Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2091 Poor MPs

Other wealthy MPs also rent or buy so they can go to work. Many people picked the area where Underwood lived in "House of Cards" because it was possible to walk to Congress.

The monthly rent for a three-bedroom house there is more than $4,000, which people with a poor family simply cannot afford.

Poor councilors have a variety of solutions to their housing problems. The stingiest among them simply lives in the office.

For example, Jason Chaffetz from Utah was 41 years old when he was elected to Congress in 2008.

He is a Mormon and has six children. His wife does not work at home. It is indeed difficult for a member of Parliament to support a family of eight with this salary.

On the day he went to report to Congress, he took his 13-year-old daughter to Wal-Mart. A cheap camp bed was set up in the office and he used it as his home.

Someone once asked him what it was like to live in an office, and he replied with a smile: "Of course it's different from home."

Another time, someone went to see Congressman Rohra Buck from California in his office and saw some luggage piled on the floor.

It turned out that the congressman had a conflict with the landlord and was kicked out by the landlord. He was temporarily homeless and had to sleep in the office.

As for bathing, they use the bathrooms in the sports facilities of the National Assembly. There are about 40 members living in the office, accounting for 7 to 8% of the total number of members of the National Assembly.

A group of congressmen came up with another idea: buy a yacht and live on it.

Yachts in the United States are not expensive, and an old one can be bought for $20,000.

These congressmen parked their yachts at the pier. They usually live there and can drive them out if they like, which is quite comfortable.

Another group of people are not so "lucky". For example, those old congressmen who have been in Washington for a long time, especially those who have stayed for decades, still have to make a nest here.

For example, Amazon's first original series "Alpha House" is a political comedy that uses a political shell to explore the crisis of middle-aged people.

The four Republican senators are not only colleagues and political partners on Capitol Hill, they are also roommates with each other - they share an apartment in Washington.

The fact that a shared house happens to a man in his 40s or 50s who plays an important social role will indeed make the Chinese people wonder, and it also gives us a picture of the life of a senator who is different from Underwood.

Just look at the reports from various reporters and you will know that the writers of the show did not exaggerate.

Not long ago, CNN reporters visited the homes of three congressmen. They are Senator Dick Debin of Illinois, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, and Representative George Miller of California.

Debin is the No. 2 Senate Democratic Party leader, and Schumer is the No. 3. They all belong to the most powerful small elite in the United States. And Miller is the landlord.

They have lived here together since the early 1980s. Schumer occupied the living room, and Debin and Miller each had their own bedrooms.

The reporter was surprised to see that the house was in a state of disrepair and looked like a bachelor's dormitory inside, with even underwear scattered everywhere.

The only comfortable seat in the room was an old sofa. Debin said that when his son threw the sofa into the garbage, his father picked it up and used it for more than ten years because it looked good.

No one repaired the broken refrigerator, and there was only a hole left where the stove was. Schumer explained that there were rats there, so he dismantled the stove to catch them.

Underwood in "House of Cards" actually no longer lives in his own district.

His wife works in the capital, and the couple does not have much contact with voters in the region.

His position in Congress could bring many benefits to this district. This is the secret why some veteran congressmen can stay in Washington for a long time and still be elected locally.

However, most MPs still live in their own constituencies.

Usually, it's not easy to get an appointment to meet with congressmen in Washington, but the chances are much greater when you go to their districts.

Because after they return to their constituencies, they no longer have the pressure of Congress meeting, and their main task is to contact voters. Of course, their houses in the constituency do not dare to be too "out of touch with the masses."

Of course, the above things have little to do with Lao Si. He is a rich man who is not short of money.

Not long after he was elected, he bought a house there. Of course, he didn't dare to buy something too luxurious for fear of being jealous. After all, hatred of the rich exists everywhere.

After all, this is just a temporary residence, as long as the living facilities are complete. Emily now lives in Washington, D.C., where she helps with chores as his secretary.

Jenny lives in Boston and helps him with constituency affairs. After all, voters are his foundation.

As for Ke Xin'er, the fourth child has basically cut off all contact with her. It's not that the fourth child is unfeeling, but that Ke Xin'er is desperate for this relationship that she can't see a future for.

Women are like this, their fanaticism and ruthlessness are equally decisive. So once the decision was made, it never appeared in the fourth child's life.

As the president of Ye Feng Angel Investment Company, her business is actually very busy. After getting rid of the emotional ties, Ke Xin'er is also a very capable woman.

Compared with Cha Hongying, she is obviously much more aggressive and pioneering. Because there are not many venture capital opportunities in the United States now, she has also focused on Asia. So I spend very little time in the United States.

The fourth child was stunned for a moment when he saw Liu Sannv when he came in, but he quickly realized that after calling the plum blossoms, he also called Liu Sannv "mom".

Liu Sannv's eyes suddenly became moist. She was the one who watched the birth of the fourth child. When Mei Huang was the fourth child, she followed her busy for the whole day.

During the confinement period, every day when I got home from get off work, I would always make something smooth and bring it to Meihua.

Ye Wancheng was busy and didn't take care of his family very much. During the confinement period, Mei Hua had to cook and wash diapers by herself.

There was no such thing as diapers or diapers in those days. Basically, they use old autumn clothes and other soft fabrics cut into pieces to use as diapers.

Liu Sannu is just like helping to take care of the confinement child, so naturally she also has a special feeling for the fourth child, treating her as her own son.

She originally wanted her daughter to marry the third child, but by some strange combination of circumstances, the fourth child became her son-in-law. In fact, it was better this way because she regarded the fourth child as her son anyway.

I didn't expect something like that to happen the day before the wedding. Although the two tried hard to restore their relationship, Jingjing still failed to overcome the hurdle in her heart.

Liu Sannv and Mei Hua also hated men's philandering, and Liu Sannv finally took control of her husband. But Meihua failed to do it, and even had a marriage change.

Let alone this generation, none of the sons can live a good life by their wives.

But no matter how much you complain in your heart? Looking at this group of children, the joy comes from the heart, and this is where they are conflicted.

After wiping away her tears, Liu Sannv took the backpack from Laosi's shoulders and let him sit on the sofa as if she were at home.

The fourth child did not feel any discomfort and allowed Liu Sannu to take the bag and sit down, as if they were a family.

Ye Fan ran over and shouted: "Dad."

When he saw his son, he stood up excitedly. When a person reaches middle age, he actually lives like a child. There is no difference between men and women.

Hugging his son, Ye Fan twisted his body a few times in embarrassment. As a teenager, he wasn't used to such intimacy.

Looking at Liu Sannv, he actually always wanted to take his son to his side, but the biggest resistance was Jingjing and Liu Sannv. But what happened today?

Liu Sannv explained: "I have discussed it with your mother. From now on, the child will follow you. You and Jingjing's relationship can be just as it happens. Mom won't force it."

The fourth child bowed deeply: "Mom, even though I do ridiculous things, in my heart, Jingjing is always my favorite woman, and the door of my home will always be open to her."

In fact, the fourth child feels guilty when he says this now, but he can leave Xin'er, but he can't leave Zhenni and Emily.

The two of them are not only his women, but also his assistants in his career. If you really compare it with Jingjing, it’s really hard to choose.

Fortunately, both women are very career-minded, and neither of them has asked him to get married until now. Instead, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work. Otherwise, he really doesn’t know what to do?

Ye Yuze asked at this time: "Mom asked me to arrange a school for Ye Fan. Let's see where he goes."

When they reach their class, they naturally have the right to choose. The United States also has school district housing, and this kind of thing is not a problem at all for them.

"Brother, don't worry about the school. But the children still have to live here, because I have to stay in Washington four days a week."

Ye Yuze nodded: "You don't need to tell me that I won't let Ye Fan stay with you. The children also have a companion together. Why don't we just let him go to the same school as Ye Shuai?"

The fourth child thought about it and agreed. Originally, he planned to send his son to the best school, but after thinking about it, he felt that the child still needs the warmth of the family.

Ye Fan is usually allowed to stay with his eldest brother, and he will live here when he comes back. He can accompany the child at least three days a week.

Now that Plum Blossom is here, she still has to play for a few days, especially Liu Sannv, who has not been to the United States yet.

Ye Yuze wanted to take them around in person, but he was rejected by Mei Hua. Instead, he called the person in warrior clothing.

Ye Yuze then remembered that the company here was also started by his mother, and he would contact her regularly. It's up to her.

However, Liu Sannv lost interest after only one day of shopping. The main reason was that it was not as prosperous as in China. In addition, the food was the same, and the most important thing was that it was not delicious.

Their best friends complained, and Meihua was also thinking about Ye Wancheng, so the two old ladies returned on the third day.

The two were discussing on the plane. From the look of the fourth child, he liked his son very much.

The next step is to encourage her to come here to see her while she quietly thinks about her son. Anyway, we are staying at Ye Yuze's house, so there is no need to be embarrassed when we come.

As long as she is willing to come, the fourth child will naturally not disappear. The more contact the two have, the closer their relationship will be.

Besides, when people reach middle age, they lose sight of many things. I guess if we get along for a while, we might be able to get back together again.

Naturally, others don't know about the conspiracy of the two old ladies, but if you think about it carefully, their arrangement is really very intelligent, and ordinary people can't escape it.

Of course, if they no longer feel that way, that's another matter. After all, there are many things that others cannot control.

After returning home, I didn't see them for half a month, and Liu Sannv didn't care. After all, they live in a rehabilitation center and have everything taken care of.

She knew that her daughter was angry with her and thought she had decided to send Ye Fan away on her own. Liu Sannv also didn't give Jingjing a call. She couldn't be timid about this kind of thing.

On the contrary, the old man has learned to miss his daughter, and he will say a few words when he has nothing to do. Liu Sannu also ignored him.

With the rapid growth of development zones around Junken City, Junken City has become increasingly prosperous. After all, Junken Electromechanical is a top player in the chip industry, and spin-off companies have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Coupled with the giant warrior car, a huge amount of accessories are needed every year. Junkencheng purchases many low-tech accessories from outside.

Now that there are people around, I naturally don’t want to go through so much trouble. After all, those who are near the water and the towers get the moon first. Plus, being close, we can provide guidance on quality issues at any time, so we don’t have to go outside.

In fact, the most depressing thing about this incident is that Wang Lecheng, who was originally the military reclamation city of the Corps, was picked by Wang Shuqin because of its geographical location.

Aimaiti was naturally so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. Unexpectedly, she picked up a treasure. He was from the army. How long had he been here? Housing, economic and other issues have been greatly improved.

It has to be said that local development is inseparable from talents, just like scientific research.

This series of changes have been witnessed by the common people, and they naturally know the person who led all of this: the name "Wang Shuqin", like her political achievements, will always be remembered by everyone.

It's a pity that Wang Shuqin has just finished his work report, and the news he received is that he will be transferred from Northern Xinjiang and promoted to a more important position.

To be honest, she was reluctant to leave, but there was no way to change the organizational decision, so she had to wait in the capital for the final result.

After Amati learned the news, she lost control of her emotions. She called the relevant departments and asked her to retire and let Wang Shuqin take her place.

But it was really not his decision. A month later, Wang Shuqin officially received the transfer order and was transferred to the southern Fujian Province as the top leader.

When saying goodbye, Aima Ti was in tears and held Wang Shuqin's hand unwilling to let go.

Wang Shuqin also cried. She has not finished many things here, and there are still some plans that need to be made, but all of this can only be left to the successor.

Ye Yuze was a little stunned when he received the call. He also felt that Wang Shuqin should not leave, but what could he do?

Fortunately, the order from above came down quickly, and the person who succeeded Wang Shuqin turned out to be Ye Yuji.

This news makes many people feel happy. After all, this is also a child from Northern Xinjiang, and his resume is so dazzling.

However, some people are worried. No one dares to deny Ye Yuji's profound theoretical knowledge, but theory and practice are two different concepts after all. Can she do it? After all, she is still so young.

rush duck

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