Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1983 Housing Reform

For every level of government, the housing problem is a heavy burden that makes them breathless. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the population has increased several times, but urban housing construction has lagged far behind the population growth rate.

Therefore, it is common for three generations to live under one roof in a small space. Although the situation in northern Xinjiang is better than that in the mainland, the situation is similar. Now that a broad road suddenly appears in front of us, how could Aimaiti not be ecstatic?

Now, Wang Shuqin is like a treasure in his heart, and he expects this girl to create even greater miracles for him.

In several Standing Committee meetings, he supported Wang Shuqin so that she could better display her abilities and not be hindered by other factors. In this new year, he hoped that the entire northern Xinjiang would undergo earth-shaking changes.

The reform of the housing system, under the leadership of Wang Shuqin, has begun to take shape. After several more discussions, it can be issued to all levels of government.

Although Amity was more anxious about this matter than anyone else, he also understood that this matter must be done with caution. Especially when developers deal directly with the government, it is inevitable that some unwanted things will arise.

Although, he understands better than anyone else that many things cannot be avoided. After all, uncomfortable things happen in any age. We can only make the rules and regulations as detailed as possible and eliminate them as much as possible.

Unknowingly, he came to the corps station again. Now the boundaries between the corps and the local area are becoming increasingly unclear, because with the increase in population, the original dividing line has been filled by newly added buildings.

Wang Shuqin has been feeling a little anxious recently. She has always lived a relatively simple life. Because there are no family ties, all my thoughts are spent on work. As for her feelings, they have already been buried deep in her heart.

In fact, she has experienced all the problems that are likely to arise in real estate development, so when formulating rules and regulations, she has targeted them to avoid them.

The construction of a city must be planned rationally. While it is beautiful, the cost and practicality must be taken into consideration. Therefore, planning and design is not a simple drawing, but a three-dimensional animation that protects people's livelihood and future development.

Especially for remote provinces like theirs, because of their geographical and demographic particularities, it is even more important to pay attention to all aspects of their demands. These things are like a mountain, weighing on Wang Shuqin's weak shoulders.

There are also some loopholes in the system. Although they have not yet appeared, they will definitely appear in the future.

The provincial capital currently occupies a large area due to geographical reasons, but they are basically bungalows. Therefore, once converted into buildings, the space utilization will be greatly improved.

Although there is no shortage of land in northern Xinjiang, with population growth and economic development, who can guarantee that there will be no shortage of land?

Land is a necessity for human survival. No matter how the times develop, food is also a necessity, because no matter how advanced the technology is, you will starve to death if you don't eat.

As leaders and city planners, we must take these factors into consideration in advance. Don't cause irreparable trouble to future generations because of your ignorance and blindness.

In this regard, Wang Shuqin is most grateful to Ye Yuze. This guy seems to have precognitive judgments about the future, so his design concepts are always very advanced.

Because of Ye Yuze, Junken City prevented many things from happening from the early days. Another point is that land sales must go through the land department.

This is very simple to implement in the Corps, because the land is state-owned, and even the housing is built by the unit, so even if it is taken back for free, there will be no big disturbance.

But it is different in local areas, especially in urban villages, as well as the land owned by units or towns in the city. In principle, it is owned by individuals or collectives. It is more difficult for the land supervision department to supervise these lands.

Because houses and land passed down from generation to generation are commonly transferred privately. Although the country has issued some laws on these matters in the past, the implementation below has been perfunctory.

In fact, if these things do not involve the current real estate development, they will not have any big impact. But once developed, disadvantages emerge.

For example, if you want to buy real estate, you must give someone a real estate certificate. However, if you have not gone through the approval procedures of the land supervision department and have not paid any fees, the housing management department will naturally not be able to issue you a real estate certificate.

Because the land in our country is state-owned, the housing management bureau must see the legal procedures of the land department before allowing you to build a house. Houses built privately are naturally illegal, and they will certainly not give you a real estate certificate.

In order to avoid future disputes and protect national property from loss, Wang Shuqin made the prevention of land loss a top priority and emphasized it in every meeting.

However, the situation varies from place to place, so when it comes to implementation at the grassroots level, there will definitely be various complicated situations. Therefore, Wang Shuqin is working hard to come up with a one-size-fits-all policy to completely prevent this kind of thing from happening.

After all, before any system is implemented, both the national interests and the interests of the people must be considered. After all, you are both a government employee and a public servant of the people.

Because her brain is running at high speed every day, Wang Shuqin is very tired and only leaves herself a few hours of sleep time every day, but even in her dreams, she is thinking about these things. The whole person lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The first person to notice this was Wang Lecheng. After all, Wang Shuqin was also a cadre of the Corps and had spent a long time with Wang Lecheng.

However, he has no good solution. With decades of political experience, he understands better than anyone else that if he wants to do practical things, he has to go step by step in a down-to-earth manner.

So, at this moment, he was walking on the street, and his mind was filled with the planning issues of the entire provincial capital. Although he didn't have to worry about it at all, because Wang Shuqin was in charge of it, how could he not worry about it?

The Corps is better planned. All buildings are built like barracks and can be demolished at any time if necessary.

But things are different over there. After all, it is also a city with history. Many buildings with style and commemorative significance must be preserved. If a city only has brand-new high-rise buildings left, it is not a merit; kind of ignorance.

The history of the city is the history of mankind, recording the stories that happened here in each period, and what carries these is not the information in the library, but the buildings of the city. That is the living history!

Today he walked across from Aimaiti again, and complained angrily: "You treat people like horsemen, so you have to give them some food, right?"

After the fifteenth day, this year is completely over. Everyone has put on the reins and is ready to grind. This is the life of adults, for the sake of their children and the elderly, but without themselves.

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