Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2089 The insidious Ye Yuze

Back home, Kelly was very angry but helpless. She had called her grandma several times, but no one answered.

Ye Yuze could naturally see Kelly's abnormality and comforted him:

"Don't call. Helen's phone number is in the hands of her secretary. There's no way she can't pick it up. She just doesn't want to pick it up."

"Why is she like this? Why are they like this? Doesn't the company belong to them? Why is such a thing that seriously harms the company's interests being acquiesced?"

Kelly's emotions were a little out of control. The board meeting during the day had made her collapse. Now her grandma is also avoiding her. She really can't understand why?

Ye Yuze held her in his arms and patiently comforted her:

"Everyone is greedy. Even if their annual dividends are astronomical, there will always be people who hope they get more than others."

"Although Helen is super capable, she can't do anything to her sons. But she understands that the company will definitely be in big trouble if things go on like this, so she's leaving the burden to you!"

Kelly opened her eyes wide: "You mean she wants me to clean up this mess for her, but she doesn't want to get involved?"

Ye Yuze spread his hands: "Congratulations, you got the answer right. Although the answer is cruel, it is the truth!"

"But if I, a manager with a negligible shareholding, go up against the majority shareholder of the entire board of directors, what can I do to fight against him?"

Kelly shouted to Ye Yuze almost roaring.

Ye Yuze shrugged and said he was helpless. He couldn't do anything about this kind of thing, and he didn't want to care about it. The key had nothing to do with him.

Seeing Kelly in such pain, Kesselin couldn't bear it any more. He grabbed Ye Yuze's arm and begged:

"My dear, I know you have a way. Kelly is your woman and she gave birth to your son. You can't ignore her."

Ye Mei and Ye Rou also ran over and looked at Ye Yuze expectantly.

Ye Fei was even more straightforward: "Dad, help Kaili's mother take revenge! Kill all those bad guys!"

Ye Shuai stretched his brother's arm and said angrily: "Those are all relatives of Kaili's mother. They cannot be killed. They will be beaten half to death at most!"

Kelly, who was still crying, burst out laughing and hugged her little brother in her arms.

A group of people who were originally unrelated became a family because of one man. And they shared the same hatred, which moved Kelly very much.

The key is that there is no harm without comparison. What happened to the Ye family? What is your own home like?

Ye Yuze frowned and thought for a while, then looked up at his eldest son who was eager to try:

"What's your idea? Tell me and listen to it?"

Ye Feng was very calm: "Since Kelly's uncle said that he will be responsible if there is a problem with the supply of goods, I think something should go wrong."

He never called Kelly mommy, mainly because they were similar in age and couldn't say each other, so they always called her by name.

At any rate, Americans don't care about this, as long as the relationship is good.

Kelly looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled expression, wondering what he was talking about? What should go wrong? Can he control this?

Ye Yuze nodded with satisfaction and patted Kelly on the shoulder: "Since all family members support you, let him have some problems!"

"And me, and me!"

Ye Hong and Ye Bai raised their small hands to brush their presence. Kelly laughed suddenly. Although the problem may not be solved, she was moved.

Ye Yuze made a phone call. Naturally, the call was to the former Secretary Wang, now the leader of Guangdong Province.

After the death of Mr. Wang, he was transferred to Shenzhen City. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, he has become the main leader of the province.

Ye Yuze reported to him that a company's purchaser was involved in soliciting and accepting bribes and unfairly treating domestic processing companies. The leader took it very seriously.

What happened next was simple. Kobe was quickly detained and then truthfully confessed everything, implicating some senior executives of Wal-Mart.

Domestic competition among enterprises is encouraged, but unfair means will never be allowed, especially when a person like Kobe dares to take away half of the hard-earned income of the owner of the processing plant.

All processing companies began to stop production, and they hired international lawyers to start a lawsuit against Wal-Mart.

These things are all handled by Mao Doudou, because Warrior Clothing has been engaged in foreign trade business since the establishment of the factory, so it has its own strong team of lawyers.

Don't think that foreigners must follow the rules. When faced with interests, they still have various methods. Mao Doudou is already familiar with these things.

Soon, a team of lawyers went to the United States. Prosecution against Berg began.

In fact, the matter itself is not that serious. In the United States, politicians can do business, let alone a pure businessman? The key thing is that this happened abroad.

But there is one thing that the Wharton family cannot afford, and that is reputation.

As the eldest son and major shareholder of the Wharton family, doing such a thing would have a much more serious impact on society than actual legal liability.

You know, the various media in the United States do not have so many scruples. They are all worried about the world being unstable and exaggerating. This made Berg afraid to show up in public at all.

As for Guangzhou, due to the impact of this incident, no company is willing to process them.

Even if there were, no one would dare to accept their contract due to various pressures.

This time, Wal-Mart's supply chain suddenly encountered problems. The general manager of the China region was quickly taken action by the relevant departments because he was aiding the evildoer and had some problems of his own.

Faced with this sudden storm, shareholders were all silent, not knowing what to do?

And Kelly started taking a vacation at this time, and she had to take care of the baby.

Just when the whole Walmart was in chaos, Helen, who had been silent for a long time, appeared.

She is worthy of being the anchor of the Wharton family. As soon as she came out, she announced that the company was going to make major personnel adjustments.

All positions held by the original board members will step down. The company is now managed by external personnel.

Kelly was still the general manager, and was recalled from her vacation by Helen, who asked her to go to Guangzhou to completely solve the supply crisis that occurred at Wal-Mart.

Kaili lived up to expectations and asked all processing companies to resume production on the third day of her trip to Guangzhou.

Of course, what she did was fair, that is, she increased the processing fee that was originally deducted by 30%.

This time, she no longer sent out buyers, but signed an agency contract with Warrior Clothing. In other words, all knitted products in China are purchased by Warrior Apparel.

Wal-Mart is only responsible for accepting the goods at the port, and the remuneration is 20% of the withheld processing fee.

In this way, not only the matter is perfectly solved, but the company's costs are also greatly reduced. It can be regarded as a great contribution.

After the matter was completed, Helen announced that all the shares she owned would be given to her granddaughter Kelly.

In other words, Kelly suddenly became the largest shareholder of the entire Wharton family business. Therefore, her current identity is not only the president of Wal-Mart, but also the chairman of the board of directors of the group company, completely replacing her grandma's position.

Back home, Ye Yuze wailed all night. Complaining incessantly.

"I have worked so hard to help you plan everything, shouldn't you serve me like a maid? Why should you treat me like a donkey all night?"

Kelly smiled charmingly: "With so much wealth, if you don't produce a few more offspring, how will you spend it all?"

Berg was ultimately spared jail because of his family's huge influence. However, he no longer had the shame to stay in the United States and immigrated to Northern Europe.

Perhaps only a sparsely populated place like the Alps could completely eliminate his greed.

Ye Yuze was the most miserable one. Not only did he have to be a tool to make a baby, he was also scolded by Erhong and Martha. It is said that it makes their competitors stronger. This is called aiding the tyrants.

In the end, Ye Yuze also scolded him: "We are all a fucking family, why are we fighting so much? Can't we just have fun?"

However, not only Erhong and Martha refused to listen to him, but Kelly also refused to listen to him. They were ambitious to drive LIDL out of China and avenge their experiences in Europe.

Ye Yuze was helpless. Why were these women so careless? Isn’t it good to learn from Kesselring?

At this time, he suddenly remembered that there was a woman who had not contacted him for a long time, Ye Shuai's mother Ivana.

Because since they met, Ye Yuze has always classified Ivana as a more materialistic woman in his heart, so he doesn't care about her.

If it weren't for Ivanovich being her brother-in-law, Ye Yuze wouldn't even have to be responsible for her.

However, with the appearance of Ye Shuai, he realized that he had misunderstood Ivana. I felt a lot of guilt in my heart. After all, among his women, Ivana was the one who received the least care from me.

Who knew that this girl would be led astray immediately after getting acquainted with Erhong and Martha. Not to mention Ye Yuze, even her son had no time to care about them.

Only then did Ye Yuze understand that his earliest misunderstanding was that other people's materials were too inaccurate. It should be careerism, or simply ambition.

Ye Yuze does not object to women doing things, and even supports them. There is no way, women are very energetic, especially when they reach middle age.

If she has nothing to do and stays by your side all day long, you will be in trouble.

Married men all know what it would be like to spend time with their wife day and night every day.

What's more, Ye Yuze still has so many people. If a group of women guard him every day, Ye Yuze will probably find the highest building and jump off.

It’s not that I don’t want to live, it’s that I really can’t live anymore. The key point is that when a woman has nothing to do, she will find trouble with you, and she will find nothing pleasing to you.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Ivana's number. The call was quickly connected, but before Ye Yuze could speak, Ivana said hurriedly:

"I'm busy, I'll call you back later??"

Before Ye Yuze could agree, the call was hung up. Looking at Ye Shuai who just walked over, Ye Yuze complained:

"Your mother forgot about us."

Unexpectedly, Ye Shuai didn't care at all and shrugged: "I haven't missed her for a long time."

Ivana is really busy. Although Martha and Erhong are also here, they have too many other things to take care of and cannot focus all their energy here.

Ivana, on the other hand, takes over everything. She is not only responsible for Ukraine, but also takes over all store development in surrounding countries.

You know, with the family's power in Ukraine, there is not much hindrance to what she does.

But that's not the case in neighboring countries. Everything has to be done personally.

Not all countries will welcome foreign investment, especially in such physical convenience stores. There is no need for the government to worry about it. Shops will open wherever there are people.

Such a monopolistic supermarket will undoubtedly have an impact on the local retail industry. Although what it brings to most people is a safe, convenient and affordable shopping experience.

But for those individual industrial and commercial households, it is undoubtedly a strangulation. Facing the huge supply channels of Junken Supermarket, they have no room for resistance.

Therefore, many local governments are resistant to military reclamation LIDL and do not allow entry at all.

But where is Ivana a person willing to give up? Find them one place at a time, at the national level, and use the influence of families to get through.

Once the access was approved, she went to convince the local government. until the purpose is achieved.

Because Junken LIDL already has a mature architecture model. So once it is allowed, it will be rolled out quickly.

First of all, they will try to find those self-employed business owners who follow the rules as agents, and directly use his stores to become convenience stores.

The advantage of this is that it can retain the original customer base to the greatest extent.

Coupled with Junken LIDL's strong and high-quality supply and affordable prices, the market will be opened as quickly as possible.

Of course, there is also a risk, that is, shopkeepers will purchase some fake and shoddy products for small profits and sell them as if they are from LIDL.

There is actually no good way to deal with this kind of thing. There are too many stores. You can't have someone watching every store all day long, right?

You can only sign a contract when joining, mainly to strictly control the purchase channels.

Those who do not abide by the contract will naturally be severely punished once discovered.

However, the situation varies from place to place, and due to the imperfections of some law enforcement agencies, this kind of thing happens frequently, and there have even been lawsuits due to food poisoning.

Although it turned out in the end that it had nothing to do with Junken LIDL's purchase channel, it was still troublesome, wasn't it?

Therefore, this problem has always been a headache for Erhong and Masha, but they have never been able to completely solve it.

And this kind of thing happens more often in backward areas.

The main reason is that the people are poor, and when buying things, they mainly depend on the price, especially children's food, which is the hardest-hit area, and several accidents have occurred due to this.

To this end, Ivana's approach is to develop one or two adjacent back-up stores after the convenience store opens.

They are responsible for monitoring the operations of Junken LIDL. Once problems are discovered, they are asked to report them immediately. After verification by the above, once the situation is true, they will be replaced immediately.

Although such a large stall cannot be strictly managed, the supply of goods can certainly be controlled, right? Once the supply of goods is cut off, there is nothing anyone can do.

Junken LIDL's powerful ability to attract money is naturally enviable, so operators and reserves are extremely careful.

In this way, the situation will improve.

Brothers, we are invincible

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