Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2004 Graduation Season

But this Yang San is also his brother after all. Ye Mao felt that he had to be responsible for him, so he suppressed his temper and asked patiently: "What do you like about her?"

"It's so exciting. It's great everywhere. A woman like this can give birth to children and can do anything at home!" Yang San answered without hesitation. It seems that this family has considered it countless times.

Ye Mao thought about Feifei's two huge mountain peaks and the balloon-like back seat. Well, he wouldn't argue with this. It was indeed big everywhere.

It seems that although Yang San grew up in Junken City, his aesthetics are still influenced by Marseille City, and he regards bigness as beauty.

Since everyone has considered it very maturely, Ye Mao stopped saying anything. After thinking about it, he asked: "Are you worried that your family will not agree with her going to Marseille because you are young?"

Yang San nodded: "Brother, I feel bad if I can't see her for a day. If I just go back like this, when will we see you again? I will die!"

"Get out!" Ye Mao felt sick. A little kid said such disgusting words, which made his stomach churn. He couldn't stand it. Are all children today so precocious?

Yang San looked pitiful: "Brother, only you can help me. Our fathers started falling in love at a certain age. I am already a late bloomer."

Ye Mao nodded helplessly: "Okay, I'll think of a way."

Africans develop early. Although Yang San is Yang Geyong's species, there is no genetic mutation. He is already as big and round as a strong man, which looks suitable for Yu Feifei. After all, it’s a bit difficult to find such a figure at this age.

Seeing Ye Mao agree to help, Yang San finally felt at ease.在这里他是找不到帮手的,虽然两个爷爷和奶奶都疼他,但是在军垦城早早娶媳妇这种事,除了挨揍不会有任何别的结果。

Although Yu Feifei is two years older than him, there is no difference to the people here, they are both still young.

Back at school, Ye Mao called Malu and Wei Jiang together and told them about the matter, asking them to help come up with ideas. Malu did not hesitate:

"What's the point of discussing this? Just take it with you when you go back. It must be a chartered flight. Isn't it easy to hide someone?"

Ye Mao kicked him on the butt and told him to squat down to reflect and let Wei Jiang express his opinion.

Wei Jiang scratched his head and thought for a long time, and finally squatted down side by side with Ma Lu consciously. This guy's head was smaller than Ma Lu's string. If he was asked to think, he might as well be punished.

It's almost summer vacation again, and Ye Mao and the others will be promoted to the Military Reclamation Technical School when school starts again. Ye Mao was looking forward to this matter.

There is a saying in Junken City that only those who have entered a technical school can be considered a real person from Junken City, because all the students here will definitely be assigned.

In today's Junken City, only technical school students can become skilled workers. Those recruited through other channels can basically only drive screws on the assembly line.

Moreover, the overseas branches of various companies are almost all graduates of technical schools and military reclamation universities. It is difficult for ordinary employees to have this opportunity.

Ye Qianqian and the others have also graduated this year. In addition to going to corporate R\u0026D departments, they also have to go to government departments, but mainly to other places.

This is something that makes the leadership team of Junken City very helpless, that is, every graduation season, recruiters from all over the country will come one after another. The students of Junken University are like a big piece of cake, and whoever takes them away will be reused as talents.

However, it is not easy for companies to recruit people. After all, Junken City has its advantages here. How many companies can compare with Junken City?

However, local government departments are different. Young people have great ambitions and their aspirations are as high as the sky. A considerable number of students feel that the military reclamation city has already taken shape and the place is still small, so they cannot display their talents at all.

Therefore, civil servants have become a popular job. However, at that time, young people did not take the civil service examination for an iron job, but sincerely wanted to make a career. No one could stop this.

The places they go to are also different. Some like to go to developed coastal cities, while some have to go to remote and backward areas. Anyway, they are all passionate.

How could Junken City not feel distressed when the talents he had spent so much effort cultivating were lost at the most critical moment?

But there's nothing anyone can do about this. We can't just tie up all the children and force them to work, right? In the end, I had no choice but to do it.

However, Yu Guilan, who is the director of finance, came up with an idea, that is, graduates of Junken University who are willing to stay and work locally will be given subsidies when buying a house.

This trick really worked, and it did retain some people. But those with great ambitions left without hesitation. As for whether I can realize my ideals if I go elsewhere, that's not known.

Because Ye Qianqian is a liberal arts student, she will naturally be assigned to the city government. However, Ye Qianqian does not seem to be planning to find a job in Junchen City. Zheng Lanzhi even had a dispute with her daughter about this. When her daughter expressed her dilemma, Zheng Lanzhi ignored it. .

There is no way, as children grow up, they all have their own considerations and plans. Ye Qianqian is not a very career-minded person.

Yang Wei is now developing in the capital, so she naturally wants to follow him. Although Yang Wei is a nice guy, he has poor self-control. Because of Wang Luodan, the relationship between the two people has now been broken, and they have almost lost contact with a young boy like Batu. She really didn't dare think about what would happen if another woman appeared again?

Therefore, instead of living separately for work, Ye Qianwen felt that it was better to stay together. After all, Yang Wei's career is developing very well now and he needs help.

It is only natural for a top student like her, majoring in administration at Junken University, to go to Zizi Company.

Therefore, after receiving her diploma, Ye Qianqian went to the capital and joined Zizi Company. Her current position is assistant to the president.

Liu Junken finally returned to the capital on the eve of graduation. A group of people were surprised when they saw him. He had lost weight, and his skin had turned bronze and became much rougher.

However, this makes him look much more masculine, and he looks calmer.

Because of the high praise of the internship unit and Liu Junken's graduation exam scores, coupled with some external factors, Liu Junken's allocation problem has become a foregone conclusion, and the position has been determined. When he returns, he will be the boatswain.

He actually came back to get his graduation certificate and his own files.

The meeting with Song Danning was in a coffee shop. This time Song Danning did not go to the school to find him as soon as she knew he came to the capital.

After nearly a year of separation, Song Danning's personality has also changed a lot. If she was a typical princess before, she is now a calm and intellectual woman.

She has also decided where she will go, which is to work in Junken City, and the unit she chose is the Public Security Bureau.

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