Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2061 Open-pit Oil Field

Unexpectedly, everyone was shocked when the exploration just started. This turned out to be a super large oil field. Although there is no way to calculate the reserves yet, judging from the crude oil that can spill out of the surface, it is absolutely indispensable.

The most important thing is that the oil layer is shallow. The crude oil can come out to bask in the sun from time to time. What does this mean?

The hearts of Wang Haishen and others are not very good to begin with. These days, their little hearts are like pile drivers all day long, beating so hard that their whole bodies are trembling.

There's no way around it, it's so shocking. Such an oil field can't be said to be rare in the world, but there really aren't many.

The Brothers Oilfield has already been on the right track, and they don't have much to do anymore. Even if some problems arise in daily life, they can handle them by themselves.

Originally, according to Ye Yuze's wish, each of these old heroes would be given a sum of money. You can go home and retire with peace of mind, and you can consult them if something happens again.

But since the discovery of this oil field, are Wang Haishen and the others still willing to leave?

People of their generation are relatively simple-minded and have no high pursuit of material things. I just want to achieve professional results and find more oil for the motherland.

As a result, two oil fields were discovered in succession, but both were located abroad. The oil extracted from Brother Oilfield is directly transported to China through pipelines.

This incident made Wang Haishen and several old engineers extremely proud. What they were proud of was not that the oil was extracted, but that the oil was transported back to the country.

The reason why they were willing to work with Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong was not for money, but because these two businessmen were patriotic businessmen, which greatly satisfied their feelings.

Nowadays, every time I talk to my old colleagues in China, several old comrades can proudly say: "We are still producing oil."

The most important thing is that I have to add one sentence at the end: "For the motherland!"

Every time I say this sentence, my heart is filled with pride. Even every time their colleagues ask them how much they earn, they are embarrassed to say.

It’s not because they earn less, but because they earn too much, which is somewhat contrary to their original intention. They really don't do it for money, but they insist on giving so much.

Exploration naturally requires people, so it is obviously not suitable to transfer people from there. Zhambul then decided to hire local labor.

Yang Geyong didn't care about such things. He called the lion over and asked him to send some capable people over. These people were paid every day.

In the beginning, those people were reluctant to come. But because of the lion's lustful power, he dare not disobey.

However, since they had a sumptuous meal and got the tickets in their hands, most people stayed happily.

Of course, there are also those who run away, just like when Brothers Oilfield first started. Once you get the money, you can't find him. When he shows up again, it will be a few days later and the money has been spent.

Jiangbul was naturally familiar with this kind of thing. After a series of operations, the personnel were quickly fixed. Along with it, a large amount of reserve force was also reserved.

However, he still can't live here forever, after all, he still needs to be in charge of the Brother Oilfield. So he needs to train a successor as soon as possible.

Yang Geyong refused to let the bayonet security personnel move. After all, it was his and his senior sister's company. The staff there was currently very nervous. Using the people there would be tantamount to causing trouble.

In desperation, Jiangbul could only transfer a few more managers from Brothers Oilfield.

After discussing with the lion, they found a few young people from their tribe who had gone to school, and a team was set up.

The only disadvantage is that these people have little deterrence, and the management of these primitive tribes really cannot be restricted by rules and regulations.

Jiangbul had no choice but to ask Yang Geyong for help.

Yang Geyong has always been simple and rude in his work. He directly called the lion and scolded him:

"Can you still do it? Do you know that your tribe has shares in this oil field? You don't need to f*cking get money from us, and you can't even manage the personnel. Why do you still need it?"

A lion is just a kitten in front of Yang Geyong. For these self-proclaimed heroes, the only thing that can scare them is force.

The saying that seven points is worse than three points is scary, this is a very cognitive truth. No matter how good you are to a person, he can fall out with you at any time, but once you make him start to be afraid of you, he will not dare to resist at all and will honestly accept your driving.

This is human nature and a law. Although it goes against the concepts we usually accept, it is definitely a reality that cannot be ignored.

After being scolded by Yang Geyong, the lion realized his shame and became brave, left the tribe and took charge of the oil field himself.

After having him, everyone immediately became honest. Yang Geyong assigned an interpreter to Wang Haishen and others to be responsible for their communication with the lion.

With this, everything immediately fell into place. The key is that the lion has the right of life and death over them. As for the law, what is it? Anyway, not many people in this country know about it yet.

When the first batch of drilling equipment arrived, it was already a month later. A tall derrick was erected, and a large diesel engine roared.

But as expected, Wang Haishen and others did not expect it. Two drill pipes were driven in and the fuel injection started.

At any rate, it had been prepared long ago and was quickly handled. Wang Haishen looked at the derrick blankly and asked a few old brothers: "Tell me, is this an oil field or tap water?"

Because it is not far from the coastline, crude oil can only be transported by sea. Because the Meihu side also uses the same transportation method, that is, it is transported to the dock by tanker and shipped out of the port by sea.

Considering transportation costs, Yang Geyong decided to build a local refinery. Although the investment is larger, it is done once and for all, and although this country is lagging behind, there is also a demand for various oils.

After he told Ye Yuze his idea, Ye Yuze gave his full support and casually called him over.

However, the refinery is a technical job that requires a lot of equipment and professionals, and the political situation here is unstable, so it is still difficult to hire employees.

There is no shortage of local labor, but technicians must be hired from outside. In desperation, they can only ask the Military Reclamation Refinery for help.

As for passports and other issues, they are not needed in this country at the moment, as long as you can fly over.

At this time, Yang Geyong was already thinking about deeper issues, how to stabilize the country as soon as possible.

These things had nothing to do with him before, but now that an oil field and a refinery are here, he has the responsibility to completely change the environment.

Naturally, there was no way to dispatch the army. This was a sovereign country after all. After thinking for a long time, Yang Geyong finally called Lighter. Let him find a way to establish diplomatic relations here, and let Marseille find a way.

Lighter is very helpful and always responds to Yang Geyong's requests. Soon, a delegation visited Zambia.

The Zambian government naturally deliberately catered to the powerful Marseille, and soon the two countries reached some trade cooperation.

In view of the current food crisis faced by Zambia, Marseille decided to conduct large-scale food trade with them in the form of loans and material exchanges.

Of course, the current situation in Zan is quite special. The government is just a decoration and needs to discuss and communicate with the various tribes.

After all, real trade involves each tribe exchanging goods of equal value. If people don't take it, they won't be able to take it out. The so-called trade is a joke.

At least there are members of the council from all tribes, so they can communicate on these matters.

As for the Lion King's eldest son, after learning about his father's death, he took his family and left Zanguo directly. He understood that without his father, he was nothing.

The lion sent two more representatives as members. As for the speaker, he naturally lost it. There was no way. This position required elections. If the representatives of the Tuva tribe still wanted to hold this position, they had to wait until the next election.

After all these things were sorted out, Yang Geyong felt at ease. All in all, he quite likes life in Africa.

To put it bluntly, there are not so many rules and etiquette, everything is done with fists, and the world is completely restored to its original appearance.

And Yang Geyong has never been a person who likes to be restrained. It turns out that he prefers women. But after my experience in Nepal, I no longer have the same interest in these things.

Anyway, people are here for money. If they just spend money to find women, where can't they find them? Needs and likes are inherently different categories.

In fact, no matter men or women, who is not lewd? But relatively speaking, men are more proactive, while women are much more reserved.

However, this situation changed completely in later generations. Women began to become vigorous and men began to be shy.

In the past, men were shirtless and wore slippers on the streets, but later, even in summer, men were well-dressed, while only women showed their arms and legs on the streets.

Changes in times and values ​​have allowed women to express their individuality and pursue what they want without any scruples.

The men who were obviously like wolves became shy one by one and began to hide their thoughts.

And a man like Yang Geyong is destined to be a wolf. He likes to conquer and doesn't like women approaching him for some purpose.

He doesn't care about money and is generous to women. It seems that the money a man earns is originally spent on women.

Of course, this woman must be referring to it in general, because a man's happiness is only about that little thing. This is not about whether he is promising or not, but because of his gender.

Male creatures are inherently possessive unless they are completely eliminated.

However, Yang Geyong's age is still far away from being eliminated, so he soon has some flowers and plants around him.

But he has one more principle, that is, those women who take the initiative to contact him should always pass directly. There is no other way and they cannot accept it.

Ye Yuze also flew over. How could he not care about such a big thing? With the development of the times, energy, a non-renewable thing, accounts for an increasing proportion of the economy.

At this age, he has no interest in things like the Internet and finance. Mainly because it takes too much brain power. Although he is currently the actual controlling shareholder of Brothers Investment Bank.

But just let Ye Feng worry about those things. After all, in this society, one generation eliminates the other.

Moreover, people of Ye Yuze's generation have always been disdainful of capital operations that have no bottom line.

In their minds, they must either do business or make a brand bigger and stronger. Either do business down-to-earth, don’t cheat or cheat, and only make the money you deserve.

Chinese fast food companies like Laosi and Junken Lidl are already at the bottom line of what they can afford. Although they are all doing business down-to-earth, they have a huge impact on small shops run by ordinary people.

As a result, the development of the times surprised them again and again. How many well-known companies are obviously doing well, but their founders were kicked off the board of directors.

It's not that their management is not good, but that they are targeted by capital. They first attack the stock market, then target shareholders, and finally use thunderous means to make the company change owners.

The key is that after the company changes hands, they will not change the brand. It has nothing to do with you to make money from the brand and reputation you have created over decades.

Ye Yuze has seen these things many times, and Ye Yuze has even used these methods to deal with others. But deep down, I still despise such methods.

As for energy, it was a neck-stirring business, and Ye Yuze would naturally not give up. Let’s not talk about feelings. From a pure businessman’s perspective, the oil field is also a profitable business.

Ye Yuze is lazy, but he is also a person who can definitely seize opportunities at critical moments. This has to do with his forward-looking memory.

But at the same time, he is a person with little ambition, and he doesn't want to worry about things that require a lot of thought and planning.

Including the business empire he now owns, he has little control over the specific operations. Just control the direction, and the people below will do the rest.

However, I have to admit that Ye Yuze is a person who knows how to use people, including Yang Geyong. Ye Yuze knows best what his strengths are, so he always lets him do the most appropriate things.

And these are precisely the best qualities of a helmsman, not how capable they are, but how to use people.

After Ye Yuze came to Zanguo, he was surprised to see this oil field. He knew about the open-pit coal mines in northern Xinjiang.

But this open-air oil field is too damn shocking. He is a man who is more courageous than Yang Geyong in doing things.

After Wang Haishen excitedly reported the approximate reserves, he immediately decided to increase mining efforts, mainly because this was not his own territory and the political situation changed frequently.

Even if he has strong support like Marseille, many places in Africa are originally Western colonies, and the forces behind them are really not something he can contend with.

He may be able to survive in the cracks, but he is far behind in terms of force. Besides, he was not willing to drag Marseille into the war for some profit.

After all, Ye Yuze is Chinese and is fundamentally different from those Western capitalists. For the sake of profit, they can sacrifice everything for others, but Ye Yuze cannot do that.

His first purpose in doing business is to benefit the people, that is, to make people around him rich, and then, within his ability, make ordinary people's lives better.

As for his own interests, he puts them last. This is also the reason why all his businesses have been very stable in recent years, but there has been no huge profit.

Thank you, Bookworm Chest, you are always there at critical moments. Brothers, we are united and give away free tickets.

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