Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2065 The mute eats Coptis chinensis

Before the zebra finished speaking, he was hit with a stick on his leg. He fell to the ground with a "Ouch" sound. The ant king was very strong. The stick was enough for him to lie down for half an hour.

"You bastards, I've told you since you took office that internal harmony is the foundation. If you want to go to war with your own compatriots just for a few stinky money, are you crazy?"

The ant king's tone was very stern. Although the old man was usually very kind, once he got angry, everyone was really afraid of him.

Gore opened his mouth, wanting to explain something but found that he couldn't. He seemed to be really doing it for money.

The ant king stared at him: "I will give you one last chance. Take as much money as you can and return it as soon as possible. Our tribe has been without money for thousands of years and still continues. Money is not a good thing!"

Gore's face was full of bitterness, and he knew that he had been seen through. The fear of this old man is sometimes not just because of his power, but because of his eyes that can see through the heart.

The two people knelt down and admitted their mistake, then got up and returned to the city. They still wanted to reply to Johnson.

Johnson was furious after hearing what the two people said, but being alone here, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous. After all, he had been kidnapped too.

He understood that these people were actually savages. If he went wild here, he might not even find a body.

Since things can't be done, then the gifts given two days ago should be returned, right? That's 50,000 US dollars. If the matter doesn't get done, he has no place to reimburse him.

Seeing him hesitate to speak, Gore coughed twice and cleared his throat.

"Who is that? I have divided your money among the congressmen. The matter was almost done, but the chief didn't agree. I can't get the money back from you."

Johnson looked angry, but quickly calmed down and asked, "If the ant king agrees or doesn't care, can this be done?"

Gore glanced at him: "Aren't you talking nonsense? If I become the chief, there is no need to discuss this matter."

Johnson nodded: "Okay then, I'll find a way to persuade the Ant King."

The difference between Johnson and Jackson is that Jackson is proud on his face, but Johnson is proud in his bones.

Therefore, Jackson basically has no contact with the locals, and the necessary contacts are strictly business-related.

But Johnson was not. He used his status to contact many chiefs. And the relationship is pretty good.

In fact, deep down, he despises these savages the most, and he has always been ashamed of his skin color. If possible, he even wanted to follow Jackson's example and bleach it.

However, the typical African-American appearance cannot be concealed by bleaching alone, which is a big regret for him.

But what makes him proud is that he married a Scottish woman, so the skin color and appearance of his two children are obviously different. He believes that over time, after several generations of integration, his descendants will no longer be discriminated against.

He had visited the Ant King twice before. He knew that the old guy was very cunning, but he didn't care. No matter how shrewd a savage is, he is still an inferior species and will certainly not be worth mentioning in front of a highly educated man.

After preparing some gifts, he went directly to the Ant King's residence.

Nowadays, there are not many residents in Ant King, most of them are old, weak, women and children. All the young people are making money in Canberra.

Johnson was familiar with the road and drove the car directly to the door of the ant king's house.

The ant king was currently sitting in the open space in front of the door, basking in the sun. He was smeared with animal fat. Only the suite was covered with a piece of animal skin, and the rest of his body was naked.

The loose skin was like the book cover of an old tree, which made Johnson feel nauseous.

But how could he show it and greet him with a smile: "Hey, the old man is getting more and more powerful. Isn't there a woman who will be happy for you today?"

The ant king glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "That's what you do after the moon rises. It seems that you have forgotten your roots!"

Johnson laughed "haha" and said, "I have really forgotten many things after staying in the United States for a long time."

The Ant King narrowed his eyes: "Your roots are in this continent. People can be ungrateful, but they cannot forget their origins."

Johnson frowned slightly, but soon smiled again: "The chief's education is right, I will treat this place as my home."

The Ant King raised his head and said, "Then why don't I assign you a wife? You will only call this place your home if you settle here."

Johnson quickly shook his head: "Let's talk about this later. Now I'm so worried about the oil field affairs. The company is training me all day long, so how can I think about these things?"

The ant king was not talking, and a woman poured him a glass of fruit wine they brewed. But it didn't bother Johnson.

Johnson didn't take it seriously and started to take out things, including milk, cheese, chocolate, coffee, and finally two bottles of whiskey.

The ant king's closed eyes suddenly opened and he looked at the whiskey in Johnson's hand, his eyes shining brightly.

Johnson smiled slightly, took the ant king's cup, poured out the fruit wine, and then started pouring whiskey into it.

The ant king frowned, and then quickly relaxed again, with no expression on his face.

He took the cup handed over by the woman, poured himself a cup, then raised it and said to the Ant King: "Cheers."

The ant king picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp, then smacked his lips with an intoxicated expression. A mocking smile appeared on Johnson's lips.

After drinking two drinks in a row, the ant king asked: "Tell me, why did you come to see me?"

Johnson looked embarrassed: "Please say something to help me. That brother in the oil field is obviously a bully."

The ant king shook his head: "Your oil field is not in the Tuva tribe, but now you want to occupy someone else's oil field. Who is bullying you?"

"But our oil fields are underground, right? When they extract oil, they extract our oil."

The Ant King burst into laughter: "Our sea is connected to many countries. Could it be that those countries are also our territory?"

The stern look on Johnson's face flashed away, and then he complained with a grimace:

"But Gore has accepted my gift, and now things can't be done. I can't explain it to the superiors?"

The ant king picked up the crutch beside him and tapped Johnson on the leg: "Just think of it as buying a lesson with the money. You will give me the money after you finish the work next time. Otherwise, you will teach all my people bad, and I will come to you." Settle accounts.”

Johnson stopped talking and started drinking in silence. After a while, the bottle of whiskey was empty.

After finishing his drink, Johnson took out a box of pills and said, "King Ant, this is America's newest medicine to restore men's glory, so you can have fun every night."

The ant king put it away with a smile, nodded his thanks, and Johnson said goodbye and left.

The ant king reached out and threw the medicine away, muttering: "Baby, grandpa is much stronger than you even if he doesn't take medicine."

But then what did he think of? He bent down to pick up the medicine, waved to an old man lying on the animal skin, and called him over.

The old man walked over with a hunched body, his cloudy eyes seemed to have no pupils, and they were shaking with every step.

"This is what happened at a young age. Nowadays, people are becoming worse than the previous generation."

The ant king shook his head and complained, taking out a piece of medicine and stuffing it into the man's mouth.

The man closed his mouth and swallowed. Because there was no water, he choked and rolled his eyes. The ant king asked someone to drink him another glass of fruit wine, and then asked him to go back and continue to lie down.

After a while, a scream came, and the dying old man grabbed a passing woman and pressed her down, then rolled over.

That vigorous movement didn't seem to be a person at all.

But this bravery lasted for less than three minutes before the old man yelled and then stopped moving.

The woman pushed his body down, then leaned close to his breath and tried it with her hands. Then there was a cry of surprise. The woman ran away.

The ant king sent someone to check, but the man had completely disappeared.

The ant king looked gloomy and ordered his men to call Zebra immediately. Two hours later, an army marched toward the Meihu Oilfield.

The jackals stationed here naturally got the news early and immediately reported to Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong only hesitated for a moment before ordering Jackal to retreat to the headquarters and immediately report to the Meihu headquarters.

Naturally, the top management of Meihu did not believe what Jackal said, and immediately called the Zambian government to inquire. The person who answered the phone told him that because the manager of the Zandong Oilfield of Meihu Company was suspected of murdering the leader of the ant tribe, the ant tribe had decided to carry out revenge.

The top management of Meihu was shocked and began to seek help everywhere. However, the mountains were high and the roads were far away, and it was too late to send a plane.

However, Yang Geyong led his people there, and they did not choose to use force with the ant tribe's armed forces, but negotiated.

After negotiation, the final result was that all personnel in Zandong Oilfield were deported, and manager Johnson had to be buried with the dead.

How could Meihu suffer this loss? After several unsuccessful communications, it was decided to hire White Water Company to take back the oil field with a large sum of money.

At this time, Zambia had sold the oil field to Brothers Oilfield for US$5 million, including all facilities.

The commission that Whitewater received was US$100 million. For this money, they naturally decided to fight this war. Not only for money, but also to show those Africans that the interests of Americans are inviolable.

Yang Geyong, who had acquired the Zandong Oilfield for five million, was so happy that they had no involvement in this matter from beginning to end.

It was Gore who negotiated with them and finally settled the deal at this price.

However, because Meihu Company did not employ local people, all their people were deported. The once bustling oil field is now quiet.

Jackson was naturally familiar with the situation here, so he quickly transferred people from the Brothers Oilfield. This was a mine that was producing oil, and money was flowing out every day.

The key is that he gets a commission of one dollar for every ton of crude oil, and he is reluctant to waste it.

A war started unexpectedly. Relatively speaking, Baishui Company had more weapons and personnel, but Yang Geyong was well prepared.

It's just that the battlefield has been moved from Brother Oil Field to Zandong Oil Field.

When Katyusha's meteor-like flames lit up, and then fire dragons poured onto the White Water Company's position. Whitewater's team collapsed instantly.

It is true that they have experienced many wars, but this was the first time they faced such a weapon. Once they came into contact, they were defeated and fled in all directions.

Ye Yuze did not ask the bayonet security personnel to pursue him. Baishui Company was not a local armed force, and the fight with them had to be kept within a certain limit.

It's not because of fear, it's just that the bayonet security company is also an American company. Are you afraid of causing any trouble to the senior sister?

Sure enough, Zhou Guihua, who was in Boston, soon received a lawyer's letter. The lawyer's letter was jointly signed by Meihu Company and White Water Company.

It is to accuse them of helping foreign companies to usurp the interests of American companies, and not only require them to withdraw their security forces from Zandong and Brothers Oilfields, but also compensate the two companies for their losses.

By this time, Ye Yuze had flown back to Boston, and Brothers Investment Bank also filed charges in court.

It is accused that Whitewater sent armed forces to attack the Brothers Oilfield, which is owned by Brothers Investment Bank, and caused serious losses. It is hoped that they will stop this behavior immediately and compensate Brothers Investment Bank for its losses.

Whitewater executives were confused when they received the court summons. They couldn't figure out why they got involved with their brother investment bank? Isn’t that Meihu’s industry?

After a series of forensic investigations by lawyers, they finally understood. It turns out that Brothers Oilfield is actually controlled by Brothers Investment Bank.

The head of the head office immediately issued an order to the African branch, telling them to immediately stop all irrational behavior.

However, Whitewater Company naturally denies the matter of compensation. Because they were employed by Meihu Company, how could they still have to compensate others if they suffered losses?

The Meihu Company was naturally even more unconvinced. They took out all the procedures and decided to spend no matter how much money they needed to fight the lawsuit.

Once an armed conflict turns into a commercial dispute, the most striking feature is that the time limit will be extended indefinitely, because once a commercial lawsuit is started, the time limit is years.

What's more, the location is still in an African country with an imperfect legal system. Investigation and evidence collection require a lot of time and expense.

Ye Yuze was naturally not in a hurry. After all, the crude oil sold every day belonged to him, so the lawsuit would last for decades.

Today, he takes care of his children and goes fishing at home every day, leading a happy family life.

However, Yang Geyong is always a person unwilling to be lonely. I heard that security guards with bayonets take on a lot of business.

Now that an African branch has been established, he is responsible for all the business there, while Zhou Guihua is responsible for the business in the United States.

Although the shares are owned by two people, there is only one shareholder in Boston, Zhou Guihua, and the only shareholder in the African branch is Yang Geyong.

Ye Yuze's only regret is that the crude oil from Brother No. 2 Oilfield could not be transported to Junken City because it was transported by sea and could only be sold to coastal areas, otherwise the cost would be too high.

Wang Haishen and his group of old men have all forgotten their roots. The main reason is that oilfield mining here is too simple and there is basically no need for them to worry about it.

So farming has become their main business, ranging from vegetables to grains, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger.

Later, Jackson also became a shareholder, and they simply set up a company to specialize in planting, and it became a boom for a while.

Yesterday, my subscription was miserable. Come on, brothers.

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