Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2139 Qualified Referee

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..." George counted very steadily, and even the rhythm was a little fast. There was no way, he didn't bring a stopwatch, so he could only follow his feeling.

Tom was the first to get up from the ground. Who makes him the boss? Naturally, I have to set an example. Besides, the ground is a little cold and easy to catch the wind.

Several people got up one after another, before George's countdown was completed, otherwise they would definitely lose.

The Ye Mei sisters did not pursue the victory, otherwise how could these people get up?

George admires this gentlemanly spirit very much, because it is something engraved in their bones, even though they are women...

Tom stared at the two sisters with wide eyes. At this moment, he no longer regarded them as beauties in his heart, but as devils!

But before he could figure out how to attack, Ye Mei had already rushed over. Tom feinted with his left fist and punched hard with his right hand.

Tom's right hand punch is his special move. It is very powerful and once it hits, most people cannot bear it.

At the moment when the fist wind had swept towards Ye Mei's face, Tom was shocked to find that no one was there? He was already a head taller than Ye Mei, so he had to squat down slightly to punch his face.

Looking down, he realized that Ye Mei was already in his arms. To say that he was in his arms was a little inaccurate. It should be said that he was close to his arms, and there was no skin-to-skin contact yet.

Tom was wondering what this girl was going to do? As a result, a sharp pain came. It turned out that Ye Mei's left arm was slightly bent, and a punch had hit his lower abdomen.

This time, Ye Mei used internal energy, which was the result of decades of practice by her father. The distance of the punch was very short, and it didn't seem to exert any force, but the power of the punch directly acted on the inside of the body, completely It made his intestines cramp.

"Ah!" Tom screamed. He couldn't care less about fighting and squatted there holding his stomach.

How could Ye Mei give him another chance? Lift your legs and bend your knees? Hitting Tom's head directly, Tom's huge body was lifted up like a ball and then thrown to the ground. There was absolutely no movement.

"Ten, nine, eight..." George faithfully performed his duties as a referee and quickly counted the seconds.

At this time, Ye Rou kicked a guy on the shoulder. The guy was tough, endured the severe pain, and hugged Ye Rou's legs, trying to knock her down.

Ye Rou flew up in the air, kicked the guy's temple directly with her right foot, and kicked the guy next to him before landing.

After the fight between the two, the audience was in an uproar. They were surprised not only by the strength of these two girls, but also by this novel fighting method.

There are also these actions in movies, but they are movies after all. But in reality, they are all jumping around like grasshoppers in the boxing world.

Today these two girls completely opened their eyes. Some people shouted excitedly: "Hit them, hit them hard!"

Several boxers looked at each other, wondering what to do? Mainly because these two women are so unruly.

After fighting for a long time, I only saw one punch, which was still in the stomach, but the boss died like this.

Before they could figure out how to attack, the sisters repeated their attack. Ye Rou had already raised her eyebrows again and shouted:

"Invincible Hot Wheels!"

Then Ye Mei kept shaking her legs and kicked five people in the face with "bang bang bang bang bang".

When the five people were kicked in the head and were still in a state of confusion, the two sisters rushed in front of them, punched and kicked them, and solved them easily.

The whole fight lasted less than fifteen minutes, and then all I could hear was George's very professional countdown.

After reading the last person and finding that no one had gotten up, George finally stood up, walked between the two sisters, then grabbed their arms and raised them, declaring victory.

The audience was filled with joy. This result was so shocking that someone shouted "Goddess!"

Everyone shouted: "Goddess, Goddess!"

George nodded proudly, as if he was also a goddess. In the end, he shouted to stop and hurry up to get the form and official seal, and quickly approved the establishment of the Chinese Martial Arts Seminar.

There is no way, it is impossible not to establish a club in such a shocking time!

Tom and his gang were always lying on the ground and no one paid any attention to them. It wasn't that George was discriminating against them, because when he counted down the seconds, he could see clearly that there was nothing wrong with them.

The reason why he didn't get up was because he was afraid of being embarrassed. After all, it was really embarrassing for a few stupid, big and thick men to be brought down by two little girls. What's more, there are still people who claim to be boxing champions.

In fact, for today's matter, we really can't simply blame them for being incompetent. After practicing boxing for so long, have you ever seen someone kick someone with his feet? Then you're not banned?

In a state of ignorance, it is understandable that someone caught him off guard.

It’s just that Ye Mei is not someone who will let you go just because you pretend to be dead. When she saw that Tom hadn’t gotten up yet, she stepped forward and grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up.

"You're pretending to be dead, right? What did you just say in front of so many people? If you don't say anything, believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

Ye Mei is not a person who just talks and lets it go. After saying that, he will swing his fist and get ready to fight.

Tom had just tasted the power of this girl's fist. It was like a fucking cannonball hitting him. Except there was no sound, his internal organs seemed to have been pierced. He didn't want to get hit a second time.

"Master, master, I will learn Chinese Kung Fu from you!"

As soon as Tom finished speaking, a companion asked stupidly: "Boss, what about our club?"

Tom waved his hand without hesitation: "Everyone join me in the Chinese Martial Arts Seminar, and the two clubs will be merged!"

Ye Mei looked at him and said coldly: "According to our rules, apprentices must kowtow and salute, because master and apprentice are like father and son! They must be sincere!"

Tom looked confused: "Master, but you are a woman? How can we become father and son?"

Ye Mei looked angry, stamped her feet and shouted: "Then mother and son! I will risk my life today!"

Tom was obedient and knelt down directly and called "Mom!"

Angry Ye Mei kicked him again: "Call Master!"

Only then did Tom react, called the master, and kowtowed three times in a polite manner.

Several other people stood there in shock for a long time, and finally they all ran over to be apprentices. There was no other way, the boss had surrendered, how could they be so reserved?

Looking at the boxers kneeling in a row on the ground, Ye Mei felt a sense of accomplishment. After his apprentices Gabon and Peter left, Ye Mei had no one to call on, and she had been feeling empty. Now that she finally had a candidate, she felt full of accomplishment.

Ye Rou didn't think too much about it. This girl was the type who had no ambitions. She was very easy to be satisfied. The key point was that she didn't have as many ideas as Ye Mei. Life becomes simple.

Seeing things develop like this, George's assistant brought the stamped form, and the Chinese Martial Arts Seminar was officially established.

George also gave them special offices and a venue. After all, a society like theirs needs to exercise every day.

Afterwards, George specially talked to the two sisters. While affirming them, he also warned them to be more low-key in their future work.

The two sisters accepted it humbly. After all, they didn't want to be high-profile. Isn't that because they didn't have a suitable club?

University life is not that easy, and it is obviously different from that in China. Generally speaking in China, getting admitted to university is basically equivalent to getting a university diploma.

But in foreign countries, it is easy to get in and strict to get out. Although no one forces you to study, you really can't compare without grades.

Although the two sisters have excellent grades, they will definitely be busy at the beginning of the school year, such as required courses, elective courses, etc., plus the establishment of the club, there is basically no time to do anything else, and they even did not care for a week in a row. Go home.

But starting from the time when they were admitted to college, their old father Ye Yuze had much less restraint on them. This is the habit of Chinese parents, forcing you to go to college and then forget about it. As for college, just get a diploma. It would be best if you can bring someone back, so that your merits will be complete.

Ye Mei and Ye Rou were both satisfied with the school environment. Of course, the only regret was eating. I am used to eating at home, but this simple Western fast food is really uncomfortable. It's okay to eat it for a few days, but it won't be able to be swallowed after a while.

But every time they wanted to go home, the two sisters could bear it when they saw the expectant eyes of the club members.

There is no way, the Chinese Martial Arts Seminar now has close to a thousand members, and although there are many of them who are just soybeans, there are only close to four to five hundred people who can insist on training every day.

Master and apprentice are like mother and son. As old mothers, the two girls naturally have to care for these apprentices with every possible care!

The reason why there are so many people is because Tom really merged the people from the boxing club.

Although this guy is a bit stupid, he is not stupid. After being beaten, he will understand where he is wrong?

Although martial arts and boxing belong to two different categories, he also understands that the punching power of the two masters is much greater than his. This must be a problem with the training method, so he learns!

As for the saying that if you want to learn well, you have to sleep with the master, he agrees with it, and it is also his ideal.

At this moment, he is beating Ye Mei's legs, and under the guidance of my mother, wrong, under the guidance of the master, he must not only pay attention, but also grasp the rhythm.

Ye Mei, on the other hand, was lying there with her eyes squinted in contentment, almost falling asleep.

But Ye Rou was not happy at this time and shouted: "Ye Mei, if you don't come home, I will leave? I want to eat twice-cooked pork, braised pork, spicy chicken..."

Ye Mei's eyes suddenly opened and she sucked the saliva that immediately flowed out:

"Let's go, whoever doesn't want to eat is a bastard!"

As soon as the sisters left the house, Tom looked at Ye Mei with a flattering look:

"Master, how about I take you off? It's such a long journey, I'm worried."

Ye Mei scolded angrily: "Go away, I have been driving since I was a teenager, and I have been driving for a few months now. Do you still need to worry about me, an experienced driver?"

Tom was unmoved and continued to smile playfully: "Two masters, I see you don't have a car either? Why don't I take you home and come back later."

Ye Mei then remembered that they did not have a car, mainly because they had just turned eighteen and had a driver's license. The old father was worried and drove them to the school in person, but they were not given a car at all.

She and Ye Rou looked at each other, and when her sister nodded, Ye Mei stopped insisting and asked Tom to drive.

Tom was out for about ten minutes and then led the sisters towards the parking lot. When Tom opened the car door, it turned out to be a military Hummer.

The driver was Michael, the first member they recruited. I wonder why this gentle guy likes such a big guy?

It can be said that Michael is the person in the club, other than Tom, who most sincerely regards the two sisters as their old mothers. It can no longer be described with the word worship, it can only be said to worship them.

When I saw the two sisters getting on the car, I quickly nodded and bowed to say hello, very reserved.

This guy is different from Tom. Tom is thick-skinned and won’t leave no matter how much he scolds him. Michael, on the other hand, is the more introverted type and usually only watches from a distance.

Both sisters had a good impression of Michael. Because this guy was the first to join the club, he presided over most of the actual work in the club.

The main reason is that the two sisters don't like to worry about anything, and Tom, who used to have some prestige in the college, has been unable to hold his head high since they beat him up.

Therefore, Michael took the initiative to take care of some of the daily chores. They didn't have to worry about it at all.

Seeing Michael, Ye Rou smiled and said hello, while Michael's face turned red and he hurriedly backed the car out of the parking space. Then he remembered to ask them where they were going.

Ye Mei told him the location of his home, but Michael obviously didn't know. He was from New York. Although he was a sophomore this year, he was obviously still unfamiliar with Boston.

After setting up the navigation, the car started driving towards Ye's house. Sitting on the spacious car seat, Ye Mei couldn't help but sigh:

"This car is so comfortable, I can lie down and sleep on it."

Tom hurriedly offered the treasure like a dogleg: "This car is bulletproof. As long as you don't use special bullets, you can't even penetrate the glass."

Ye Rou opened her mouth in surprise and leaned against the glass to take a closer look.

At this time, Michael smiled shyly: "If you two masters like it, you can't drive this car. I don't go out of school very much anyway, and I don't use it a few times a year."

Ye Mei looked surprised: "Really or not? It's not a good boy to lie to others!"

Michael blushed and nodded firmly: "I won't lie to the master. This car has been sitting in the parking lot."

"A good boy, a child can be taught!"

Ye Mei patted Michael's shoulder hard to encourage him. Michael's hands holding the steering wheel were shaking with excitement.

"Come on, let me have a minute!"

After observing the glass for a while, Ye Rou suddenly became interested.

Michael quickly stopped the car and gave up the driver's seat.

Ye Rou got in, put it into gear, and released the clutch. Then the car made a strange noise and rushed out while puffing out black smoke.

Ye Mei hurriedly shouted: "Shift the gears and use a smaller throttle. Do you think this is driving a tractor?"

After Ye Rou's hurried operations, the car finally returned to normal, while Michael on the side was sweating.

Tom looked calm. These were all small scenes for him. The school was about thirty kilometers away from Ye's home. Ye Rou quickly adapted to the car and said with emotion:

"The car may not be big, but it's easy to drive."

The third to last day, where are the tickets? Come on, comrades

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