Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2002 Lighter’s plan

Ye Mao shook his head with a look of disgust on his face: "I haven't eaten yet. You must at least take on the responsibility of raising your younger brother before leaving, right?"

He walked into the kitchen and looked through only a few cold steamed buns and nothing else, so he had to go out to find something to eat.

Even though his fast food restaurants are everywhere nowadays, he really doesn't want to eat those things anymore, mainly because he is about to vomit.

After leaving the house, I thought about it for a long time and still didn’t know what to eat? So we turned a corner and went to Yang Geyong's house. There were four elderly people and a group of children in their family, who were never short of food.

When I entered the yard, I saw Yang Yulin and Comrade Lao Zhao drinking in the yard. They quickly said hello: "Hello, Grandpa Yang and Grandpa Zhao!"

When the two old men saw him, they immediately waved: "Come here, little Ye Mao, and have a drink with grandpa."

Ye Mao was not polite. He immediately sat down and picked up a leg of lamb to chew on. He was really hungry.

Yang Yulin gave him half a bowl of wine, and they also developed the habit of drinking from the small coarse porcelain bowls used by herdsmen. When they drink it down in one gulp, they are much more domineering than wine glasses.

Ye Mao looked at the wine bowl with disgust and complained: "Grandpa Yang, how stingy are you to only serve half a bowl of wine?"

Old Zhao scolded: "You haven't even grown hair yet, so it's cheap to give you a drink. When I was a correspondent, the chief only let me and Liang Shui!"

Ye Mao didn't argue with him, he picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp, then picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth, chewing it squeakingly.

Zhao Ling'er came out to deliver food to the two old men and found Ye Mao who was eating with gusto and the empty wine bowl in front of him. Her eyes suddenly widened: "Go inside and eat!"

Ye Mao shook his head in disgust: "There are so many people and I can't eat it. I'd better accompany my two grandpas."

At this time, Yang San walked out of the house and became happy when he saw Ye Mao: "Brother Mao, I will accompany you to eat out."

Zhao Ling'er glared at the two people helplessly and went back to get the food.

Yang San glanced at the empty wine bowls held by Ye Mao and Qin with greedy eyes, then looked at Yang Yulin and Lao Zhao, and complained: "Grandpa, grandpa, you must treat everyone equally and not discriminate!"

Lao Zhao laughed with a "pop" sound, picked up the wine bottle and poured half a bowl. Yang San glanced at the door and found no one, so he drank it all in one gulp.

Among the twelve sons of Yang Geyong, Yang Da and Yang San were the most outstanding, and their skin color was lighter. They were the two most popular among the family.

However, the two people have very different personalities. Yang Da is a simple and honest person, has a better view of the overall situation, has high prestige among his brothers, and is relatively popular.

Yang San, on the other hand, is more out-of-the-box, smart and sweet-tongued. His studies and kung fu left him far behind the other brothers.

According to Zhao Ling'er: "If it weren't for being a lighter, this Yang San would definitely be the kind of person who would have been promoted to Tsinghua University."

It's just that Lighter can't wait any longer. Although these children are still young, they are already considered adults at this age in Marseille. People there have short life spans, and children have to shoulder the burden of life early.

Although Maasai is now a developed country in Africa, like most countries in Africa, they can get married at the age of twelve or thirteen, let alone work.

These children are now fourteen years old, only two years younger than Ye Mao. They entered the Military Reclamation Technical School directly after graduating from elementary school, and they will all graduate in another year.

According to Lighter's wishes, they were brought back to China last year and assigned to various positions. But in the end, Zhao Ling'er resolutely stopped her. It's not because of their age, but because she feels that the children's knowledge reserve is not enough.

To this end, she specially invited several political economics professors from the Military Reclamation University and began tutoring them individually during extracurricular time.

Originally, according to her intention, all these children should go back to college after finishing college, but they were in a hurry, so they could only encourage them.

Junken Technical School mainly teaches the operation and maintenance of mechanical equipment, and after these children return to China, Lighter will definitely not use them as technical workers. Therefore, Zhao Ling'er can only find ways to systematically cultivate their management capabilities, political wisdom, and overall situation. The observation is grasped.

To be honest, Zhao Ling'er didn't want to let them go. After all, they were Yang Geyong's flesh and blood. How could we not have feelings after being together for so many years?

Moreover, these children may have left their mothers since they were young. Yang Geyong's father is not very reliable, so he is very attached to Zhao Ling'er and the four elderly people.

Zhao Ling'er was a little worried. The day these children left, would the old people chase them to Marseille?

Yang Wei has grown up and doesn't like to talk to his mother. Now he simply doesn't go home. His daughter Yang Xu is spoiled by the four old people all day long. She is not close to her mother at all, mainly Zhao Ling. I don't like her.

But for these little black kids, Zhao Ling'er occasionally got angry and refused to leave even after being beaten and scolded. Instead, they coaxed her away from being angry. How could she not like such a child?

In fact, Zhao Ling'er had the impulse countless times to change the nationality of these children and let them live in Junchen City. But Yang Geyong scolded him every time.

According to Yang Geyong, everyone has their own mission. Even if you give them life, you have no right to change their destiny.

In fact, some of the children in Lighter also lived in the military reclamation for a period of time, but they all left soon after they could not stay, mainly because they could not adapt.

Coupled with the constant crying of his wives, Lighter stopped thinking about raising these children. On the other hand, the other children who came with the Yang brothers have stayed and are living very well in Junken City.

Now Lighter has set a deadline for the children, that is, when the children are fifteen years old, they must go back to work, because there is a lack of talents there, so Zhao Ling'er began to work hard to open a small stove for the children, as much as possible Instill more knowledge into their minds.

In fact, Lighter's biggest headache right now is the supervision of those remaining officials. It is definitely not realistic to replace them all. There are too many, and he can't find a pair of people who can replace them.

The most effective method is to use appropriate regulatory methods and talents to get rid of a group of people who are relatively angry and quickly improve the atmosphere.

But there are really not many people available for Lighter at the moment. You can’t hire a group of international students to fill your management team, right? That would be a joke. There are very few foreigners in the systems of various countries. This is an iron rule.

Therefore, these children have become the hope of Lighter. Lighter believes that as long as they are given time, these children will definitely become the future of Marseille.

He had faith not in the children, but in the people of that city. How much have the people there done for Marseille? People all know that without them, this country would not be as prosperous as it is today.

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