked again:

"Are you from New York?"

Michael shook his head: "I grew up in New York, but I'm from Omaha, Nebraska."

Ye Yuze's heart moved: "What's your last name?"

"Buffett, Michael Buffett." Michael answered simply.

Ye Yuze instantly felt bad about himself. He just thought that this kid and the stock god were from the same place, but he didn't expect that they were still from the same family.

But he didn't make a fuss. After all, all his assets combined should not be lower than his worth now.

But Ye Mei and Ye Rou have no feelings about this name? I read few books and don’t care much about the news.

Seeing the children's reaction, Ye Yuze decided not to expose it. Aren’t you also not famous? On the contrary, the eldest son Ye Feng is now almost becoming a legend in the American business world, and is said to have entered the top ten.

After finishing the meal, Ye Mei wanted to send the two followers back, but they were obviously drunk. Although they behaved like normal people, they walked in circles.

In desperation, they could only wait until they sobered up, otherwise they would have no choice but to send these two things back.

After eating and resting for a while, the unshakable practice began, with more than a dozen people of all sizes gathered in the backyard.

There are not only various equipment here, but also plum blossom piles and a practice room. There is only one thing in the Ye family that will never change, and that is pile driving.

Mainly because in Ye Yuze's view, wooden piles can never be replaced by sandbags. In fact, this is a misunderstanding, because sandbags are the closest thing to the human body.

It's just that it's hard to show off that thing, and it can't be destroyed with just one punch. Of course it can be missed, but then the power will be much less powerful.

Now Ye Shuai and Ye Fei have made great progress in their kung fu. Both little guys are cruel to themselves. Of course, this is also related to Ye Yuze's education. He has always been cruel to his son!

However, Ye Shuai and Ye Fei are also more up-to-date. At least they are not like Ye Mao, who cried at every turn.

As for the first two sons, when Ye Feng was born, Ye Yuze himself was still a child. Rather than saying that he raised his son, it would be better to say that the two of them grew up together.

When he arrived at Ye Mao, Ye Yuze already knew how to be a father, but he met a protective wife. Ye Yuze still thinks that Ye Mao is a wasted child, unable to achieve anything in culture or martial arts.

So, when it was the turn of these two little ones, he really started to cultivate them carefully. Ye Shuai is gentle and handsome, and his appearance is even more handsome than Ye Feng. After all, he has Slavic ancestry.

The key point is that this child is very smart. Whether it is learning or practicing, he can basically learn it on demand. Therefore, Ye Yuze decided to pass on his acupuncture skills to him.

Ye Fei, on the other hand, is a bit academic and has nothing to say about practicing, but he is a little worse at studying. The key is that he doesn't want to learn!

Although Ye Yuze is stricter, as he reaches his age, his heart begins to soften and he is unwilling to spank his children for free. I can only hope that when he gets older, he will start to understand.

As for Ye Bai, what can't he see now? Mainly because it's too small. However, Ye Yuze was a little worried. Both Kesselin and Lev were too spoiled by him, and he was not as strong as his sister Ye Hong.

After Yang Xue came to Boston, Yang Geyong basically stayed by her side, and she grew into a relatively normal little girl who often liked to act coquettishly. Let Yang Geyong be pampered like a little princess.

The main reason is that the little girl doesn't like to practice martial arts yet. She often avoids practicing martial arts because her legs or stomach hurt.

Yang Geyong didn't care. He basically practiced when he wanted to and just had fun if he didn't want to. He never forced himself. Instead, Ye Fei would pull her out for forced training from time to time.

The two old fathers, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong, have long regarded their two children as a couple, and they are waiting to have grandchildren when they are old enough.

Seeing the Ye family gathering together to practice kung fu, Tom and Michael finally understood why those two girls were so good at fighting.

The key is that with such a father in the family, it’s hard not to think about how awesome he is!

Tom rolled his eyes and asked Ye Mei in a low voice: "Can I come to your house to learn martial arts?"

Ye Mei glanced at him: "You can come when you can beat me, but first you must be able to withstand my father's beating!"

Tom shrank his neck and didn't dare to say anything more, but after a while, he couldn't help it anymore and asked in a low voice:

"Master, am I your first disciple?"

Ye Mei shook her head simply: "Your senior brother is called Gabon, and your second senior brother is Peter. They are both leaders of Bayonet Security in Africa."

Tom took a breath and didn't dare to ask anything. At that time, he had always thought that he was great, but only today did he realize that he was not even a younger brother in front of the Ye family.

Michael remained silent. In fact, apart from being a little thinner, this guy is still quite handsome. Tall and thin, with typical Aryan characteristics, blue eyes, high nose bridge, and thin lips.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on Ye Shuai and Ye Fei. The two boys were squatting on horseback and driving piles. The piles seemed to be broken with every punch.

He couldn't help but walk to a wooden stake, imitate Ye Shuai's example of squatting down on horseback, and then punched the wooden stake.

With a sound of "Ouch", he shook his right hand and jumped up. Wasn't there something wrapped on it? Why does it still hurt so much after being beaten?

When Tom saw it, he couldn't help but laugh "haha", squatted down in a decent manner, and then punched the wooden post.

As a result, he was petrified like a wooden stake. It really hurt! The key point is that just after he finished laughing at Michael, he didn't dare to scream out, so he could only grit his teeth and thrust hard, as hard as he could!

Looking at the two guys, Ye Yuze sighed and walked over, told them the standard horse stance, and then asked them to try squatting.

As a result, ordinary horse steps became very difficult for them. Mainly because I can't squat down.

In the end, Ye Mei came over with a small stick, whipping it while correcting the posture. The two of them barely learned the horse stance. Although they couldn't squat for five minutes, they could practice it once they got the posture right.

As soon as Ye Mei walked away, Tom sat down on the grass. Both of his legs were no longer his own, and they were constantly sifting through chaff.

On the other hand, Michael gritted his teeth and tried over and over again. Even if he couldn't squat anymore, he still had to pose against the wall. Ye Yuze nodded secretly. This kid is actually a young martial artist.

They went on like this until around ten o'clock in the evening. After they were completely sober from the wine, the two of them returned to school.

On the way, Tom couldn't help but sigh: "The Chinese are really a magical nation."

Michael nodded: "It is the only nation in the world that has been passed down for thousands of years. There must be many mysterious things. They have played a big role in the fact that humans have been passed down to this day."

Tom glanced at Michael: "Do you really want to learn Chinese Kung Fu?"

Michael looked straight ahead: "Why don't you learn? Don't you think this Kung Fu is easy to practice? All it takes is time."

Tom groaned with a grimace: "It's so difficult. Why do they have to squat while boxing?"

Michael explained: "Didn't the master say that? It is to stabilize the foot plate. If you practice the horse step well, you will not fall easily when you compete."

On the penultimate day, dear friends, the monthly tickets are being thrown out.

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