Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2063 Meihu Group’s methods

When Jackson entered, Yang Geyong was not polite when he saw him. He just asked out of curiosity: "Why are you here again?"

Jackson looked embarrassed: "What, I'm here to say goodbye to you, and I'm going back to China soon."

Yang Geyong looked surprised: "Why did you return to China? Do you want to be promoted?"

Jackson immediately put on a bitter expression: "They said I made an oversight and failed to report your oil field in time."

Yang Geyong scolded: "What a damn world policeman. How can an oil company have so many troubles?"

Jackson spread his hands and said he couldn't understand either. In fact, what is incomprehensible? Having been in the company for so many years, he knows the way things are done above. That is, as long as there are oil fields, they should belong to them.

Ye Yuze looked at Jackson thoughtfully: "How long have you been working at Meihu? How much is your salary?"

Looking at this thin man, Jackson felt a little unhappy. You should know that it is impolite to ask someone about their income in the United States.

Seeing his hesitation, Yang Geyong cursed: "If I ask you, just say, why are you acting like a bitch?"

Seeing Yang Geyong like this, Jackson quickly confessed: "My annual salary is US$500,000, plus some profit sharing, it is about US$700,000."

"I have been working in Meihu for 20 years, and I have been to basically all the oil fields outside their homeland."

Ye Yuze frowned and looked at this guy. He had a standard Western face and an inadvertent arrogance in his expression, which he didn't like.

However, he is somewhat interested in this guy's experience. Being sent to so many places by the company means that this guy has certain abilities. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Meihu Company to let him stay around for so long based on his urination.

"If I hire you as the manager of our brother company, with an annual salary of 800,000 yuan, will you do it?"

Jackson was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Yang Geyong, a little unsure of how to answer?

How could he not be tempted with an annual salary of 800,000? Including profit sharing, the annual income must be over one million, but who is this person? Did he have the final say?

Seeing his gaze, Yang Geyong cursed angrily: "What are you looking at? My brother is asking you, can you tell me, if you are willing, you can go to work quickly!"

After getting along for a long time, Jackson has become accustomed to Yang Geyong's way of speaking. Once this guy talks to someone like this, it means that he no longer treats you as an outsider.

In fact, Jackson himself is not a civilized person. For so many years outside, he went to mostly underdeveloped areas, and he was always full of swear words when he opened his mouth. It's just that he didn't dare to do that here.

When Yang Geyong asked, he also asked weakly: "Are there any profit dividends?"

Ye Yuze nodded affirmatively: "Yes, one dollar per ton, no cap."

Jackson's eyes turned red instantly, and he looked at Ye Yuze in disbelief, as if he said don't lie to me, I went to school.

Ye Yuze stood up and patted him on the shoulder: "Good boy, I didn't lie to you. Let me know whether you want to do it or not, but you must agree in advance that the oil must not only be extracted, but also transported out."

Jackson rubbed his hands vigorously: "Okay, I promise, as long as you can solve the security problem, I will do the rest."

The reason why Ye Yuze was interested in him was because he liked his resume. If such a person is used well, he will be like a gun that can charge into battle.

After all, professional people and things must be done by professional people. Currently, the only professionals Ye Yuze has are Wang Haishen and several other veteran engineers.

But they are technicians and do not understand management at all. As for General Manager Zhanbre, he is basically rushing to put products on the shelves.

Regardless of the fact that he is doing well in neighboring countries, it is because the customs and habits are the same, there is no obstacle to communication, and with the help of Akkel, there is no obstacle.

If you ask him to come to Africa and give it a try, he will cry after two months because they are two different concepts.

But Jackson is different. Not only is he familiar with the industry, but he also has a wide network of contacts. Whether it is oil production equipment or accessories, they can be delivered with just a phone call.

There are also transportation and technical personnel. Sometimes you have to admit that there is still a gap between domestic technology and others in this regard.

If Jackson becomes this manager, at least the technical aspect will not be blocked by others. This can be regarded as a borrowing opportunity.

Having said that, the only thing left is to talk about specific issues. Ye Yuze agreed to all Jackson's requests.

When Jackson walked out of Ye Yuze's house with a glowing face, he took out his mobile phone and called the Meihu headquarters.

"I'm Jackson. I'm informing you now that I'm resigning, so I won't go to the headquarters. Please just put my salary on the card and don't delay my insurance payment."

After making the call, Jackson felt refreshed and walked towards Wang Haishen and the others with small steps. Just now he saw a group of old men farming there. This guy was curious about everything, so he went over to join in the fun.

Looking at Jackson's back, Yang Geyong was a little puzzled: "Why do you have to hire him? This guy has all the problems."

Ye Yuze smiled: "You will know when the time comes. The money will definitely be worth it."

As the crude oil was sold, Brother No. 2 Oilfield soon began to generate income. The contract signed with the Lions gave them half a million dollars in ground rent per year.

This money was given to him from the day he started drilling the well. The lion used the money to buy food and some weapons.

Jackal and Mushroom were fine and helped them train their troops, which greatly improved the Tuva tribe's combat effectiveness.

At this time, Zhou Guihua, who was in Boston, received a letter from the lawyer of Meihu Company, which stated that during the period of employment, Bayonet Security had exploited oil without authorization, seriously damaging the interests of the employer, and required them to compensate for the losses.

Zhou Guihua'er naturally understands what's going on? Respond solemnly. This matter has nothing to do with bayonet security. It is entirely the behavior of Brother Oil Company. They can file a lawsuit.

But this brother oil company is registered in East Asia. How should this lawsuit be fought? We can only go to Zambia to sue.

However, Meihu Company knows the situation in Zan country better than anyone else. It means that each tribe operates independently, and the so-called government is just a decoration.

So they seized on the fact that Yang Geyong was a shareholder of Bayonet Security and prepared to make a fuss. In this way, the lawsuit could be fought in the United States and they could use their strong connections.

After a lot of fiddling, it turned out that Yang Geyong, the shareholder, had recently joined and hadn't paid a penny yet.

When the lawyer intervened, Yang Geyong decisively quit the company without taking any money, so naturally he would not divide the money.

Moreover, he is not an American, and American law has no binding force on him. Even if Meihu Company made a detailed plan, it would be of no use.

Moreover, the predecessor of Bayonet Security was Lin's Martial Arts School. Everyone in the United States knew that this company was a sole proprietorship, and the matter ended up being nothing.

As the dominant player in the industry, Meihu Company will naturally not swallow this breath, but what to do in the future is a matter for the future.

However, they have already petitioned the court to terminate the contract with Bayonet Security. However, this request was directly rejected by the court.

After all, during the contract period, Bayonet Security did not fail to perform its duties. Therefore, just because of an inexplicable shareholder's private behavior and access to the company's contract, the court will naturally not support it.

However, when things got to this point, there was basically no room for change. When the one-year contract expired, Meihu Company naturally had to change security companies.

This time, Meihu Company directly approached Whitewater Company and agreed to their high premium. It also had an additional demand, that is, if they could seize the Brother Oilfield, they could pay a corresponding price.

Whitewater Company naturally agreed wholeheartedly. They were originally thinking about the lucrative business of oil fields, but now that someone is paying for it, they are naturally happy to agree.

Of course, whether or not to give it to Meihu Company after taking it away is another matter.

As for this bayonet security guard, he has naturally been a thorn in their side for a long time. Not to mention the previous conflicts between the two parties, he is now trying to steal business from them, which is absolutely unacceptable.

On the land of Africa, even if they cannot become the overlord, they are still a presence that cannot be underestimated. At least no one dares to provoke those numerous mercenary organizations.

Yang Geyong naturally understood all this. While taking on new business, he also strengthened the training of his team members.

The lion was very interested in this matter and personally selected four hundred warriors with excellent physical fitness to join the bayonet security. He personally leads and strengthens training every day.

In view of the possible danger, Yang Geyong purchased a batch of weapons, this time from a European arms dealer.

Although it is not the latest weapon, it is definitely among the top in Europe.

Although the quality of soldiers is important, cutting-edge weapons are one of the most effective means of victory. Don't be careless about this.

At this time, there was turmoil within the country of Zan. In fact, the cause of the matter was the departure of the Lion King's son, which left the position of speaker vacant.

Although this parliament is only a representative of all forces, the position of speaker still has some benefits. At least it will have greater rights.

After all, the person who can serve as the speaker will definitely not be a person from a small power. All regulations and decisions in Zambia come from the parliament, and the government is only the executor.

After saying this, everyone will understand that the position of Speaker actually has the opportunity to bring in private goods, and can gain some benefits for tribes and individuals in disguised form.

At present, there is only one decent city in Zambia, and that is the capital, Canberra. The current resident population of this city has reached 300,000, and hospitals, schools, factories and businesses are basically concentrated here.

In addition to part of the salary of civil servants paid by each tribe, taxes are the bulk of their welfare.

This country has no president and belongs to a parliamentary and prime ministerial system. The prime minister leads the government to implement various laws and regulations of the parliament.

The prime minister's name is Al Gore, a middle-aged man in his thirties who lived in the UK with his parents in his early years. Unfortunately, the business failed and the visa expired, so I had no choice but to return to my hometown.

But Gore is very capable. Starting from a small policeman, he climbed to the throne of prime minister in a few years.

Of course, this is also related to the power behind him. He is from the ant tribe, the largest tribe in Zan. This tribe has a population of one million and occupies a territory right in the capital, Canberra.

The reason why the capital was built here in the first place was actually because of the ant clan's great power. Although the Tuva tribe is also a large tribe, that is only a relative term.

Compared with the ants, it is not enough. After all, the population base is there. In addition, Canberra has the strength to run small businesses, and most of the workers are from the ant tribe. Let this tribe be much richer economically than other tribes.

Of course, the most powerful thing about the Tuva tribe is their combat power. The Lion King has waged wars with the ant tribe several times and basically never suffered a loss. He even won two great victories. This established the status of the Tuva tribe in the country of Zan.

Including the subsequent wars with neighboring countries, the lion can be the commander, which is naturally the reason.

This time Gore strongly interfered in the parliamentary election and allowed his cronies to successfully become the speaker. This means that he has absolute say in Zambia.

At this time, Meihu Company came to him and wanted to take back the mining rights of Brother Company. The reason was that Brother Oilfield and Meihu Oilfield were originally the same oil field, and the behavior of Brother Oilfield was obviously illegal mining.

Meihu Company has gone through mining procedures with the Zambian government. It not only pays land rent to the tribes, but also pays taxes to the Zambian government. Although the taxes and fees are pitifully small, they are still paid, right?

Then the Zambian government must protect my legitimate rights and interests, and must severely crack down on this behavior of brother companies.

After the investigation, Gore grinned. He was not afraid of any brother company, but this company got involved with the Tuva tribe, which made people scratch their heads.

Gore considers himself a civilized person, but when facing the Tuva tribe, he often fails to be civilized. There is no other way. Isn't it nonsense to reason with savages?

After all, the Tuva tribe had just lost the position of speaker, and the new members were not familiar with the business yet, so they were the tool men responsible for raising their hands in every meeting.

How could Gorgor not take advantage of this opportunity and seize all the power of the parliament and the government in one fell swoop?

As for the parliament, although each tribe has representatives, they still have voting rights. After all, this kind of organization does not have the concept of veto power.

Therefore, when Maylake approached Gore and offered him a large bribe, Gore agreed without hesitation.

As for what's going on in Marseille, he really isn't worried. Compared with Zambia, Marseille is considered a strong country, but what about comparing with the United States? That's really not enough.

Therefore, in the parliamentary discussion on the second day, except for the Tuva representative, all 56 members of the parliament agreed that the Brother Oilfield was illegally exploited and that the oilfield should be handed over to the Zandong Oilfield unconditionally.

When the lion received the call, he was so angry that he smashed his cell phone to pieces.

With a gloomy look on his face, Yang Geyong directly summoned all the bayonet security team members to assemble, and let the oil field out so easily, unless he died.

However, Ye Yuze, who was a little afraid at first, calmed down. This is how he is. The more critical the situation, the calmer he becomes.

Since the conflict can no longer be resolved, we must use troops to cover up the conflict with water and earth. Afraid of a hammer?

Ye Yuze looked at the lion: "If a war starts, how many soldiers do you have? Do you dare to fight against all the tribes?"

Haha, thank you guys, I like it.

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