Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2003 Yang San’s concerns

The people who come from that city have completely different values ​​and outlook on life from the people in their country. At the very least, they all have their own beliefs, and they are willing to sacrifice everything for this belief!

Regardless of the talents of the children raised there, he can definitely trust their quality!

Nowadays, the whole of Marseille has just entered the stage of national literacy. If the people of a country are literate, then the country can truly take off and completely abandon those feudal and ignorant stereotypes and customs.

Therefore, what Lighter needs most now is talents. These talents are not high-end technological talents, but basic talents that can truly help him shape a new century.

Therefore, he was full of expectations for the Yang family brothers and the children who came to school with them. As for his children who ran back, it was okay not to mention them. Anyway, his wives were divorced, and he forgot about it when going through the formalities. Save one for yourself.

Ye Mao hugged Yang San's neck affectionately: "Lao San, do you dare to have a drink with me?"

Yang San shook his head: "I don't dare, because I'm afraid people will say I bullied you!"

Ye Mao, with his black hair, picked up a bottle of wine and poured it into two bowls, handing one to Yang San.

Yang San had no expression on his face, picked it up and drank it all in one gulp, smacking his lips: "Grandpas, this wine is too weak to taste."

Lao Zhao suddenly became anxious: "It's already 53 degrees, what else do you want to drink?"

Ye Mao picked up the bottle and took a look at it, then curled his lips and said, "Grandpa Zhao, why are you getting more and more useless as you get around? Do you have to drink 35 degrees tomorrow?"

Yang Yulin looked helpless: "His daughter won't let her drink, so what can I do?"

Ye Mao pulled Yang San: "Let's go, I will take you to drink some good wine."

Yang San looked excited and stood up to leave. As a result, the door of the room opened, and Zhao Ling'er shouted: "Little bastards, what are you going to do?"

Ye Mao and Yang San looked at each other without daring to speak. They had no choice, this guy was too fierce.

Comrade Lao Zhao took a sip of his wine and replied calmly: "They said your wine was boring and they thought I was old and wanted to go out for a drink!"

Zhao Ling'er turned around and went to find a broom, but was grabbed by her mother who followed her: "How dare you try to touch them?"

Ye Mao and Yang San hurried over. Ye Mao pulled Grandma Gan and said, "It's okay, Grandma. She doesn't hurt anyway, so if we hit her by mistake, we'll just hit her."

Yang San echoed: "Grandma, don't be angry. It's not the first time. I'm used to being beaten. I haven't been beaten for three days now and I feel weak all over."

Grandma Gan's face was livid, she pointed at her daughter and cursed: "Get out of here, you can't do anything at home except bullying the children!"

Zhao Ling'er had a dark look on her face, gnashing her teeth and staring at the two little bastards, but she was helpless. However, Ye Mao and Yang San quickly helped Grandma Gan back to the house and went to eat.

Zhao Ling'er looked hopeless. She was always available at work, but at home, her status became increasingly low.

By now, these stinky kids know how to use the banner as a tiger skin and ask a few old people to help deal with them. There is no way they can survive this day.

Yang Yulin saw his daughter-in-law's expression was not so good, but felt a little distressed, and said to her: "How about we ask the two old ladies to go out together, and you beat us as hard as we can."

Zhao Ling'er pursed her lips a few times and finally laughed: "No need, how could I really care about a few children?"

Lao Zhao nodded: "That's right, you can't be angry with them, you have to outsmart them. How can you work if you can't deal with a few children?"

These words made Zhao Ling'er thoughtful. She lowered her head and wondered what she was thinking about.

Thirteen children sat on the long table in the room, eating their meals in a dignified manner. At the age of thirteen or fourteen, when they were old enough to eat, there were only two bowls of steamed buns placed on them. It’s enough to keep two old ladies busy.

In fact, the four elderly people should have gone to the nursing home long ago, but they just couldn't let the children go for fear that they would not eat well. In addition, the children will be leaving next year, so they decided to stick to the last year and feed the children well.

The meals are very simple, just one sheep and some beef, and the vegetables are basically garnishes, and not many people eat them.

The children lowered their heads one by one and just stuffed the food into their mouths, fearing that they would be eaten by others too late. In fact, Ye Mao didn't come to Yang's house often to make meals, mainly because his mother and grandma took good care of him.

But every time he comes, he will eat very deliciously. In terms of cooking skills, this place is far inferior to my home, but there are so many people! It's like feeding pigs. A bunch of piggies are fighting for food, and that's how delicious it is.

An ordinary family cannot afford to raise these children. Prices have risen sharply in recent years. Now a sheep costs fifty yuan. Their family has two a day.

Add in beef and dairy products, and one hundred dollars a day's food expenses may not be enough. Zhao Ling'er's salary must be spent anyway.

After all, the Yang family is not short of money. The four elderly people's retirement salary plus dividends are 20,000 yuan a month, let alone savings.

As for Yang Geyong, the profit from one day's business is enough to support them for a year.

After dinner, Yang San pulled Ye Mao to the yard. After hesitating for a long time, he said softly: "Brother, I don't want to go back to Marseille. Can you help me?"

Ye Mao shook his head decisively. He knew the matter clearly. How could he stop Uncle Lighter and Uncle Yang from making a decision jointly?

Seeing that he wouldn't help her, Yang San lowered his head and sighed. Ye Mao scolded angrily: "Who are you showing off to? Why don't you want to leave?"

"I, I like Yu Feifei. I want to marry her as my wife." Yang San made up his mind for a long time and finally said it.

Ye Mao thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out who Yu Feifei was. He looked at Yang San suspiciously, wondering where he knew such a girl?

"It's the girl from Yu Shibao's family. She has agreed."

Ye Mao's mind buzzed with thoughts, and then his eyes were bigger than bells: "Holy crap, how old are you before you can fall in love? Falling in love is nothing, how did you fall in love with that female tyrannosaurus? ?”

This Yu Cuicui is the granddaughter of Yu Laogui. Mr. Yu has been patriotic all his life. When he was in the infrastructure company, he was once run over his head by a carriage wheel. Those were not inflated rubber tires, but wooden wheels covered with steel plates.

At that time, there was a deep rut on his temple. At that time, everyone thought he would not survive.

But when he was dying, he still shouted slogans such as...Long live, liberate the treasure island. Finally, he paid all the 10,000 yuan that the family had saved through frugality to pay party dues.

But in the end, he survived without any serious injuries and is now happily living in a nursing home.

He has five children, the first four of whom are girls, and now they all live in Junken City. The youngest is a son, but this gentle second son only gave birth to a daughter. She is so big and round, she looks like the second Zhou Guihua.

This girl has a big temper and is very strong. Even Ye Mao and the three of them won't provoke her. There is no other way. If she does, she will fight to the death with you. I wonder how Yang San hooked up with her? The doctor sighed.

If you don’t vote to marry Yu Cuicui to you, don’t think I dare not.

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