Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2090 The Queen Mother Arrives

With the success of this method, Erhong and Masha were overjoyed. Immediately began to follow suit on a large scale, and the tension in my heart relaxed.

In fact, the most reliable thing in the world is to tell your competitors to focus on the target. You don't even need to tell them, they are more dedicated than anyone else.

Of course, empty talk will definitely not work. What if the store has been operating in compliance with the law?

No competitor can monitor it for a long time without seeing hope.

For this reason, after several people discussed it, they specially selected several profitable sources of goods to supply these back-up stores.

With these, they can stand firm, at least with higher profits than ordinary local stores, and avoid going bankrupt.

In fact, another advantage of joining is that the franchisees are all locals and they can handle all aspects of the relationship themselves.

There is no need for the company to send someone to solve it if anything happens. Save a lot of manpower and material resources.

With its large-scale expansion in Russia, Ukraine and surrounding countries, Junken LIDL supermarket has already made its name.

Nowadays, there is no need to rely on publicity or mobilization to develop franchisees, they just come to you.

Seeing that things were almost done, Masha and Erhong decided to move the market and leave it completely to Ivana.

This is the reason why Ivana can't even take care of her son. One person can't wait to break it into eight people.

Regarding this point, Erhong and Masha had advised her more than once, to learn to delegate power and to leave it to her subordinates after the development was stable.

But Ivana seems to like being authoritarian and is not easy to trust people, so she can only be left to her own devices.

Erhong and Martha decided to return to Boston. They were mainly angry about Ye Yuze's help to Wal-Mart.

Although they also knew about the relationship between Ye Yuze and Kaili, how could Erhong's temper be known to others?

Therefore, the two decided that if Ye Yuze could not give them a satisfactory solution this time, then they decided to fully launch military reclamation LIDL in the United States.

Things ended just as they started last time. Although some convenience stores were opened, due to the settlement with Wal-Mart, they basically became Chinese product specialty stores, which had no impact on Wal-Mart.

This time, Erhong took a deep breath and decided to regain her position.

And Martha has another lofty ideal, that is, since her ancestors drove Wal-Mart out of Europe, she wants to try, can she drive Wal-Mart out of the United States?

Originally, Erhong asked Ivana to go to Boston to see her son. Ivana directly refused and said passionately:

"One day, I will point to the map and say to my son, this is the country that these mothers have built for you, you must guard it!"

Erhong and Masha laughed "haha". In fact, it was the same thing. The Ukrainian business must be passed on to Ye Shuai.

The Russian side will naturally go to Ye Fei. As for Ye Bai, he has his uncle's family background, so he probably won't need it.

As for the daughters, just prepare a generous dowry to ensure that they will have enough food and clothing throughout their lives.

After all, the industry they worked so hard to create must have the surname Ye, and it cannot eventually fall into the hands of people with other surnames.

Women are actually a very strange species, although they clamor for various rights and equality with men every day.

But at critical moments, they are more stringent than men in implementing some traditional things. Especially involving large amounts of property.

But Ye Yuze has no such concept at all. According to his thinking, the day he really can't do it, he will give all his property to his children.

But this idea will definitely not be implemented. My wife will not be able to pass this test. Besides, there is a Queen Mother at home.

The warrior clothing and military reclamation LIDL created by the Queen Mother should be divided equally among her sons.

But she didn't do that, and instead left everything to Yu'e and Erhong to manage it.

Of course, there are differences. The shares of Junken LIDL were sold to Erhong, while the warrior clothing was given to Yu'e without receiving a penny.

Perhaps what Mei Hua thinks is that the property should be given to the boss, right?

Ye Yuze never discussed this issue with her, and she didn't say anything. No one knew her true thoughts.

If this happened in an ordinary family, conflicts would have arisen long ago. The brothers wouldn't be okay with it, but how could the wives be happy?

However, the second eldest brother, Ye Yufan, is currently involved in politics and is destined not to accept large sums of money.

The third old man's family is not short of money, and he doesn't care what his mother does.

Not to mention the fourth child. In a sense, he has more status than his eldest brother Ye Yuze.

After all, he is no longer just a businessman, but also a politician who is almost at the top. At this point, he can already influence many things.

Compared with Ye Yuze's pure businessman status, nature is much heavier. How is it possible to fight for this little property?

The only thing Mei Hua is worried about is Jingjing. Ye Fan is now a teenager, and the relationship between Jingjing and the fourth child has completely broken down.

But Jingjing didn't know why, and she never told anyone about it, and the fourth child visited her home from time to time.

And every time the fourth child came back, Jingjing would take the initiative to take the child back to Meihua, so much so that people in Junken City thought the two were still husband and wife.

Meihua made up her mind that if the fourth child left the child alone, she would leave a fortune to Ye Fan. It will definitely make him live a life of food and clothing.

As for the matter of the fourth child and Jingjing, she didn't have any good ideas. They were both decades old and couldn't control them even if she wanted to.

The fourth child never got married again in the United States, so Mei Hua began to think about sending Ye Fan to the United States as well.

She had thought about this for a long time and told her best friend Liu Sannv.

Liu Sannu was opposed to it at first because she couldn't bear to leave her grandson. But lately my thoughts have started to get more active.

After Jingjing was transferred to the city, she became very busy at work, waking up early and working late at night, and she had no plans to get married.

Thinking about her grandson and daughter, Liu Sannv felt that she should think more about her daughter. Take the initiative to come to Meihua to talk about this matter.

The two mothers finally reached a consensus. Although the two had been unhappy about this matter, now that the children had no intention of remarrying, it would be better to make a match again.

After all, the two of them really want their children to be happy.

Now that the matter was settled, Liu Sannv was responsible for communicating with her daughter, but Jingjing started to fight with an unprecedented stubbornness.

The fierce attitude was because she had never had such a good life in her whole life. Liu Sannv didn't know what her daughter was like outside, but she had never been like this with herself.

But how could Liu Sannv be someone who could compromise easily? Meihua called and asked Ye Yuze to send a plane to pick her up. She said she wanted to see the child, and the two of them took Ye Fan and left.

After Jingjing learned the news, the plane had already crossed the other side of the ocean and was in the sky of the United States.

Ye Fan's character has not been affected by his father's long absence.

After all, the careful care of his mother, grandmother, and grandparents meant that he never lacked any emotion.

Even his father always comes back twice a year. Although he is relatively unfamiliar, he is also fortunate that he received a lot less beatings than his classmates.

He did not resist his grandma and grandma's request to go to school in the United States. The children of the uncle's family often play together. He knew early on that going to school in the United States would be less stressful at least.

Most children can do what they like, instead of going from school to home and being tortured by endless homework every day.

He once asked his cousin Ye Mao why he gave up such a relaxed environment and chose to go to school in Junken City?

Ye Mao's answer left him speechless. The guy actually said: "Only in a place with fierce competition can I show my extraordinaryness!"

But until now, Ye Fan hasn't seen what makes Ye Mao extraordinary? However, the reputation of San Shao spread throughout Junken City, if this can be considered extraordinary.

The flight of more than ten hours was very difficult. Grandma and grandma were drowsy all the time, but Ye Fan had already woken up, but he couldn't see anything above the sea of ​​clouds. He could only observe and flip through the textbook in boredom.

His English has always been very good. All English classes in Junken City are taught by foreign teachers. The original teaching environment allows them to basically be able to talk to foreigners starting from elementary school.

Compared with the children of Ye Yuze's family, Ye Fan's character is a bit cowardly, much like the fourth child when he was a child.

I like food but don't like sports, so I have always been chubby. Coupled with the fact that there are a lot of pampered women, military training often finds ways to escape.

Ye Fan's nickname at school is Little Fatty. He is a very popular kid and is liked by both boys and girls.

The main reason is that he has an easy-going personality and is kind to others. Coupled with his brother Ye Mao's reputation, those who want to bully him don't have the courage.

The plane began to lower its altitude, which made Ye Fan a little uncomfortable. There is a feeling of dizziness. So he just gritted his teeth.

This is because I heard someone say that when the plane is climbing or landing, clenching your teeth can reduce the irritation to the eardrums.

When everything on the ground began to appear before his eyes, Ye Fan was a little disappointed. He found that this place was not prosperous, and even a little inferior to Junken City.

Compared with the high-rise buildings that Chinese people like to build, the buildings here are obviously inferior. Most of the buildings are gray and very old.

When the plane landed, Ye Yuze personally drove to pick them up. When he saw Liu Sannv and Ye Fan, Ye Yuze was obviously stunned.

"What are you looking at? Aunt Liu and I are here to send Ye Fan here to go to school. You can go through the formalities."

Ye Yuze nodded quickly, wondering whether he should take care of this matter? You must know that the fourth child is now more capable than himself. Especially local matters.

But he didn't dare to go against the Queen Mother's words, especially in front of Liu Sannv's aunt, who was in her seventies.

In fact, Ye Yuze has been reluctant to return to Junken City in the past two years. It's not because he dislikes his mother's nagging, but because his parents have aged very badly in the past two years, and he doesn't dare to face it.

Once a person reaches a certain age, his appearance will age at an incredible speed. The wrinkles on his face, his lowered eyebrows, and his eyes that started to become cloudy. No longer a straight waist.

Children all have this feeling. Even if they are with each other day and night, they suddenly realize one day why their parents are so old.

Birth, old age, illness and death are the most helpless things in life, but the saddest thing is that we can only passively accept it, but there is nothing we can do about it.

But who wants to face all this? Especially when people reach middle age and have a successful career. I thought I could stay with my parents and children like this, but when I looked up, I found that my parents could no longer go far with me.

The children were naturally happy to see grandma. They were all very close to Meihua. Especially the two little ones, Ye Hong and Ye Bai, were stuck in Mei Hua's arms and refused to come out.

The wrinkles on Plum Blossom's face are all blooming, enjoying the joy of having grandchildren, and family happiness are the happiest things for every old person.

Especially when I found out that I suddenly had a grandson without knowing it, the surprise was indescribable.

Liu Sannv looked at the family with envy and didn't know what to say.

She originally had only one daughter, but it turned out that she was married as if she was not married. The greatest comfort is that I have a grandson, and now my grandson is leaving.

Originally, if anyone tried to steal this grandson from her, she would definitely fight to the death, even Mei Hua, her lifelong best friend and comrade-in-arms.

But for her daughter and for her grandson to have a complete family, she had to make the biggest sacrifice in her life.

The fourth child also came back in a hurry. He originally lived in Washington, but when his mother came back, no matter how busy she was, he had to come to greet her, right?

But MPs meet four times a week, so he has to wait until the meeting is over before he can come back.

In fact, being a congressman in the United States was a rather difficult job at first, so let’s talk about their parliamentary system.

When the United States established a representative state at the end of the 18th century, Congress, the legislative body, only met for a few months each year.

Congressmen also had no salary, and only had a meal subsidy of six dollars a year, which is equivalent to less than two hundred dollars today.

By 1815, after wars, turmoils, uprisings and other major events, Congress needed to meet for a long time, and there were also some poor people among the members.

If wages are not paid, it will be equivalent to allowing the wealthy class with money and leisure to monopolize Congress.

As a result, congressmen began to receive a salary of US$1,500 per year, which is equivalent to about US$20,000 today.

Today, the annual salary of senators and representatives in Congress is US$174,000, which can only be regarded as an upper-middle income in the capital Washington area. When you get to a big city like New York, you can only rent a small apartment in a luxury area of ​​Manhattan.

MPs spend more than the average person. The most important of these is that you must maintain housing in your district and then have a place to live in Washington.

Unless the congressman happens to represent a district near Washington and can commute.

Meetings are held at least four days a week, so lawmakers must stay in Washington for at least three nights.

When Vice President Biden was a senator, he took a train for more than an hour from Delaware to work in the capital. Over time, I became familiar with the railway employees.

Those MPs who live far away do not have this blessing. Former Speaker Pelosi flies back to San Francisco several times a month, which is relatively close to Seattle.

Pelosi's family is wealthy and she has a luxurious apartment on the picturesque Potomac River in Georgetown. An insider revealed that the price of this building is at least over two million US dollars.

I want..., forget it, no more, everyone works happily and works hard to make money. I hope we will all have a good harvest this year.

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