Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1984 There is a long way to go

Amati was confused by what she was saying and scolded angrily: "You are talking human language."

Wang Lecheng raised his voice and said: "Can't you see how exhausted Xiao Wang is? If you do this to her again, I will take her back? The Corps is her natal family!"

Only then did Amati understand what Wang Lecheng was talking about. She scratched her head and said helplessly: "I have tried my best to reduce her burden, but there are many things that cannot be done without her. Just give her some time and get through this period."

Wang Lecheng glared at him fiercely: "Old guy, and that Ayi Jiang, she is also from our Corps. If you don't know how to use it, let her come back quickly."

Aimaiti's eyes immediately opened wider than Wang Lecheng's: "Do you know what her name is? Her name is Ayijiang. She is a native of our northern Xinjiang people. Are there any people in your Corps with such a name?"

Wang Lecheng was too lazy to pay attention to him and turned away: "Check the household registration yourself and see where her parents are?"

Aimaiti looked dismissively: "That's because you robbed people, robbers!"

The two men went their separate ways and went in opposite directions. But I feel in my heart that this street is getting more and more beautiful!

Wang Shuqin was modifying the file. Ayi Jiang sat aside and reported a piece of data from time to time, which made Wang Shuqin modify quickly. After a while, Zhang Qianjin came in with a stack of data:

"Aunt Wang, the information on the land conditions in Tacheng and Yining is here."

Wang Shuqin raised her head, glanced at the two people happily, and said with emotion: "I really don't know what I would do without you?"

Ayi Jiang complimented with a smile: "We, Aunt Wang, are invincible and domineering. Without our ties, we will rush faster!"

Wang Shuqin patted her on the head angrily: "The more you learn, the poorer you become. Stay away from this kid in the future."

Zhang Qianjin looked nervous: "Aunt Wang, you can't do such a thing that separates a family's wife and children!"

Ayi Jiang's face turned red and he said, "Shameless, where did you get your wife and son?"

Zhang Qianjin glanced at Ayi Jiang's belly with a sly look: "It will happen, it will happen soon."

Seeing the two young people playing around, Wang Shuqin couldn't help but laugh. To be honest, with them, Wang Shuqin's work efficiency has improved a lot.

Although Ayijiang is not as capable as Ye Yuji, that is just a personality problem, and his ability is actually not bad. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience accumulated during his time working at the National Development and Reform Commission, and many things can be said casually. This saves Wang Shuqin the trouble of looking up a lot of information.

Although Zhang Qianjin is still an intern, Wang Shuqin discovered an advantage of him, that is, as long as she expresses her meaning clearly, Zhang Jianshe can quickly find what she needs. This guy is a standard secretary candidate!

Her current secretary was assigned to her after she was transferred to the provincial capital, and it was a bit difficult to use. As a leader, if you don't have a suitable secretary, your work will be very tiring.

"Go forward, can you be my secretary after graduation? It will save you two separate lives."

Zhang Qianjin nodded hurriedly: "Aunt Wang, you can't do it without me, and I didn't plan to go anywhere else." Zhang Qianjin quickly agreed, how could he let this opportunity pass?

"It's like brown candy, you can't shake it off if it sticks to it." Ayi Jiang scorned it and expressed his disgust.

Watching the two young people bickering, Wang Shuqin was a little distracted for a moment, as if she saw herself when she was a student, and saw Ye Yuze at that time. However, Ye Yuze was very cold when he was in school and didn't have much contact with people in the class.

It was only during graduation, when he took his class to the beach, that she saw the man in high spirits. Just in a blink of an eye, more than 20 years have disappeared. I miss that time so much. If it were to happen again, Wang Shuqin would definitely not be as reserved as she is now.

Regarding the following real estate reform, Wang Shuqin decided to start two pilot projects, namely Tacheng and Yining, which are adjacent to Junken City. Northern Xinjiang is a huge place. Although they are adjacent to each other, they are still hundreds of kilometers away from each other.

The reason why we chose these two places is that they are both ports, the economy is relatively developed, and the people's desire to improve their housing conditions must be stronger.

Moreover, Wang Shuqin plans to plan the agriculture and animal husbandry in these two places together. Although nomadic herding is a living habit developed by people in northern Xinjiang for generations, it also has many disadvantages. The ability to resist risks is low. Once extreme weather occurs, all suffer losses.

Such as heavy snow, severe cold, and storm. Each time, the agriculture and animal husbandry industry will suffer huge losses. And these losses are ultimately borne by the people themselves.

In fact, there is no way to solve these problems, but it only costs money. In addition, people are used to this kind of life and do not want to make changes.

At present, Wang Shuqin is working hard to complete the real estate planning for the entire northern Xinjiang, and then rush to the local area. Start the agricultural and animal husbandry improvement plan that you have been thinking about.

Kevin went to find Mei Ting for breakfast in the morning, but she was so busy that she had no time to pay attention to him, which made Kevin very frustrated.

Despondently, he drove to Huang Yongsheng's haggis soup stall and paid for it. Yuan Gungun brought a large bowl of soup over without him saying a word, while Huang Yongsheng stared at the two people with vigilance.

He is already married to Yuan Gungun. The two of them have nothing to do, and Yuan Gungun doesn't care about these things. Americans still respect love and don't care much about formal things.

Seeing her ex-husband's dejected state, Yuan Gungun was still very worried. Although Kevin's ruthlessness once hurt her, but the love is gone, what can be done? Yuan Gungun doesn’t blame him. What's more, all the family wealth was taken away by her.

"Hey, honey, haven't you settled on that woman yet?" Yuan Gungun asked. She still had feelings for Kevin, after all, they had lived together for so many years.

Kevin shook his head: "She is too busy and has no time to fall in love with me." Kevin couldn't help but complain.

"My dear, don't blame me for not warning you. This woman definitely doesn't love you. A woman in love will treat her boyfriend as God. There is only one reason for a woman who has no time to spend with you. You know."

Yuan Gungun speaks with sincerity and sincerity, just like a mother treats her son.

Kevin glanced at his former wife, she was even fatter, but something seemed wrong. He took another careful look, and then his eyes widened instantly.

"Damn, are you pregnant?"

Yuan Gungun nodded proudly and pushed his fat belly forward: "How about it, Lao Huang is better than you, right?"

Kevin took a step forward and wanted to pick up Yuanyuan and spin him around, but he couldn't.

At this time, Huang Yongsheng hurriedly came over to protect his wife and warned: "She is my wife, you can't hug her casually, only I can hug her, do you understand?"

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