Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2062 Discovered

As Ye Yuze's order was issued, all personnel moved into action. The oil field was named Brother Company No. 2 Oil Field. Ye Yuze originally wanted to name it after the place, but Yang Geyong rejected it.

According to him, how do you know this place is just an oil field? It can flow out by itself, but who knows if there are others nearby?

Ye Yuze knew that Yang Geyong was right. After all, this place was not more than 30 kilometers away from the oil fields of Meihu Company.

But thinking of this, Ye Yuze couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Could it be that the Meihu Oilfield and his own oilfield were originally the same?

With this doubt, Ye Yuze asked people to start detecting the Meihu Company, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a small fault between the two oil fields, which means that within the detectable range, the two oil fields are not the same thing.

But what happened? In fact, no one can tell clearly. After all, no one can see what is going on deep in the earth.

Ye Yuze understands that Meihu Company is not easy to mess with. These old companies can even influence the political situation of their country if they act violently, and the Baishui Company should not be underestimated either.

Don't look at the bayonet security guards who were only hired after someone had a falling out. Once they know that there is a big oil field next to them, they will immediately form an alliance of interests.

Ye Yuze is not afraid of Baishui Company. Being so close to Marseille, he really doesn't believe that a security company can compete with the force of a country.

In fact, what he is really worried about is the government behind them. It is a rogue country, accustomed to dark methods under the high-sounding banner.

More and more people are rushing to the oil field. Ye Yuze no longer cares about labor costs. All he wants is one word: "Quick!"

However, many things cannot be hidden from others. According to Ye Yuze's idea, the refinery plan has naturally been cancelled. But how could crude oil shipments go unnoticed?

A huge fleet of vehicles goes to the port every day, and the number of tankers at the port is more than that of Meihu. This news is quickly fed back to the Meihu headquarters.

Jackson was shocked when he received the call from the headquarters. Even though he was so close, he really didn't know that there was an oil field near him.

After the reconciliation with the Tuva tribe, the security here is very good. Let alone staying in the oil field, even if they go out casually, no one will target them. Instead, they are greeted everywhere.

As a bachelor, it was inevitable for Jackson to go out and have fun. Like having a drink and finding a girl or something.

Although the wine brewed in this place is not good, the quality of the girls is still good, especially since people here develop early, it feels quite good.

Therefore, Jackson's greatest happiness after work is to help the poor. What he likes most is the feeling of spending a hundred dollars like water.

Originally, he planned to give Bayonet security some eye drops and ask the headquarters to deduct their security expenses.

But later, he changed his mind. After all, the safety provided by the bayonet security still outweighed the disadvantages compared to the two slaps he received. He knows the trade-offs.

He drove along the simple highway towards Brother Oil Field. He actually didn't know the road, but he didn't need to. The oil tankers coming and going on the road were the best road signs.

Many tank trucks even run in both directions. After pulling theirs, they immediately go to Brother Oilfield to do their work.

After all, these cars are all hired. According to Zan's national strength, it is not easy to get so many cars together.

When he arrived at the Brothers Oilfield, Jackson couldn't help but be surprised. He was so close and didn't notice any movement at all. The oil pumping units had been connected into one piece, and the scale was much larger than his oilfield.

Jackson drove directly to a small station and asked the staff on duty about the situation in the oil field. Unfortunately, no one here could understand English, so he couldn't ask anything clearly.

But seeing how many locals there were, Jackson simply called a translator to come over. He had to figure things out.

The translator rushed over quickly, but after asking the locals for a long time, they couldn't explain the reason. They didn't even know which country the boss was from.

This made Jackson confused. How could there be such a worker? Generally speaking, workers are proud to work for a certain big company, especially a multinational company.

It's really unbelievable that the boss doesn't even know what country he is from. Jackson is naturally not convinced.

The main reason is that he is used to being arrogant. Although he was kidnapped twice and beaten by people from the security company after arriving here, once this guy regains his temper, he still looks like a bird that I am not afraid of.

While driving and walking, Jackson suddenly saw Yang Geyong and several of his men, and was stunned for a moment.

He stepped on the brakes involuntarily and didn't know how to say hello for a moment?

Yang Geyong knew his car, so he walked over and opened the door, staring at him:

"What are you doing here, kid? Are you here to fight again?"

Jackson's arrogance disappeared in an instant. He squeezed out a smile and got out of the car, asking with a flattering look on his face: "Why is Mr. Yang here? Do you also hire the security of this oil field?"

Yang Geyong scolded angrily: "Don't ask for business secrets. This boss is not someone you can afford."

Naturally, Jackson would not be convinced and whispered: "Apart from you, there is no one I can't afford to offend!"

Yang Geyong was very angry with him, with an expression on his face that was half-smile but not a smile: "I am the boss here, what do you want to do when you come to me?"

Jackson looked at him in disbelief: "Yang, don't lie to me, aren't you a security company?"

Yang Geyong looked indifferent: "The security company is just one of my industries. I have industries in many countries. Do you have any ideas?"

Hearing what Yang Geyong said, Jackson already believed it eight or nine times, but since the company asked him to investigate, he had to know the result.

"Yang, you are a warrior that I admire, but the company asked me to find out who owns this oil field? How do you tell me to answer? I will listen to you."

Yang Geyong had a look of helplessness on his face. This guy was really scared of being beaten, so he just handed over his gun. Yang Geyong was too embarrassed to target others like this.

After thinking for a moment, he replied: "Just tell the truth. Just say that the oil fields are mined by the Maasai people and there is no conflict with them."

Jackson nodded and left. He didn't want to stay for a minute longer. This was a murderer. He had seen the battle with the Tuva people with his own eyes. He didn't have many heads chopped off by others.

Seeing Jackson go away, Yang Geyong went to his residence and told Ye Yuze about the situation. Ye Yuze sighed:

"I know I can't hide it, but who would have thought it would happen so soon?"

Yang Geyong was a little impatient: "You're not old yet, how can you be so timid? I don't believe they still dare to do this? If you have the ability, call them. If I don't beat the shit out of them, they will be tight."

Ye Yuze smiled bitterly and said nothing. There were many things that Yang Geyong didn't understand and he didn't think much about them. But that's fine, Ye Yuze really doesn't want to see his brother give in to others for any reason.

Jackson returned to the office and immediately called the headquarters to tell the truth.

Unexpectedly, the superiors immediately became furious and reprimanded loudly: "What are you doing there to eat? You can't even see the oil field under your feet. It's clear that they are competing with us for the oil in an oil field. This is a serious dereliction of duty on your part!"

Jackson also got angry: "Where were you when the locals attacked us? You can't find anyone on the phone. Do you know that if it weren't for the brave members of the bayonet security team, we might not be here?"

"It's true that I am a manager, but what I do is oil extraction, not exploration. What does it have to do with me if someone discovers oil?"

The person talking to him was the president of the company, but he was not a shareholder. He was just a professional manager, just like Jackson. It's just that the status is higher.

Jackson's rebuttal may have aroused the other party's sympathy. After a moment of silence, he said:

"You should pack up and prepare to return to China. It seems that you are not used to the work there anymore."

Jackson was furious and didn't hesitate at all: "Okay, I'll leave tomorrow. Who will handle the handover formalities with me?"

"Leave it to your assistant. Wait until the new manager arrives and then deal with him."

Listening to the other party's emotionless answer, Jackson hung up the phone directly, feeling sad in his heart.

He may have problems of one kind or another, but he has always been loyal to the company. And he is an absolute expert in oil extraction, after all, he has been immersed in this industry for decades.

Among all the expatriate managers in Meihu Oilfield, that one is definitely among the best.

Jackson found an assistant and handed over the work at hand. The assistant was an African-American who spoke little but was rigorous.

After listening to Jackson's words, he didn't say much. In fact, there was nothing to hand over. After all, he knew everything about the oil fields. He just had to complete the transfer of rights and that was all.

The assistant's name is Johnson, who has been an immigrant for several generations. So I have no sense of identity with Africa. Especially after I came to Africa, I was full of contempt and disdain for the land and its people.

This is often the case. Often the people who look down on you the most are not others, but people of the same race as you.

Seeing Johnson being so indifferent, Jackson lost the desire to speak. He has always considered Johnson a friend. Unexpectedly, this guy never took him seriously from the beginning to the end.

After returning to his residence and packing his things, Jackson was about to ask someone to take him to the airport when he suddenly remembered that he needed to say goodbye to someone, so he walked out of the house and drove to Brother Oilfield.

Yang Geyong was drinking with Ye Yuze. Jiangbul had already left, and several old engineers were working on their own experimental fields.

In a few years in neighboring countries, they couldn't help but develop an oil field and even brought out a group of farmers. Although they were not hardworking, they were self-sufficient.

In particular, vegetables have become a business channel for oil field families. Various vegetables are continuously sold from the oil extraction area. Because of them, the entire city's non-staple food sector has been greatly improved.

The key is that the climate there is cold and the greenhouse needs to be used for half a year every year. As a result, in Africa, a place where things grow all year round, how could they give up this fine tradition?

However, several old comrades are also troubled. They can't understand why there is a shortage of food in such a good land and such a warm climate.

At first they thought the soil here was not good and nothing could grow. But when I saw the dead grass that was half as tall as a man, I immediately understood that it was a lack of water!

But how could an oil field be a place lacking water? How come water can't come out even if a few drill pipes are driven in?

Of course, there are some difficulties in this place. It's full of oil and the groundwater is squeezed out.

Therefore, they specially dug a well next to the lion's village, which also helped them solve the water problem.

The people here are so lazy. They would rather drink water from the nearby dirty puddles than carry it farther away. This also makes the old comrades quite helpless.

Seeing these old comrades busy every day, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong seemed to see their fathers.

People of their generation have no time to idle and can quickly find their own position no matter where they are.

Today's prosperity in Marseille is inseparable from their group, especially in agriculture. Well drilling and various farm machinery are still in use today.

Because of the change in Lion's stance, the Tuva people now have very good relations with the people in Brothers Oilfield. It can be said that they are as close as brothers.

It is easy for them to forget some things, such as the war a few days ago. Nowadays, they only think that these people are really nice and give them food and drink.

The only disadvantage is that they are always asked to work. If they dare not do it, the chief will whip them.

Of course, those jobs will not be in vain, and those who have done the work will be paid. So much so that they never lack money for a drink or to buy a gift for the woman they love.

Yang Geyong has long understood the habits of these people. Shortening working hours, changing to a shift system, and setting wages lower will always make them want to go to work after spending all the money.

Coupled with the fact that the lion is a tyrant, he really fights, so the habit is quickly formed.

Because Lion's village is the seat of the chief, it's called a village, but it's actually a town. It's just that this town is a bit miserable and has no facilities.

The only taller building is the Chief's Mansion, which is both the Chief's home and his office, since meetings or receptions of foreign guests are usually held here.

It is said to be tall, but it is actually a two-story house made of wood. The first floor is a large living room, and the second floor is where the chief's family lives.

Now the wives of the Lion King have been redistributed, but the new chief Lion only has one wife, so only two people live in the seven or eight rooms upstairs.

Lion once invited Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong to live here, but they were rejected. How could they live in someone else's house?

Now Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong live in a tin house. Although this thing is like a stove when exposed to the sun, it has air conditioning, so they don't care about the gas money.

With so many large generators working with drilling rigs, how could there be no electricity?

Nowadays, the lion doesn't want to go home when he has nothing to do. He just hangs out in the oil field office, mainly because it is so comfortable. How can he know what an air conditioner is when he lives so long?

Awesome, comrades, salute! One by one, they trample those in front under their feet! rush duck

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