Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2064: Things about Zanguo

"Even if they put all the tribes' teams together, they wouldn't be enough to defeat my 3,000 Tuva warriors!"

He was really not afraid of the lion beating his chest so hard.

But Ye Yuze didn't believe this. He knew the fighting power of the Africans best. Even if the Tuvans could fight, their 3,000 people were crippled by bayonets and security guards. They were no better than others.

He looked at Yang Geyong again: "Brother, if we really fight, do you think you are sure to win?"

Yang Geyong nodded without hesitation: "I'm afraid they won't come, otherwise they will never come back."

Ye Yuze knew that it was useless to ask these two people. Fundamentally speaking, the lion and Yang Geyong were the same kind of people, and there was no fear in their hearts.

Of course, this is not absolute. The lion was frightened by Yang Geyong. Otherwise, how could he be so convinced?

Ye Yuze is worried about something deeper. He is not afraid of Meihu, nor is he afraid of Baishui Company. Potian is just a company, how powerful can it be?

What he is worried about is the backing behind them, the capitalist countries. Capital can influence many things, including wars.

If he dares to dispatch troops from Marseille, then who can guarantee that others will not be able to dispatch troops? Therefore, we can have civil war, but we must not push the war into a war between countries.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Yuze decided to make a fuss about weapons. Since Marseille relies on Katyusha to establish its power, why can’t the Tuvans do the same?

Call Lighter and ask for fifty Katyushas from one hundred. Don’t tell me whether they are needed or not. I feel confident.

When Yang Geyong heard that Katyusha was being called over, he burst into laughter. This guy is really not afraid, he loves everyone.

The Zambian government's ruling notice was quickly issued to Brothers Oilfield. The wording is very sharp, that is, all personnel will be evacuated within half a month, and the oil field will be returned to Meihu Company unconditionally.

The most annoying thing is that all the equipment of the brother company is not allowed to be dismantled, and Meihu Company will provide certain subsidies based on the actual situation.

Yang Geyong laughed when he saw the notice, while Jackson became furious and cursed the Meihu Company for being shameless and without a bottom line.

Ye Yuze teased: "Don't you always do things like this before? You don't help them less, right?"

Jackson was choked and his face was red, but he was speechless. The key thing is that what they tell is the truth.

The person who sent the notice was the Chief of Police of Zambia. This is probably their most deterrent unit at present.

Although in the entire Zambian country, only the capital has a hundred police officers, and each state is still governed by tribal autonomy. However, this does not prevent him from looking majestic in uniform.

After reading the notice, the lion tore it into pieces and threw the scraps of paper into the chief's face:

"Go back and tell Gore that you want to start a war with the Tuva warriors and ask him to send troops. Who can be scared by a piece of broken paper?"

The commander looked embarrassed. He brought a total of more than a dozen people and two cars to compete with the lions, that is, to fight.

What's more, he knows the situation here better than anyone else. The lion can kill him at any time and send the head back.

So he quickly smiled and said: "Chief Lion, you know that I am just following orders and have absolutely no intention of going against you. Don't argue with me."

The lion was not angry, and said in a cold tone: "Go back and tell Gore to send troops. Other methods are useless."

The chief nodded, got in the car and ran away in panic. He didn't want to risk his life here. The main thing is that who owns the oil field has nothing to do with him.

Back in Canberra, the director-general reported the situation to Gore truthfully and added fuel to the fire. He was a person who just watched the excitement and did not take it too seriously.

He couldn't afford to offend anyone on either side. The most he could do was sit on the sidelines and applaud.

However, he still hopes that Gore can win. At least he can continue to be an official and have a salary to support his family.

If it were the lion, he would not know who he was at all, and he would have to go back to the tribe to continue the slash-and-burn life. It would be too difficult.

Gore's face was livid, but he understood that this lion was not easy to mess with. Solving these matters cannot be achieved with just one official document.

The order was conveyed, but they did not listen. Gore had to explain the situation to Johnson of the American Lake Company.

Johnson is in Canberra at the moment. He is a person with strong execution ability. He has been suppressed by Jackson before and was unable to use it. But now that he is the top person in charge of Zandong Oilfield, he naturally has the opportunity to use it.

"Mr. Gore, I don't care what the attitude of the Tuva tribe is. Our Zandong Oilfield contract was signed with you and we have been paying taxes. Therefore, you must safeguard our legitimate interests. Otherwise, no businessman will dare to come here in the future." Investment in your country?”

Facing the stern Johnson, Gore felt sick in his heart. He had always had a bad impression of this guy.

He obviously has the same face as me, but he always likes to act like a high-ranking big country. Isn't it because our ancestors were kidnapped and became slaves?

Why, now that you are an adult, you no longer recognize your ancestors?

But there was no way to say these words. Gore could only perfunctoryly say:

"Mr. Johnson, our country has its own national conditions and laws, and we must act in accordance with the laws. Therefore, I will convene parliament again to discuss this issue in detail and give you a solution as soon as possible."

Gore's words were official, but that was all. He is not stupid and will not start a war lightly. The only one who loses in that way is himself.

After all, as a leader, he must be responsible for launching a war, especially if he loses the war, his end may be miserable, and he dare not gamble.

Johnson left angrily, while Gore convened a meeting of lawmakers. This matter must have a result.

Early the next morning, when Gore said what the lion said, the whole place was in an uproar. Some were angry, some were indifferent, and some were silent.

After all, the lion served as the commander-in-chief of the Zambian army and fought two foreign wars, plus the Lion King's many previous civil wars.

The strength of the Tuva warriors is naturally ingrained in the hearts of Zan people. Most admire it, some surrender, and of course some are dismissive.

For example, Zebra, the chairman of the ant tribe at this time, is actually the commander of the ant tribe's warriors. But because the tribe is based in Canberra, Gore allowed him to serve in Parliament.

Zebra is young, only thirty years old this year. He has never experienced any previous wars, but he has fought once with the lion.

But he was not convinced by the lion. He had read in South Africa and believed that lions fight like wild beasts and only charge with blood.

Modern warfare is about surprise and surprise. We need modern weapons and soldiers who know how to fight.

Therefore, when Zebra trains soldiers, he pays special attention to the training of the soldiers' personal qualities. He believes that even if there is only one person left, you must shoulder the responsibilities that a soldier should fulfill, rather than just disperse in a hurry.

However, his theory was obviously not very easy to use, mainly because the preparations were too backward. Although the Ant Tribe has a large population, it still has Canberra to rely on.

However, the military strength is very weak. This has something to do with the vision of the ant chief. They think that if they occupy the capital, if there is a war, other tribes will send troops to protect them.

The ants are responsible for living a good life, because not only are the ant warriors incompetent in weapons, but there are also many old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers in the army.

There is no other way. Young people are all making a living in Canberra, and they still have to farm. There are so many people in the tribe, right?

After all, the tribal lifestyle is not just about living your own little life. Instead, the receipts are centralized and distributed by the chief.

Although capable people will get more things, people are capable. The physical fitness of these people must be ensured.

As for the old, weak, sick and disabled, at least they will not starve to death. The chief will always give you some food to live on. This is also an advantage of tribal life.

Of course, the ant clan is a big clan, and naturally the chief cannot take over everything, so every village has its own chief or village head, and they all strictly abide by the rules set by the big chief.

Gore is an ambitious man, and Zebra also has a strong desire, so the two people hit it off.

However, the chief of the ant tribe is a relatively conservative person, and two people can deal with less important matters.

And once it involves something of principle, they will never give in. Don't look at it, Gore and zebra are quite the same thing in Zambia now.

Moreover, in the outside news, he is the representative and controller of Zan. Actually? We know our own affairs, and the two of us are helpless!

Because the lion was resolute, and the representative of the Tuva tribe was equally righteous, he directly sent a letter to everyone, roughly to the general meaning.

You can vote on any resolution by a show of hands, but from this moment on, the Tuva tribe will withdraw from the parliament.

If you really want to target the Brothers Oilfield, then you are declaring war on the Tuva tribe. Then there will be nothing to talk about. Come with swords and guns.

At this point in the meeting, various small groups have been formed. At the very least, Musen and Wugu, which are adjacent to Tuva, are unlikely to agree to go to war with Tuva.

Just kidding, there are only 3,000 Wugu people, and half of the land rent occupied by them in the Zandong Oilfield can be divided into half. How can they have the courage to become enemies of the Tuva tribe?

As for the Musen tribe, although their number is similar to that of Tuva, they have been beaten by Tuva countless times, let alone fought with others.

Now as soon as the Tuva warriors show up, Musen can only surrender. Now Musen's representative only prays that when war actually starts, it would be good if the Tuva people would not be used as pawns to deal with the coalition forces.

At present, there are only three tribes that clearly support Gore, and they are all large tribes. Each of them is much larger than the Tuva tribe, and they are all large tribes with a population of more than one million.

Zambia currently has a total population of about 10 million. There are seven tribes with a population of more than one million, and the remaining dozens are small tribes.

To put it bluntly, what really determines the direction of history depends on the big tribes. Currently, three big tribes have decided to support Gore, which immediately made him feel confident.

However, what he mainly needs to solve at the moment is really not the issue of approval or disapproval from other tribes, but to deal with his own chief. Without his support, how can other tribes listen to him?

After communicating with the councilors of the three large tribes, Gore took the zebra to find the chief. The chief has always refused to live in Canberra, choosing instead to live in a forest on the outskirts of Canberra.

The origin of the ant tribe is that their ancestors are like anteaters and like to lick ants. First, it is to satisfy hunger, and secondly, this little ant has many health care functions.

Not only are they aphrodisiacs, but they also treat rheumatism and seem to have a miraculous effect on strokes. Anyway, there are many strange effects.

The reason why the chief lives in the woods is that he believes that he is an ant tribe and cannot leave the woods where he lives.

Gore was very helpless at this point. In order to curry favor with the chief, he specially built him a mansion in Canberra, but he never stayed there for a day.

The chief of the ant tribe is called the Ant King, and he is said to be over 200 years old. In Zambia, where the average life expectancy is only about forty years old, this age is unimaginable.

If the Lion King became a chief by his strength, then the Ant King became a chief by his age. Because he lived a long life.

Of course, there is really no way to verify whether he is two hundred years old. After all, all his peers have died long ago.

Anyway, people who have been passed down from generation to generation know that he is the oldest person alive in the entire country.

The reason why Zanguo was able to transform from dozens of tribes into a country is actually due to him. The old man personally went to lobby each tribe and persuaded all the tribes, and only then did we have the current political power.

Of course, he won't care about future matters because he doesn't understand. The reason why a country is established is because it can grow stronger and compete with the neighboring countries that bully them.

Zambia was founded relatively late and has experienced two terms of prime minister. Al Gore was the second. The first prime minister was a chief who served for more than ten years and died in office.

The reason why the ant king dared to say that he was two hundred years old also had something to do with his appearance. The skin on his face was so saggy that it almost drooped down to cover his mouth.

The whole body is also skinny, but he is very energetic. A pair of eyes can glow green at night. This should be because he has eaten too many ants.

He also has a specialty, that is, he has very strong desires. Now he needs two women to sleep with him every day, otherwise he will not be able to sleep that night.

Gore and Zebra entered the ant king's house. This house, like all the houses in the tribe, was a round house made of wooden frames and grass. It was dark and had only one sleeping place inside.

The only difference is that the ant king's thatched house is several times larger than the others, and the floor is covered with animal skins, all of which belong to wild animals.

The walls of the house were hung with lion heads, ivory, and other status-symbolizing headdresses, and his chieftain's headdress was a strange skull covered with ant corpses.

Gore and Zebra were very respectful to the ant king. They kowtowed to the ant king when they entered the house and kissed his insteps.

The Ant King nodded with satisfaction: "Aren't you busy with things in the city? Why do you have time to come to my place during the day?"

Gore and Zebra are both people favored by the Ant King. Otherwise, how could they have obtained the rights they have today? Therefore, the respect for this old man comes from the bottom of my heart.

Gore reported truthfully about the May Lake Company and Brothers Oilfield. And talked about the parliament’s attitude on this matter.

The ant king suddenly became angry and hit Gore on the head with his crutch.

Gore covered his head and did not dare to say anything, but Zebra was a little unconvinced and said for Gore: "King Ant, the government must have its own rights and cannot just obey."

come on

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